Friday, September 12, 2008

I Almost Finished By Friday

This is a wool project that I started last weekend. This is only the top....but, hey the hand work is done! It will have tabs at the top to hang it and "tongues" at the bottom when finished and no I can't explain tongues but I'll show you when I get them on there. I doubt that's what the pattern calls them but you know I can't remember stuff like that. A friend gave me this pattern a couple of years ago, then last year I bought the wool, and this year I started it. That's a nice schedule don't you think? At least it's not as old as a few other patterns and/or kits I have laying around!

My friend Karen at Log Cabin Quilter made the best wallhanging and even gave one away. I didn't win. She took pity on me and sent me a pattern so I could make one too! I didn't exactly follow the pattern (I can you hear you - yes I do too sometimes follow a pattern!) but I didn't have enough cream fabrics to piece the background like the pattern said so I just used a piece of khaki Kona cotton. It totally doesn't look khaki in this picture and I know that but I promise it really is khaki - I tried to fix the color in the color adjuster thingie but it kept turning blue so I gave up. Anyway the top is finished and ready to make the sandwich.

I might be cheating just a tiny bit by including this. Well, maybe a lot. But I knew you would want to see my progress on this one. Oops, forgot you've never seen it at all have you? I did this embroidery last fall. But I couldn't decide what to do with it. This year I thought I'd try to make a pillow using it - I'm not a very good pillow maker but I'm running out of wall space and table space and what else can I do with it? So this week I put these borders on it. I went to buy a rust colored rick rack to go on the background just next to the border. Hancock's. Hobby Lobby. WalMart. The only three places that sell rick rack here. No rust. I finally found a patterned ribbon that I think might work's not there. Imagine it. Hmmm, not working for you? Me either. Got any suggestions?

Maybe next Friday I'll have these finished completely for you. Ike looks like he might be visiting Arkansas and if he does I'll be staying in and sewing. I can do handwork even if the electricity goes off but I can't do any machine sewing because we don't have a generator. My husband doesn't think too much of the idea of buying a generator just so I can sew. I think that whole car breaking down thingy, and the stove leaking carbon monoxide thingy, and the computer crashing, and the pump quitting (all resulting in $$$ spent) have traumatized him. You think?


  1. I love the pumpkin wool wallhanging. The colors are great. I really like black backgrounds on projects. It highlights the project so well. Handsewing is so not my thing and you do such a beautiful job with it! I am envious! I really like all of your embroidery too. Someday, ahh someday, I'll get there.
    Have fun with your rainy day sewing.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous work!!! I am voting for a generator so that you can sew...yes, because if Momma ain't happy, then nobody's happy...LOL, hmmmm the embroidered piece...I am seeing a inset to a tote bag, maybe? Just a thought. Have a great weekend and I hope Ike doesn't come your way!!!

  3. What wonderful fall goodies! I love the wool wallhanging and I know exactly what you mean by tongues! LOL
    I hope you don't loose power as Ike does his thing!

  4. Sounds like you need the "Tredle Machine" LOL
    Great projects.

  5. Yeah, I was thinking treadle machine too...I've got one actually, but I couldn't see without a light shining directly over my head.

    Love your projects, I may have to try one of those woolly things..too cute!

  6. That is so nice. You've done a great job. I say you need a treadle machine also. Did you know the Farmer thinks he going to be playing lots of golf when he gets to Arkansas? I think Ike has other plans. And hey, if I find some free time between architects and real estate agents, we should meet up at a quilt shop instead of a coffee shop!!!!

    - Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

  7. I would love to attempt the pumpkin wall hanging. Can a beginner do it? I know how to do the blanket stitch...need practice though. The sampler pumpkin piece, would it look good edged in a burnt gold cloth? Tricia

  8. Ooooh....I wanted to win that Autumn thingie, too! I'm making something sorta like it for myself with my Fall colored fabrics. I'm adding some pumpkins. Your projects are looking good.

  9. Wow, you've had a productive week! Is that your first wool project? The autumn table runner is very pretty and my goodness the embroidery on your pumpkin is wonderful. cheers,

  10. Very nice job on the wall hanging. That stitchery is so very cute. How big is it? If not too big, would make a pretty bag front for a fall bag. Bags seem to be the rage these days.

  11. Oh, you are such a talented stitcher!! I love the pumpkin one at the top.

  12. Love these! We are so excited to be celebrating our one-year anniversary (and a fun giveaway!) Thank you for being such a wonderful part of the last year!

    kari & kijsa

  13. Marlene, you do beautiful work. I love your idea of a schedule, it matches mine! You are right, actually having to spend that money has probably traumatized your hubby. Better fix him his favorite meal, quick! Much love, Raquel XO

  14. Beautiful put me to shame.

    Have a great weekend.

    Hugs, Lura

  15. Marlene, you do beautiful work! And yes, that schedule sounds a lot like mine. hee hee! I love your "woolie". Very fun. And your pumpkin stitchery is wonderful!
    I hope Ike goes easy on you. Yikes, I don't think I could handle a hurricane. I've been in a couple of tornados (well, "near" is more accurate) and been in a few earthquakes, but the hurricane scares the bejeebers outa me!

  16. awww...I really like the pumpkin wool stitching. VERY cute!!! :)

  17. Marlene, your work is just plain yummy!!! There's no better word I can think of. Pretty, yes. Lovely, yes. But yummy? exactly!

    I especially love the felt pumpkins.

    And your schedule sounds like mine, I'm afraid. But we girls do get it done sooner or later, don't we?

  18. I think some projects just turn out better with "aged" fabrics. Your fantastic wool pumpkins need that extra time to age to perfection!

  19. I love your fall projects!! The stacking pumkins are especially adorable!

  20. Just came across your blog, love your stitcheries!! Beautiful work :)
