Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Mini Post

A mini post - what in the world is that?  I think it means I'm going to write a little, but not a lot.  Of course quite often I think that and when I get started I'm still talking/writing an hour later.

The weather in Arkansas has been completely insane for a couple of weeks.  We had rain and we had snow and we had 70 degree days that fooled the forsythia and japonica into thinking they should open up a few buds.  But the crazy days have produced the most amazing sunsets!

Sometimes I just stare in total amazement.

I'm stitching....only in the evenings when things get quiet.  But at least I'm stitching.  I finished this piece by Scattered Seed Samplers last week.  I think she intended it to be a pinkeep but it's much larger than I picture that way.  However, I have fallen totally in love with it.

In the book of Matthew there are multiple places where Jesus tells us not to worry about anything, not even about what we will eat.  He reminds us how valuable we are to our Father - that He cares for the sparrows and we are worth far more than them.  As I was stitching I was reminded of this lesson and found comfort in that thought.  So this became my Sparrow Pinkeep - a gentle reminder that worry is pointless.  And since I'm the queen of worry I'm going to love having this nearby.

I hope you're having a worry-free weekend!


gpc said...

What a beautiful pattern! I love it, too. :)

Loniel said...

The sunset is stunning! Here the weather is also mad - sometimes -15, next day +3.
Your stitching is lovely as always!
Warm greetings from Russia (here is +3 again)

Mary said...

Thank you for the reminder about worry being pointless. I love the way your needlework project turned out.

Sparky said...

this so pretty and dainty. love the mini x

Vickie said...

Lovely. I can be the Queen of Worry myself. What a great reminder.

Anna said...

I so needed to here your thoughts, thank you. Is that Rick rack on the edging?

Mary said...

Marlene your pinkeep is beautiful. What a lovely reminder to not worry. I love the added hearts around the edge. The birds at the nest are so delicate.
Job well done.

Инна said...

Очаровательные птички!

Gail said...

What a beautiful piece.

Lois Evensen said...

How very pretty! Lovely words and work.

Catherine said...

Your stitching is beautiful. We`re getting snow again tomorrow. I think there is one snow plow in a 60 mile radius. Love the desert!

allthingzsewn said...

Beautiful little pin keep and what a great personal reminder
of God's keeping you under his wing, That would be killing two birds with one stone.

Robin in Virginia said...

I really like your bird pin keep. Since our snow storm of last weekend, we have seen progressively warmer temps. Today, it is nearing the upper 60s. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Gabriella Pirola said...

Un lavoro stupendo come le tue parole, mettono serenità, un abbraccio, Gabry

Lesley said...

Beautiful pinkeep!

Barb said...

What a lovely pin keep. I have the same worrying issues. That's why I stitched "This is the day the Lord has made..." I keep it where I look at it everyday and try hard to live by it.

Needled Mom said...

That is beautiful! I need to keep that in mind too.

Brigitte said...

Very beautiful, your Sparrow Pinkeep. I love the finishing very much.

ChitterChatterDesigns said...

It is such a pretty piece Marlene.....and a great reminder that worry is pointless. Hope you have a beautiful week.

MartinaM said...

I love the finishing of your Pinkeep.
Greetings, Martina

Julie Fukuda said...

That is a charming piece of needlework and I certainly like the sentiment that goes with it.
Maybe I need to make one of those to remind me.

krislovesfabric said...

Love your beauty of an eye on the sparrow piece, almost lures me to cross stitch again, but no... I must stay the course and finish more ufos!

Carol said...

What a beautifully finished piece, Marlene! And your sunset photo is breathtaking :)

Cindy said...

Aw, is this called Happy Hearts Rejoice pattern? did you purchase a kit or did you just have the supplies? I love the little triangles around the edge, that just MAKES it. BEAUTIFUL work

Cindy said...

I LOVE this beautiful piece and beautiful thought. What nice work you have done, is this pattern called Happy Hearts Rejoice? did you purchase a kit or did you just have the supplies. I can't tell what the pin is but this is a beautiful reminder, both the thought and the picture of the family of birds feeding their young. Yes,God provides, we just need to remember so what a great way to do that.

Gabri millecrocette said...

Also if the weather is not good in good at your home...and lovely time you spend in cross stitch...lovely work!!Have happy week end

Tracy P. said...

I wouldn't have guessed you were a worrier, Marlene! Love this beautiful little pillow.

Lynn said...

Love this pretty pinkeep!

Monica said...

A sweet project, and a timely reminder about worry, too! The view at my lake is a little different than yours right now!

Gmama Jane said...

Beautiful stitching as well as beautiful sentiment!! Wise words my friend...I too tend to worry but I am giving it over to God more than ever. I am beginning to understand my TOTAL lack of control over how others act and react.

Love and Hugs