Friday, April 24, 2009


Just look at this sweet face. Smiles like this are what make babysitting worthwhile. You all know I'm living in my camper right now in a town 2 hours away from my home so I can stay with this beautiful boy until school is out. I can tell you that at 62 I know that God's plan for young women to have babies is very wise. Andrew is almost 4 months old and a very healthy baby - meaning he weighs a lot and is about to bust out the toes on the 3-6 month size sleepers. He still eats every couple of hours all day but, thank goodness, he sleeps great at night. Last night he went to bed at 9:00 and got up at 4:30 for a quick bottle, then back to bed till the older children woke him up about 7:00 as they got ready for school. When afternoon arrives and it's time for me to go back to the camper I'm definitely ready for a rest!

This week my cousin, Carol, came to stay with me in my camper for a couple of days. We hadn't seen each other in 5 years and before that we hadn't seen each other since we were
children. When we were little, like 3
years old, my family lived in an upstairs apartment and hers in the downstairs apartment so we were constant playmates. Her family moved to California when we were 7 and we stayed in Arkansas. But
summers when we went to California
to visit family we still played together every chance we got. She has my mother eyes so visiting with her is like watching Mother - I loved that. I think we look alike...don't you? She's a lot taller than me but that white hair is a strong gene our family has!
She brought my sister and I a start of a Rain Lily that was my grandmother's. I'm thrilled to have it and sure hope I can make it live. I love having starts of plants from family and friends - they are a daily reminder of the wonderful ties that bring us such joy. I even have on plant from a blogging friend - it's a rickrack cactus and it's doing great even after it was sent through the mail! I have shamrocks that were my mother-in-laws and a begonia from a long time friend and forsythia from another friend. I have a gardenia that belonged to the parents of a teen that was in my youth group back about 1970! (I got the gardenia about 3 years ago when her father was sick). I believe that flowers are gifts from God because He knows how we love their beauty. And the ones we get from family and friends are heart-strings that connect us all. Anybody have a flower you think I need?


  1. I love your life. I can't wait to be a grandma.

  2. Our grandsons are about the same age. Mine is 4 months and 1 week. They look about the same size. "Little D" is about 15 lbs and is so happy. I know what you mean about young mothers. I keep mine also, and I am so tired all the time. I pick up my other 3 1 or 2 days a week from school and in the summer my plans are to help out a couple of days a week. I used to do everyday but just can't do that anymore. I admire you for your dedication. He is a cutie!

  3. I just spent a couple of days caring for new granddaughter. She is about 10 weeks old now. Fun - but tiring too.

    Enjoyed the history of some of your flowers.

    Have fun this weekend.

  4. Yes, I know what you mean. It is tiring at our age.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your cousin.

    That cactus is just gorgeous. I'll have to see if I can find one of them around us.

  5. She does look like you! Before I read anything, I thought it WAS you! Glad you had a wonderful time.
    be blessed,

  6. The old and the new loves of our life is what make life grand, don't ya think?

    I can not wait to be a grand parent.

  7. Earlier this week, I read a devotional lesson and scripture to my 98 yr old FIL. The lesson dealt with Sarah and Abraham and their "unplanned" pregnancy when she was 90 years old and he 100 --and how they both laughed when the Lord told them what was about to happen. Dad and I had a good laugh as we imagined the laughter of those 2 as her belly began to swell. I'm sure God gave her extra strength or extra household help. ---Maybe both. I'm sure He had it all planned out. I'm sure He has a good sense of humor, too!

  8. Your grandson is a cutie!! How great that you got to spend that time with your cousin.

  9. Oh yes...he is a cutie pie from the get go. I have another grandchild on the way now - due to arrive in November! So far I have 4 grandsons and 1 granddaughter - who is our little princess. I am not so sure she is ready to sharenher title, but we shall see.

    Congrats on your new phone - I am very impressed that you are doing so well with it. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around all these new gadgets.

  10. Wow - people pay good money to make their hair that colour. What a gem to have it run in the family and all for free.
    Angie, xx

  11. What a sweet little man! Isn't being a grandma fun? You're blessed to be able to have this time with him. They grow up so fast! So glad you could have time with your cousin. The lily is gorgeous - so special. ~Adrienne~

  12. Such a little cutie! And I think she looks just like you!

  13. I recently got a couple of Hosta from my daughter when hers needed dividing. She originally got hers from my mother. And I just planted Lilies from my daughter's garden in my yard. Its great to have these heirloom plants. Beautiful baby but I know what you mean. Sometimes, I need to remind my daugher that I am 20 years older than her.
    Mama Bear

  14. Nothing is sweeter then a baby's smile! I have Tiger Lillies and Lilly of the Valley plants that are from my Mother's garden. She gave them to me at least 15 years ago and I haven't killed them yet!

  15. He is adorable!! I know they are so thankful for your help and love!

    I have a rose bush that came from my Grandmother's yard. It's one of those old strains-that only bloom once but it smells so heavenly and I just love knowing it came from her.

  16. Oh Marlene, I love seeing baby Andrew and how much they can change just in 4 months.
    So glad you and your cousing got to visit, I think the older we get the more important that is in life.
    If I could grow ANYTHING I sure would send you something. If it stops raining here maybe some fresh salsa...

  17. The baby is a cutie and I love the flower. I have white iris's, ferns and a clematis from my mother in law and Hostas that were given to me from a neighbor I used to have. I like to plant flowers that I remember from my childhood. I have a snowball bush because I remember Grandmas in her yard.
