Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Leaves Are Falling, The Leaves Are Falling!

Oh thank goodness! Just before I was about to spontaneously combust the temperature is dropping...and so are the leaves! The high today was 84 and so was the humidity. The predicted high tomorrow...70°! It's raining right now and has been for a couple of hours and should rain some tomorrow. I'm getting a haircut in the morning and the rain may ruin my freshly coiffed hair tomorrow but I don't care. :) I'm going to do some thrift store shopping after my haircut and I might just linger out in the rain....

Today I cooked. Oh don't worry, it's not like the day I burned the beans. First I made Bread Pudding. From scratch. Without a recipe. I am all about saving money these days and not wasting stuff and trying to remember what my grandmother did and there was this bread. I had 2 1/2 whole wheat bagels. And I had about 3/4 loaf of whole wheat bread. Which reminds me, why don't they make half loaves of bread for single people? And old people who don't eat much? We waste so much bread. Well we don't waste it because I either feed it to the birds or I make it into bread crumbs, but there's just so many bread crumbs you can use. I think that the bread people are prejudiced against us people-who-don't-eat-much-bread. I digress. The 3/4 loaf bread had a little mold on the heel and the first 2 slices so I threw those away. Well the bad parts. I cubed it, piled it up in a greased large glass baking dish and stared at it. It seemed like a lot of bread. I beat up 5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 1/2 tsps. almond flavoring, 1 tsp. vanilla flavoring, 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 2 cups milk. Skim to make up for all those calories in the sugar. I let it sit about 10 minutes to soak and then baked it at 325 for an hour and 15 minutes. Oh my goodness it was good. My husband asked if I would please write that recipe down. That's because I forgot last week to write down a Mexican casserole that I made and he loved and now I don't know what I did.

I also made salmon croquettes. I've been married 44 years and have never made those things. They just sounded yucky. But now we're kind of old and we need to eat good-for-your-heart stuff, which they tell me salmon is. So I drained one can of salmon and took out what skin and bones I could, added 2 eggs, 2 tsps. baking powder, one chopped onion and some bread crumbs. Some is a metric measurement I think. Then I made patties and fried them. The oil doesn't count because of the salmon's good-for-your-heart stuff. I loved them and told my husband I would make them again soon. He said, "you don't have to on my account." Hmmmmm. I noticed he had a large bowl of bread pudding after dinner.

This weekend we are going to my husband's 45th high school class reunion. Was there even high school that many years ago? I don't think I remember. That's not true because there were a couple of guys in his class that I might have gone out with a time or two. Or three. They will recognize me immediately I'm sure since I most certainly have not gained 50 pounds since then and my hair looks just the same...long and dark and thick. Of course, it might make my husband jealous since he definitely has changed - he's gotten older and his hair is much thinner and it's not red anymore and he's put on a few pounds or 50. Well, maybe I might look just a little different but it's not really noticeable I'm sure. All kidding aside I can tell you one thing that's changed. This time around I'm going comfortable! No more worrying about cute little jeans, or making sure my outfit is the latest, or wearing high heels that have me limping by the end of the night. Nope. Friday night..."dressy casual" for me will be a, what is that thing called, a windsuit? It's a nice one, yellow like sunshine with a navy tee shirt and tennis shoes. I've had it 3 years. Saturday night will be a calf length black skirt, white shirt, black tweed vest and boots. Got that 4 years ago. Finally, finally girls I am past that whole high school thing about who was popular and who wasn't and who was cute and who wasn't. I am me and I am gorgeous! Just ask God - He made me and He only makes gorgeous!


  1. I just love your posts Marlene. I have never seen you, but I know you are beautiful. Your spirit is beautiful, and contagious. I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog. You have touched my life in so many ways, and one of the first things you did was send me a new friend.

    You have a wonderful Thursday.

    Bless you.

  2. Hi Marlene,
    You have me laughing again, I needed it. I'll have to write the bread pudding recipe down. Sounds like mom's but she put raisins in hers and then put a topping you could put on it. Butter, brown sugar, vanilla and cream. Just more calories.
    And then your salmon cakes, brings back memories, love them...The first time I made them, I had no idea there was bones and skin in the can of salmon, dumped that can and started mixing it with my hands. Found out real soon...
    You go girl, the reunion will be great just because your going as your gorgeous self.
    Have fun,

  3. Your bread pudding and salmon croquettes sound delicious Marlene! You are brave going to your reunion. I have never had the courage to go to mine. I am twice the woman I was and don't want anyone to see me. I Know, I should just embrace the me that I am, but . . . well, you know.

  4. Hi, Marlene ...

    Your bread pudding sounds wonderful. My husband loves it, so I may have to try it.

    By the way, I did make your "Soda Cracker Candy," and it's delicious and stays fresh for a very long time. It would make a great Christmas gift.

    I also ordered your American Patchwork book for my mother-in-law for Christmas. She's going to love it, especially your story about your mother.

    Hope you enjoy your rainy day ... take care, though.



  5. My, you've been busy!
    Have fun at the reunion!

  6. We, too, are eating healthy for our hearts. My DH had a heart attack on Memorial Day Weekend. Anyway, salmon is good. I have been using Eggbeaters or another type of egg substitute ever since and in cooking, I can't tell the difference. Scrambled, well, I add lots of mushrooms, onion, and a touch of parmesean . . . .

  7. Your posts always make me smile. I enjoyed reading about how you do recipes because I'm guilty of the same thing. I made a batch of chili a couple of weeks ago and didn't have chili powder so I just threw in whatever spices I had that sounded spicy enough. My family said it was the best chili I had made and I don't know exactly what I did!

  8. Isn't bready pudding tasty. I really like it - but my husband does for the salmon again I would eat it and enjoy - but my husband would be like yours - not tell he it wasn't any good - but fill up on something else.

    Have fun at the school reunion. Let those other guys see what they missed out on.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  9. Marlene,

    I too just love your posts and I adore bread pudding! Can I have some right now?

    You ARE awesome and anyone who doesn't know the one who loses out.

    Have a great time and I can not wait to hear about it.

    Your Friend,


  10. the bread pudding sounds delicious. I don't bake mine, I make the vanilla pudding from scratch in a pan and then add tore up bread pieces to it. My youngest son loves it. My husband loves salmon cakes. I put egg and crushed up saltine crackers and diced onion in mine. Have fun at the reunion.

  11. Hope you have a good time at the reunion!

  12. You are so right, Marlene...If God wanted us to have boring one-color hair, he would make sure none of us live beyond our 25th birthday. My "Platinum Highlights" are starting to tell everyone my age. It's a good thing, too; 'cuz I don't remember what it is anymore!

    Love, Monica

  13. Lol, fish and men.... yup not quite the 'filler' as a big ole steak would be :o)

    I am sure the reunion will be so much fun! Thank you for making me laugh :o)

  14. Bread pudding is the best comfort food---especially if you know the snow will be flying soon! You are a hoot! I really enjoy your posts. Have a great time at the re-union.........

  15. Ha Ha... I burned the beans last night...put another pot on to try again today!

    Somebody commented on the salmon and bones....been there done that too....

    I'll have to post about my uhhh cooking!


  16. Thanks for your humorous post today! I'll only comment about the bread. I found one brand (with twigs, nuts, berries, seeds, etc, 'good-for- me') that lasts for 3-4 weeks! Must be the NOT good for me preservatives! Whatever is left over in the bread department gets cut up and made into croutons for good-for-me salad. Of course, I add a little cheese to the croutons, butter, etc. Kinda takes away the 'good-for-me' part but ...I don't waste the bread.

  17. You are a HOOT! I love bread pudding, but I really think you need a few chickens to feed those bread crumbs to. ;-)

  18. "Was there even high school back then?" lol. I will not tell your dh you said that.

    Thanks for your kind words over at my place. You gave me little happy tears. I was blessed by your comment.

    I love me some bread pudding! My mama used to make it sometimes. Rice pudding, too.

    Another recipe to think about -- sugar free bread or rice pudding. hmmmm

  19. You are my kind of gal. Comfy is the name of the game for me thses days too.

    And the bread pudding sounds yummy.

  20. Oh my goodness, that sounds so good. My husband would love it if I made something from scratch instead of a box. :)
    You are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Inside too.

  21. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! Thank you for making my day! My brother just sent me something about being over 50 and I need to send it to you!! I am with your husband on the salmon stuff! ICK! I do eat lots of heart healthy food but did you know olive oil has as many calories as butter and oatmeal has as many calories as coco crips? YUP so I am fat but not B/P problems and no cholesterol problems! Lotta good those do my aching joints though.

    Can't wait until your next post.

  22. Mmmmmmmmm Bread Pudding!!!!!! I love it! My Grandmother taught me how to make it. She added raisins and nutmeg and cinnamon to hers. Now you made me want some Bread Pudding!

  23. Your bread pudding sounds yummy! Thanks for the recipe! I've never made the croquettes, either~probably won't:)

    Hope you have lots of fun at the high school reunion!

  24. God DOES NOT make junk and yes you are beautiful. When I go anywhere the one thing they always recognize is my voice- wierd!!

  25. Yea for comfort! Have a good time and enjoy being with friends.

  26. I love your reunion outlook!

    And I can't imagine being a family that doesn't eat much bread. I could eat a loaf a week by myself.

  27. Yea!! Let's start using our survival skills now and learn to throw out the bad and USE the good that's left!! Sherry
