Friday, October 3, 2008

Finished by Friday and a Winner

First things first - my quick little giveaway of this book: American Patchwork, True Stories From Quilters garnered lots of takers. All those little slips you see below I printed off my comments, hand cut apart, tumbled and tumbled and then dropped on the floor. I then closed my eyes tight and poked down in the middle and pulled out one. Very scientific, right? The winner is Marilyn R. from Piece by Piece! I'll be contacting you Marilyn to get an address. Congratulations and I hope you enjoy the story on page 15 that I wrote about my mother, "Use It Up."

I'm not sure what I did this week but it wasn't a lot of sewing. I did finish these two embroidered blocks for my Herb Quilt. Bee Balm and Eucalyptus were both pretty quick to do. This quilt will have 16 herb blocks set 4 x 4 with sashing and cornerstones. Then an embroidered poem will surround them for the first border and another border will be added after that. I have 15 blocks done so I'm the downhill side of this one!

Buried back in a bin of UFOs I found this "cheater panel" that I bought at least 8 years ago. Yes, 8. I confess that I have a few things like that. Perfect timing I thought so I got it out and did some machine quilting and hung it up. One more thing checked off that UFO list.
On Friday mornings my husband and I have breakfast with friends from church. Today, after breakfast, the ladies and I went to the annual craft fair held at our fairgrounds. I haven't been in years but we had great fun. It is a perfect day - still under 70° this morning, clear skies, and the crowd wasn't huge as it will be later in the day. I saw lots of things I wanted but I was good. I bought three odd shaped gourds, an apron and 5 lbs. of stone ground cornmeal. And to add to my Finished by Friday I must also acknowledge these: 1 fresh made vegetable egg roll, 1 apple fried pie, and 1 fresh squeezed lemonade. I wonder if we could go back there for supper?


  1. Don't you just love fall craft shows? I'm heading to a favorite one of mine first thing tomorrow morning. I don't alwasy buy a lot but love to wander and look. I can't wait!

  2. Congratulations, Marilyn...doggoneit.

  3. Hi Marlene :)

    Congratulations to the winner!

    I love the cute quilt you made :)

    It's sounds like you had a great day out and about. Now I'm hungry ;)


  4. Congrats to Marilyn!! I love the herb embroidery blocks~I'm looking forward to seeing it all finished. The little 'cheater' wall hanging is very cute~I have a few unfinished things like that around here.


  5. Yippee! I will be sending you my info! Thanks so much!

  6. Congratulations, Marilyn!
    That may be a cheater block, but it's very pretty!

  7. I am loving those stitcheries!

    Congratulations Marilyn :o)

  8. Love your embroideries, they're great! Sounds like you had a nice day. Congrats to Marilyn!

  9. Lucky Marilyn, Congratulations!

    Marlene, Can you share that story about your mother on your blog?

    Glad you had a nice day out with friends.

  10. congrats. M. Isn't it a good feeling when one finds something at the bottom of the box that can actually be used. Must admit I have some that I don't think I will ever put to use. :)

  11. Congrats to Marilyn. Darn, I wanted to win. You'll enjoy the book especially Marlene's story.
    Love your herbs, Marlene.

  12. I hope that you and your daughter both had happy birthdays.

    I always enjoy seeing the projects you areworking on. Thinking of you is encouraging me to clean out and organize my sewing room. It is really a mess now that I have finished the crib quilt I made for Erin's baby last week. I have little scraps of fabic all over the carpet from my serger.

    It is a crazy 9 quilt where you have 9 fabrics in random shapes in each square. It is easy and fun to do....for a simple quilt it turned out quite nice...but it is kind of sad to see it now since Erin isn't going to get this little baby....we all thought she was ours and we've come to love is a real loss for our family, especially for Erin and Patrick.

    Have a good weekend. Hugs, Lura

  13. Congratulations Marilyn! thanks for the opportunity to enter ... Blessings Dzintra Ingrid

  14. Congrats to the winner! I would definitely head back to the craft fair for supper, sonds great! BTW - thanks for links below and laugh above. I don't have a lot of time these days to comment on each one! Much love, Raquel XO

  15. Hey Sweetie,
    love the blocks, but I must know the name of the pattern and where to get it as I have fallen in love with it. I have a love of herbs :)

  16. Hey sister... next time try to pick the winner for you! Well, I guess you do like to cut things... don't you?
