Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Soda Cracker Candy

Girls ... and Guys if there are any of you out there reading this, you must try this recipe! It tastes like Heath bars, no kidding. And if you don't like Heath bars, well then you must be unAmerican and we need to talk. I'm just sayin'!

Soda Cracker Candy

1 cup margerine or butter
1 cup sugar
12 oz. Chocolate Chips
12 oz. Pecans chopped
enough saltines to cover the bottom of a jelly roll pan

Preheat oven to 400. (does anybody know how to put a little degree symbol on this because I sure can't find the darn thing!) Combine butter and sugar, boil for 3 minutes and pour over crackers. I spread it out a little after pouring. Bake in oven for 6 minutes and remove. Turn oven off! Spread the butter mixture a little more, quickly because it will harden. Sprinkle the chocolate chips over the top and put the pan back in the oven but leave the door open. Remember the oven is off! Watch and when the chips look glassy take it out and spread the chocolate. Sprinkle nuts on top and refrigerate in the pan for several hours till good and cold. Loosen edges with a table knife and break apart with your hands. Keep pieces in the fridge in a closed container.

This is the easiest and fastest recipe ever and so delicious! You'll thank me, really you will.


  1. My Nana used to make this for us, so I am grateful to you for posting it...I had lost my copy. Thanks!!!

  2. Well, how cool is that?? What a fun recipe. I've got one called Soda Cracker Pie that is tastey. I got it over 30 years ago from a gal in my Newcommer's Club. Remember those? Do they still have Newcommer's Clubs?

    Your PIF goodie is almost done! I'll be needing your snail mail address soon.

  3. Aren't these amazing? I never make them but once a year, at Christmas, when I am eating lots of other things I shouldn't! Much love, Raquel XO

  4. This sounds wonderful. I may make it for our small group Sunday night. It sounds quick, easy & wonderful. My kind of recipe!

    On your question about putting the degree symbol in a document...here you go. It seems a little convoluted but it works, at least in Word 2007.
    If I remember right it worked like this in earlier versions as well.
    Click on your Start menu
    click Programs
    click Accessories
    click System tools
    click Character Map
    click on the character you want to use
    click Select
    click Copy
    Go to the document you want to put the symbol in. Place your cursor in the correct space and using the RIGHT mouse button
    Click Paste.

    Let me know if it doesn't work and what version of Office you have and I'll do a work around for you. If I don't know or can't figure it out, I'll ask one of the Info Tech instructors. Just one of the perks of working in the tech division here at the college. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. can hardly wait to try this recipe. I think I've seen it before, but thanks for posting it and reminding me.

    Now, for the degree symbol. It's really quite easy. Just hold down the alt button and type the numbers 0176. Simple as that! Just be sure you're holding the alt button down while typing the numbers.

  7. Yum! I am going to try this soon!


  8. Yum. I can already smell the yummy, buttery goodness just oozing from this post. I will try this -- thank you!

  9. OMG, I will soo NOT thank you when I have to buy new pants. LOL

  10. Oh man, and here I sit in a hotel room - I will have to try this when I get home!

  11. Thanks I needed a receipe for a fun dessert - choclate - for Thursday's beader group. I will think of you when using it.

  12. I've made these before, but with graham crackers instead of saltines. So yummy!!

  13. Oh this sounds dangerous! I could eat it all in one day! LOL

  14. Love this candy! Easy to make too.

  15. I'm gonna try it. I don't need it, mind you, but Heath bars are my FAVORITES and I have to prove this one out. Might take two batches... ;)

  16. Get Outa Here...this tastes like Heath Bars...I'ma makin' it tomorrow. Thanks

  17. Mmmm - that sounds absolutely YUMMY!

  18. These are wonderful! I just made them. They're better than ones I've made with grahams. There is something about that little bit of salt taste with it. Mmmm!

  19. Yummy! I'm glad Lori mentioned one with graham crackers, because this sounded to me like one that someone made with g.c.s once and I loved. But I can see the point about the salt....I WILL try it!

  20. I LOVE Heath bars...I'll have to try this recipe for sure!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. My husband's family is in Hot Springs--beautiful place!

  21. Question,
    Seems every year when I make these they never turn out quite right- too sugary and this time never got under the saltine. ANyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?
