Friday, October 10, 2008

Finished by Friday - Meet Frank

In all fairness I probably shouldn't count these flowers as something I finished by Friday. However, since I count them as part of my fall decorating then I felt sure you would want to know that I do have flowers - I know you're relieved to hear it. And I didn't plant them either. My husband did that. I buy, he plants. Well sort of. He paid but I picked them out. That works for me. Last year we put pansys in this box on the deck and they bloomed all winter. I sure hope they do that again.

These bronze mums we bought a year ago. They bloomed all fall, then we put them in the gazebo for the winter so they were a little protected. They've been on the deck all summer and here they are, all bloomed out again. I love it when that happens.
Finally! The last of the 16 herb blocks is finished. These take 4 or 5 hours to do so you do the least 64 hours, maybe as much as 80. Even though I enjoyed doing them I'm glad to be finished.
This poem will go around the herb blocks after they are sashed. I'd like to think I could get that done this next week but it's not likely. I have the green fabrics I want to use and I think I'm going to like this!
Meet Frank! Isn't he the cutest thing? So much personality. :) The background is a tea towel and when I decided to use it I was tickled to think I'd just put Frank on there and use it just like that. Now that he's there I've decided he night need a border. Something colorful. What do you think?

This is a wool project that has no name. Are these called Penny Rugs? What are penny rugs anyway? I didn't have a pattern, just used an embroidery hoop to draw a circle on the black wool, then cut out some leaves and pumpkins and stems and stitched them on. I love working on wool! What have you done this week?


  1. Awh...Frank looks fine, I'd leave him alone.

  2. what fabulous garden can I borrow the dh for a week.
    love frank.

  3. Looks like a penny rug to me - or the updated version of one! I love Frank too!!

  4. Your flowers are lovely, great that your hubby would help out!

    I like your post on how you are making changes with the new economy. Being a quilter is traditionally frugal!(I owned a quilt shop for 11 years and can tell you that Arkansas quilters are over-all a pretty frugal group.)
    I see you are a Libra too...Happy Birthday!

  5. Flowers all winter--I'm green! (Pun intended, just like yours on the flatulence post yesterday. You totally cracked me up!)

  6. Thanks for stopping by and the story of your Dad and the bear.
    Alas, I wasn't a fan of the bear. I folllow the other team in our state, Auburn, where my Honey Bear got his degree as did daughter and son by love and.....!
    Mama Bear

  7. Well, you know I just love Frank!!
    I'm with you, I think he needs a border. The flowers are beautiful1

  8. Hey , How would Frank go with a border of Pansies?or do you think he might walk off in a huff?

  9. Marlene, you have a lot to show for your week! You put me to shame - my pansies are still waiting to be planted, after a month, at least. Could you send your DH over here?
    Frank is very cute. I love his legs/stockings! I'm undecided about a border. Lay some next to him and see what "speaks" to you! Your penny rug is very cute too. Working with wool is nice, huh? I love the feel and the smell of it.

  10. Ohh Marlene, I love your penny rug and your Frankenstein!!! I have a real love of penny rugs. I wish that I could afford to send for some of those kits that you can buy to make them. I can't find the wool felt anywhere over here to make my own.

  11. I think Frank is a very handsome guy! I just love his fashion statement stockings!

  12. Frank is just lovely..Your penny rug is lovely too.....I am into stitcheries but at the moment quilting has taken over me...:)ANDREA

  13. Marlene, you do more in one week than I've done in a go girl!!

  14. I love your mums! I like Frank, too. Maybe a border to match his jacket.

  15. Your flowers are so pretty. I love this penny rug...I can't believe you didn't have a pattern. You need to give a demo on how a beginner could do something with wool. I'd love to learn!

  16. Wow, everything is so beautiful--you're quite an accomplished gal!

  17. Well, I have finally fixed me a little sewing area. I am very proud of it. It took a lot of work, even though it doesn't look like it. Maybe now, I can get some sewing done. My garden is really slowing down so that is helping. I am looking forward to the rest this winter. Your mums are gorgeous. I love pansies too.

  18. Love your flowers!

    I finished knitting a scarf for me...

    and I finished knitting and piecing together a sweater for my son... I had actually made the sweater last year, but it was too small. I ripped it out this summer and started all over, again.

  19. Your flowers are so pretty. I wish I didn't kill everything I tried to grow.

  20. You are so talented. I would have never thought of any of this!
    Love, Angie, xx
