Monday, December 1, 2008

Mission Trip - Day One

1. This has to be the coolest mission trip ever - they're letting me sew! God knows how much I love to sew. :)

2. This is a very small group - small enough that Jerry and I get to share a room. I can sleep in a room with other Christian women but it's so much nicer to have my regular roommate. :)

3. They are feeding us three very good meals a day. Very good. I might just gain 10 pounds this week. :(


  1. I'm SEW glad you are having a great time! Blessings to you!

  2. Yea for you!! That's why they call them "God-given talents"!

  3. So glad to hear from you.

    Wonderful that everything is headed in the right direction for a great mission trip.

  4. Oh, I agree..."regular room mates" are the best! :-) How lovely to be able to use your sewing gifts on the mission trip. Looking forward to a blow-by-blow when you return.

  5. Happy that you are having a great time Marleen! How wonderful that you get to use your sewing gifts as well!

  6. You are invited to 'the last push' quiltathon! post the link on your site and of course pictures of your quilt progress Dec 13th!. Hope you will join all of us!
    Niki in AZ
    Just Us Quilters

  7. Happy to hear you're enjoying your mission trip.
    Mama Bear

  8. How neat is that???? You are living proof He pays attention to the desires of our hearts!

  9. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

  10. It's exciting to hear that you got to sew! Whenever I go to a certain orphanage ministry in Mexico they ask me to be in the sewing room. They don't have to ask me twice! I'm glad the Lord can use our talents and skills no matter where we are.
