Thursday, June 5, 2008

Front Porch Party

Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses is hosting a Front Porch party and you're invited! When you live on the lake whichever side of your house faces the lake is considered to be the front. So my deck is my front porch and I'm sharing some photos of my favorite parts. If you were swimming in the lake (don't you wish you were!) this would be the left side of my deck. The gazebo you see in the background is surrounded by azaleas and covered on one side by Carolina Jasmine. You should see it in the spring!

Except for 3 or 4 hours in the middle of the day my deck is shaded by the big old oak and sweet gum trees. In the late afternoons my husband and I like to sit here with a glass of iced tea or cold lemonade or the occasional glass of wine to talk over the day's events. Early in the morning the absolute best place ever to drink my chai latte and read the paper is at this little table. The two small trees beside the swing in the background are dogwoods. And yes, that's bamboo I have in pots beside the table. It screens our deck from the neighbors and creates a small shade of it's own.

Isn't this rosemary incredible? I have several herbs - rosemary, lavender, thyme, pineapple sage in the beds beside the deck and the scents are heavenly!

My favorite place to read a book is here in this lounge chair. I can see the lake, the boats meandering back and forth, and my lilies blooming under the tree, I can smell the herbs, and peace reigns.

I hope you enjoyed the party. I've got lemonade in the fridge and a good book I'll loan you if you want to spend a quiet afternoon with me.
Since this is Thankful Thursday I'll just add that today I'm thankful for blogging friends, quilting friends, church friends, old high school friends, neighborhood friends, and especially for daughter/daughter-in-law friends. I'm blessed with so many wonderful women in my life and each one is a treasure.


  1. Thanks for the front porch party invite, I enjoy every minute and could almost feel the breeze of the lake and the smell of the flowers. What a fun day on the lake.

  2. O.K. I'm officially struggling with jealousy today! :)

  3. What a wonderful space and view! Very peaceful...

  4. What a beautiful space! I love all the flowers! Just beautiful!

    Thank you so much for sharing!


  5. Your porch is really lovely. I'll take that glass of lemonade and a book right after my swim in the lake ;)

    Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing it with us :)

  6. Wow, what a gorgeous deck! I am so jealous that you live on a lake, how wonderful! :)

  7. Ahhh a deck with a lake view! What could be better! Beautiful spot to relax and take in the beauty of nature! Have a wonderful day!
    -Heather :)

  8. So relaxing and pretty! Thank you

  9. Your Place is so peaceful looking and so very pretty. I would love to relax in such a pleasant atmosphere!! Iced tea and a good book are all that I owul need to bring!

  10. I love your deck, what beauty you are surrounded by!! I want to come drink your lemonade and read a book there for sure :)

  11. How wonderful to live on the lake, and have such a beautiful porch. Everything looks so cool, refreshing and inviting.

    I just might take you up on that book.

  12. thanks for the lovely stroll through our must be so nice to have a house on the lake!
    xxxooo Ruth

  13. I enjoyed your sweet visit to my blog have an absolutely gorgeous place! I took a closer look at the lake and am just dying to pick up a cane pole with a cork and drop it off that dock in the distance. We lived in SC before moving to Fla...had lake home...miss those fishing days :) Blessings...Dee Dee

  14. Ooh! I would very much come and take swim in Your lake and sit on Your deck with a glass of lemonade!! Thanks for inviting me. Please come and visit me in Sweden!


  15. I'm totally jealous! Ah, the view is wonderful! Your porch is gorgeous too. Love it.


  16. Hello!

    How wonderful to have your front porch facing a lake! I am sure you have many days out there, never wanting to come in! Your yard and porch are beautiful!!! Loved my visit!

    Have a wonderful evening!


  17. Hi, Stitchin By The Lake, I looked all over for your name. My husband would like it very much to have our house on a lake. Your porch is wonderful. Have a Blessed Day, Bonnie

  18. What a lovely porch! Thank you so much for your prayers! I appreciate them.

    The Rustic Cottage

  19. What a gorgeous spot on earth to be blessed with. How peaceful and serene your front deck. The setting is very inviting and I can see mornings at that pretty table. Thank you for stopping by my porch party today. It is so nice to meet you. I have enjoyed my visit.
    la rea rose

  20. I love living on a river, but would just adore living on a lake like this! It's my dream to have a cottage on a lake. This looks like so much fun! Perfect place to have a refreshing drink!

  21. What a beautiful oasis. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  22. What a beautiful space!
    Kind regards

    Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
    From the Netherlands

  23. Beautiful deck and what a terrific view of the lake! Thanks for having me!
    Love, Ann

  24. Very lovely, and so nice to have the shade of that tree. I wish I was there!

  25. What a beautiful deck and such an amazing view. How wonderful. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.


  26. This is just absolutely devine. Thanks for taking the time to share.

  27. Oh, I want to live by a lake! Your 'porch' is so beautiful. Such a serene place to relax. When do you want me to arrive? ~Adrienne~

  28. What a pleasant time I had at your blog! I'd love to sit with you at the lake and chat a while!

  29. Hi
    I was so busy organizing the partythat I forgot to visit all the other porches. So here I am now! You live by a lake in a stone house! What a beautiful spot.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  30. What a beautiful place to sit and stitch. What a view. I had to enlarge pic to get a good look at that beautiful lake! Your lillies are beautiful, mine are just starting to open now. I love the scent of a stargazer lilly! Thank you for sharing your deck!
    Blessings! Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  31. What a nice deck you have and love your quilts! I like to read Jennifer Chiaverini too. I noticed
    that on your profile!
