Sunday, April 12, 2009

Resurrection Day

When I woke up this morning at 6:30 it was just beginning to get light outside. I opened the blinds and watched the lake as the shadows began to dissipate. I couldn't see the sun at all but it's light began to spread over the water and the trees and the azaleas and the dogwoods. It changed the world. It took the world from dark to light. Where once I couldn't see anything at all now I could see the beauty surrounding me. The colors were vivid; the green of the grass and the trees were a stark contrast to the white and pink blossoms of the dogwoods and the red of the azaleas.

And that's exactly what Jesus did on this resurrection morning so long ago. He rose from the dead and His light began to spread. It covered the world and did away with the shadows. His life and His death and His resurrection showed us how beautiful our world can be. What a gift! What a marvelous, life-giving gift!


  1. So beautifully put, Marlene! I wish I had been able to express myself so well in my Easter Day blog post. Enjoy your day!

  2. Happy Easter my dear friend!
    Be blessed,

  3. Wow, you said that so beautifully!!
    What a lovely way to remind us of the true meaning of this special time of year :o).
    Joy :o)

  4. That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Happy Easter!

  5. I agree... what an amazing gift!!! It is hard to comprehend all He has done for us. How thankful I am.

    Thank you for your support and prayers this week. Our baby is home from the hosptial and doing well. We had a great Easter together today.

    We are so blessed aren't we!!!

    Happy Easter Dear Friend, LOve, Lura

  6. In total agreement - a Gift too wild to even comprehend!

  7. Beautiful post! He is our Light and Life. We are blessed, indeed.

  8. Amen and Amen.

    I had gotten a little behind in my blog reading so enjoyed the tour of your home and the story behind your camper. We have a small camper trailer - but we are looking at one similar to yours. When gas prices went up, we stopped looking - but are getting the urge again. I just adore "roughin it" - and yes, we used to tent camp to, and I also have said, never again!

  9. I'm having to play catch up on my blog reading today. Wow! I love your RV. All the comforts of home, literally. My parents had one that they took into almost every state, including Alaska. Took the grandkids with them into many states. Memories those kids will never, ever forget.

    You commented on my post about my psychic reading. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect since I'd never, ever done anything like that before. It's funny the things you'll do, the lengths you'll go to "believe" in life after death after you lose people you love. Because of Christ's love for us, he conquered death. How come it took me so long to realize what those words meant? We really do have eternal life. I've gone to church and heard those words all my life, but for some reason I never actually believed them completely. It's so hard to believe what you can't see. Now, me, Ms. Doubting Thomas, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt. -Megan-

  10. He not only changed my eternal destiny (heaven) but changed the way I live my life!! I'm so grateful for HIS sacrifice, burial and resurrection.

  11. Marlene, the true meaning of Easter, thank you.
    I have to tell you I really like your home away from home. Mine isn't quite as roomy as yours. I would love to have the two recliners.
    Keep Stitchen'

  12. He is risen, indeed!

    We attend a Sunrise Service at 6:30 am because the women rose early to go their Savior's grave and our son commented that since the disciples didn't show up until later, could he & Dad please not have to attend such an early service and just us girls have to go early? *grin*

  13. Beautiful post, Marlene!

    Like a few others, I'm catching up--and I love your camping trailer! That's the way to rough it when you go camping! We can't afford anything like that right now, but maybe someday~we've given up tent camping, too. The ground is just a lot harder than it used to be--probably has something to do with global warming, don't ya think, LOL?!!

  14. Hope You & Yours had the Happiest Easter Ever!
