Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Ornament Exchange

Merry Christmas!!

It's definitely Christmas inside my house....but outside it's a different picture.

It's been so warm here that I saw forsythia blooming yesterday and the Bradford Pear Trees have buds on them.  When the cold weather finally hits they're going to be so confused!

Joan over at Moostash Quilting was my swap partner and we shared a few laughs over gifts and getting things mailed - mostly because I was almost, but not quite, late in mailing mine.  :)

Joan sent me this adorable sewing machine ornament.  How could I possibly get one I'd love more?  I couldn't!

Isn't it gorgeous?  And so perfect with that red thread for this time of the year!  But that's not all - she also made me this adorable Scottie mini quilt....

And that's not the last of her gifts - she also sent chocolate.  I can't seem to find that chocolate anywhere to take a picture - it's disappeared!

We had so much fun exchanging ornaments - if you didn't join in please consider it for next year!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's Official!

We must be officially old....we went out for dinner last night at a local establishment where they don't take reservations.  The wait was only about 10 minutes we were told, despite the long line snaking out the front door and onto the veranda.  There was a bench where a young couple were sitting and when they saw us standing they immediately rose and told us to take their seats.  We protested - we were fine, really.  They wouldn't take no for an answer.  Isn't that just the nicest thing?  Perfect for this season of love.  But really, that kind of made it official.  We're old.

Friday, December 11, 2015

One Month!

I haven't written a post for a month...a whole month!  That's the longest I've gone since I started blogging in April of 2008.  And I don't even know what I've done for the last month, but here are a few highlights of things that have happened.

Back in early November my son ran his first half marathon (and came in first in his age class!) and my granddaughter ran her first 10K.  I'm so proud of both of them!  And I wish I had started running when I was her age because my body says, "no, not now!"

My grandson took a dive off a monkey bar when he was trying to sneak up to the front of the line - not really a suitable punishment I don't think - and had 5 staples put in his head, was a real trooper through his first CT scan, and was back to acting like a crazy monkey as soon as the pain med began to work!

I went shopping for a new chair and came home with one that I'm reserving judgement on - I didn't go looking for a recliner at all but this is what happened.

While shopping I ran across this Grinch sweater - anybody out there love The Grinch?

I started my Christmas decorating and rediscovered this little apron for the fireplace broom.  It was made at least 30 years ago by a dear friend who passed away a long time ago.  I treasure it.

And a sweet friend (from my high school "sisters") sent me three new violets.  Today was repotting day.

I'm working on Eighth Day of Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days of Christmas so I'm a bit behind but that's okay....I still have time to finish.  I think.  And I've been shopping 3 times.  Three!  I hate shopping because I always see things I would love to have for myself and don't need at all...such a temptation.  :)