Saturday, August 25, 2012

That Darn Foot Pedal!

Does anyone else have a problem with their sewing machine foot pedal traveling?  I've tried everything I can think of....putting a piece of carpet under it, putting that rubber-like shelf liner under it, a specially made plastic holder, and I even tried spraying adhesive on it, but that darn foot pedal won't stay in place.  Don't try the adhesive by the way - it works but it gums up the pedal and you have to take it all apart and clean it to get it to work again.  :)  Surely somebody out there has a solution to this problem...please tell us!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Little More Work On My Sewing Room

Last week I showed you a picture of the pegboard my husband put up for me.  I loved it but decided after seeing a friend's that I'd rather have it white.  It just looked so clean and bright and I knew it would help reflect light, which I badly need in that room.  So he took it down and painted it for me - and I love it!

Today I worked on what is now my cutting area.  I'm going to change that a bit later and move the cutting area to the new table, which I haven't bought yet but I got great advice from so many of you in my last post that I'll be choosing it soon.
I'm still working on this area but it's close to getting where I want it to be.  Under the radio I have printable things like fabric sheets for making labels and Transfer Eze for embroidery projects on the bottom shelf.  In the middle I have foundation piecing papers and graph paper.  On the right are my favorite quilt books - the rest are either in a file cabinet to the left of this cabinet or on my coffee table in my living room or beside my quilting chair or near my chair in the sun room - are ya'll like that...quilt books everywhere?  :)  Most of the wire gym baskets as well as the plastic bins hold a UFO ( or two).  I know.  I'm embarrassed. But I am working on them, slowly but surely.  I plan to empty them all - one of these days.  When I move my cutting area I'll have room there to put my light box - I use it a lot for embroidery tracing.  The cords are a problem.  I have to have those lights under the shelves so I can see there.  Any suggestions for how to hide them?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Looking For Advice

I need a new table for cutting.  I'm considering this one from JoAnn's.  Does anyone have this and if so how do you like it?
I want one on rollers and I like the idea that this folds up.  But here's another caveat...I have an ironing board that is made from a hollow core door and I love the size of it.  It's "portable" meaning that I can lay it on top of the table to iron and then take it off when I want to cut.  I'm not sure what the top surface of this table is made of.  The frame is metal, but it doesn't say what the top is so I'm guessing fiberboard.

This table is 34 1/2" high - would that be a comfortable height?  I found another one exactly like it that is 36" high.  I'm 5'4" by the way.

Does anyone have a cutting table they love that isn't horribly expensive?

Monday, August 13, 2012


I'm not sure where these two came from today, but they sure were noisy!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Great Minds Think Alike!

In my last post I showed you a peg board my husband put up for me  the other day.  Remember this?

I have this good friend who did the same thing the next day....and no, we hadn't talked about it!

Can you guess who this one belongs to?  You all know her - she has a wonderful blog here.  :)  I love that she painted hers white - I think I'm going to copy her and paint mine too!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

No Wasted Space

I'm starting the process of reworking my sewing room.  Since I've gone back to work it will be a slow process but I'll get there, one bit at a time.  This week my husband hung some pegboard on a wall that is behind the door going into that's been completely wasted space until now.  Just look at how awesome this is!

And speaking of work....we were speaking of it weren't we?  :)  I'm working long hours and, just for this week and next, weekends too.  But I'm having so much fun!  I'd forgotten how challenging it is to get school started.  The people at this school are so warm and friendly and welcoming, and just glad that I'm there.  It's so uplifting that the hours fly by.  How cool is that!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Life Changes...And Changes Again

On Friday we left the mission where we've volunteered for the last two months.
We've volunteered there three summers as well as making week long trips with our church a couple of times.  But time marches on, we've gotten a bit older, and we've decide that we need to switch the months we work and come when it's a bit cooler.  Since my husband works outside all day this move is one that needs to happen.

We got back home to the same heat but at least he won't be outside all day.  And the view off our deck makes us feel cooler, even if we aren't!

I retired from the school business in 2003 - I can't believe it's been that long!  But next week I'm going back to work.  I have a lifetime teaching license but didn't really expect to ever use it.  There's a small school district near my home that needs a high school counselor for the first semester.  When they called to ask me about it my first reaction was "no way!"  But the more I thought about it and the  more I prayed about it I knew this was one of those times when God has plans that He made without consulting me.  :)  I'm already excited about working with kids again and knowing that it will just be until Christmas probably makes that even better.  I was a school counselor for many years but that was a long time ago...I just hope that I won't have too many "senior moments" and that my past knowledge will be remembered when it's needed.  Anyway, it's back to school for me!

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On a similar note I want to say to those of you who still have word verification on your blog...I apologize for leaving fewer comments.  That new number thing that Google has added gets darker and fuzzier every day and I just can't read it good enough to get it typed in.  I know my eyes aren't the best but I don't think that's the problem - I think they're deliberately making it difficult to read to discourage spammers.  I'm still reading.  But if I don't get it in one try, I don't try again to comment.  Anybody else having that problem?