Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Burned The Beans

I cannot multitask. I cannot multitask. When am I going to learn that I cannot multitask?


  1. I have a friend who has a similar photo. When she was a new mom trying to multitask she burned the pacifiers she was sterilizing in boiling water to the bottom of the pot. She kept the pot "as is" to remind her that she was trying to be "wonder woman" and she just needed to be herself.

    Have a great day tomorrow,

  2. Yikes! Yup, I burned a pan of cookies a few nights ago... I can't multitask either!

  3. WELL, you "did" burn the beans. Don't feel too bad, I burned boil peanuts. oh yes, I did.
    LOL for your future, teasing at least.

  4. I used to be able to multitask much better than I do now. I'm not sure when I lost the ability, but it's definitely fading fast. Sorry about your beans. :(

  5. But you are woman, how can you possibly resist trying???

  6. I think multi-tasking is over-rated. The Lord is calling us back to being one-minded. Focus.

    Either that or you just plain burned the beans!

  7. You are not alone! Been there, done that!

  8. (So did it work? I mean after being gone all week, why would you wanht to cook. did he take you out for dinner?)

  9. ahh, I'm sorry.
    Marlene, You can not multitask.

    Actually, with all of the stuff you do I think you are a pretty good multitasker.... not counting the beans of course.

    I have some new blog friends I want you to meet. Drop by after you clean up your burned pot.

  10. Been-there-done-that!
    I can multi-task with laundry and sewing, or baking and washing dishes, but just don't let me get on the computer...I loose all track of time!

    Have you seen that picture on the internet of the baby sitting in the dish water surrounded by dirty dishes? Too cute!

  11. Ay, yi, yi! Don't feel bad, you should see the amount of things I have burned trying to multitask! I burned the grilled cheese just last night! Much love, Raquel XO

  12. I can't tell you how relieved I'm feeling. Even the best of cooks walk my daily mistakes!


  13. I'm just sorry you have to clean the pot!

  14. excuse me while I get up from off the floor! too funny! you'll have to soak that pot for days.......I know b/c I burned the beans myself.......

  15. That's certainly no fun -- I find that sometimes I can multi-task, and sometimes I can't. Perhaps you were just caught in the "sometimes you can't moment", when you actually can. :)


  16. I totally understand! I left the burner on under the skillet the other night, glad Hubby noticed it. The chicken was good and dried out by then!
