Friday, July 25, 2008

Finished by Friday - Hold On To Your Hats

Hold on to your hats girls because this week I have worked!

I've been working on an apron exchange on Booming Aprons . It was a Fall/Halloween themed exchange and my partner is Sarah at A Needle & Threads. This first apron is the one I made for her. I knew I wanted to do this cute witch, which is from an Art From The Heart book, but when I read a little about Sarah I found out she has two kids, Jackson 4 and Addie 1, so the two little ghosts peaking out of the pockets are for them. You can't see it here but the buttons look like spider webs!

Since I had the fabric, and when didn't I have the fabric? I decided I'd make myself a fall apron too. The expression on the jack-o-lantern's face is just like mine every time I have to cook! :)

I also participated in a Pay It Forward challenge. These are the two notebook covers I made and sent to Pam at Passionate Purple Quilter and Amy at All My Stuff. My daughter, Tammy, was my third participant and I haven't made hers yet (well I already made her one of these so now I have to think up something else), but she gets stuff all the time anyway so I can be a little slower on that!

And I made this purse! A few weeks ago I made one from 2 tea towels (the pattern was in the BH&G magazine) and really liked it. But I wanted one just a little bigger. I adapted the pattern some, which is so unlike me. I usually follow patterns to the T but I lengthened it, added pockets inside, used decorator fabric instead of tea towels and made straps instead of using wooden handles. It has 4 pockets outside and 4 pockets inside and it's perfect. Well not exactly perfect but good.


  1. Oh my gosh! I wish I had something to exchange with you. Do children count? These are priceless and so crafty. You go girl!

    I left a comment on Lelia's blog in regards to your comment. You now hold the official crafting/cleaning hero award. Who wouldn't love to be your grandkid?


  2. Love your projects! You have been busy!

  3. Hi Marlene,
    You go girl! My kids hate it when I say that.
    I love the witch apron and I can just see your face now while you are cooking.
    I thought the bag pattern was to small, I like the way you enlarged it.
    Doesn't it make you feel good to get all the sewing done you did this week (that's not including all the other chores cleaning and washing clothes and COOKING)

  4. Hey, SITStah!
    I found your blog via Calamity Jane and the Pay it Forward giveaway! I'm really enjoying reading what you have to say, especially your high road/low road post!
    I'll be back to learn more about sewing!

  5. Wow, you were BUSY! I am currently attempting to collect getting enough fabric to make some quilts this winter. I have in mind something with cats, a victorian-themed rose one and a victorian boot one, too! Boy, I am ambitious, ain't I? Lovely work! Much love - Raquel XO

  6. You are so talented! I love the notebook cover and the purse. What issue of BHG was the tea towel purse in. That sounds fun. Is there a pattern for the notebook cover somewhere or did you make it up? How about doing a tutorial on your blog?

  7. Wow! Could you please send me just a teensy bit of your get-up-and-go? Did the fairy of productivity take up residence at your house? Tell her to swing by my place next!

  8. Those aprons are absolutely amazing! I love Halloween. I'm so glad people are already getting into the holiday spirit.

  9. You are so very talented. When I get back home I must get busy in my sewing room again. You are an inspiration.

    Have a great day.

  10. Great stuff Mom! I want a tea towel purse! And I'll buy my own towels - and be very patient!!

  11. Well, I love my gift. It is so purple! I am taking a tote bag class, sort of ongoing every month. I like your bag, too. The Halloween apron is so scary! What fun you have been having. Keep up the good work.

  12. Wow - you accomplished quite a bit, Marlene!! Beautiful work. :)

  13. You have been busy making beauty!
