Friday, June 13, 2008

Finished By Friday (Chapter 2)

This little quilt is called Baskets of Blessings. It's a pattern by Sherri K Falls and is one that, on the package, says Little Scraps from This and That. I used one of Moda's charm packs but I don't remember which one. I'm going to use it as a table topper....if I don't give it away. :)

Where's the rest of the stuff you say? Last week I had more than one, more than two things I finished so you're expecting more. I can understand that. But lest you've forgotten let me remind you. I went camping. With four children. For three nights. And four days. In a camper. By a lake. With bicycles. I survived. I did not quilt. I did not sleep. More later.


  1. Thank you for your visit today....I was just looking and reading your blog...I took several classes for quilting....I have great respect for quilters....very hard work.....sorry to say I have never finished a project....maybe I will dig them out and re-think them again. I'll be back to visit. Your work is beautiful...
    Mo :-)

  2. Oh how pretty Marlene ! I just love this little quilt :) I'm working on a mini right now, it's got a billion ittty bitty 1/2 inch squares in it LOL , I hope to have a pic of it on my blog in a couple of days.

  3. What a delightful lovely little project.

  4. I like this and the color choices, a lot! I have a This and That pattern that uses charms and I really liked usuing it. I want to hear all about surviving camping with G10! Get back to us soon.

  5. A beautiful quilt ! I can tell you are a great grandma too !

  6. I love your "Baskets of Blessings" quit!

    Looks like you & family had a fun time camping by the lake. Cute kids!
