Saturday, April 26, 2008

Quilting Precision....Or Not

Wow! I figured out how to add a picture to my blog! And of course the one I added was my very first blue ribbon won at my local Guild Quilt Show last September. This redwork quilt was so much fun to do and turned out great. These blocks all have a quilting theme and were small enough to be pretty fast to work. I know there are a lot of folks who like entering quilt shows but not me.....I do it because my friends in guild expect it but I feel so intimidated. I quilt for my pleasure and my points can float or get cut off, my seams can miss the mark by a quarter inch (or, truth be told, even more) and I don't really care. I love the feel of the fabric, the process itself, the colors in relationship with each other. In other words, I'm not precise but, when in the mood, I can be prolific. And since I like to give quilts away I choose prolific over precise every time.

Camille at Thimble Blossoms is giving away a quilt! Since I can't figure out yet how to put her blog address on here you'll just have to search for it. But it's darn sure worth it cause it's a great quilt. You can try this but I don't guarantee it (trust me, when it comes to computer stuff I can't guarantee anything) - do a Google search for Camille Roskelley. I think you'll find her there.

Hallmark Channel is showing the Jeanette Oake movie series (Love Comes Softly, ...) today. I don't watch much television but I do love these movies. They make me laugh and cry and remind me of the blessings of family. I've got three great kids (they're all adults but it would sound pretty silly to say I've got three great adults). They are all responsible, contributing members of society who teach high school kids and love what they do. They are good parents and good people. I thank God every day for each one of them. When they get together they love to tell stories about things they did when they were kids that I didn't know about at the time. They think it's funny but from a mother's point of view they can be pretty darn scary. Of course, I remember doing the same thing to my Mom!

1 comment:

  1. This is fun! Maybe a little more about how incredible your oldest daughter is... ly, the rebel child
