Monday, June 23, 2008

A Whale's Gestation Period

We're in beautiful San Antonio this week; yes, believe it or not I'm on vacation with my son and wife and two granddaughters. I know you thought it would be forever before I spent time with grandchildren again after the camping trip experience, but you discounted the sheer tenacity of a grandmother. Today we went to Sea World. Sea World where it was 125 degrees in the shade, when I could find it. Sea World where if there weren't people everywhere I'd have tossed those two kids out of the stroller and ridden in it myself. Sea World where I spent $20 on a straw hat I should have bought at WalMart for $5 before I left home. A girl does what a girl has to do - can't have a sunburned nose for heaven's sake. The 2 year old faded about 2:00 and was pretty listless after that. After all she had been awakened at 6:30, hustled into some clothes and was out the door at 7:15. They bought some tour thing and had to be there at 8:00 for breakfast and meeting the animals up close and personal. My DH and I didn't get there until 11:00 - we sat in the condo after the kids left and just listened to the silence for a while. Did you know that whales carry their young for 15 months? Their calves weigh 20 or 30 pounds, depending on what kind of whale it is. And you thought pregnancy was hard! Learned all that today. I think the 2 year old's favorite thing might have been the dirt. She had a great time playing in the dirt around the trees as we sat on a wall waiting for shows to open up. The 7 year old's favorite thing at Sea World....the gift shops. She is a true shopper & can most certainly wear me out with it. I admit I'm not a good shopper but you'd think I could outlast a 7 year old. Au contraire!

Tomorrow we'll do the Alamo and the Children's Museum and maybe the Guiness Book of World Records Museum. Maybe we'll even get to the River Walk. There's a mall at the River Walk so the 7 year old will be in heaven. There's a Starbucks there, too. Sounds just like heaven to me.


  1. Marlene -- wow!! I am jealous! :) Enjoy your time in San Antonio. I am anxious to hear about your adventures!!!

  2. It all sounds so exhausting :)

    But, well worth the exhaustion I suppose.

  3. Oh, so hot! I used to live in Texas and know how it can be in the summer. I was to the Alamo once. San Antonio is a lovely city to visit, especially the Riverwalk. Stay cool!

  4. I can feel the heat right through the laptop screen-----so, so, so funny about your hat & hopeful ride in the stroller! I love, love your humor!

    Enjoy your remaining trip! The River Walk is quite beautiful.

  5. Thank the coffee gods for Starbucks!!.

  6. You are too funny for words :)

    It sounds like a great time. Have fun!

  7. Marlene, you keep us in stitches, because I for one can relate to everything you are saying. Have a wonderful time.

  8. Can you hear me laughing all the way in Texas? You are such a hoot! I just love your humorous way of describing your adventures with the grandkids. Hits so close to home every time. Have a wonderful time, Girlfriend.
