Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Theres Cold, and Then Theres Cold

Has anyone seen that advertisement on television, I forget what they're advertising, but some guy is trying to use the last drop of anything and everything before he buys another? The one I really remember is the toothpaste tube on the vise...."see honey, enough for one more brushing!" This guy is conservative. Ultra conservative. Uber conservative. Enter my husband. Honey, if you're reading this you better run for cover!

Most of you know I'm temporarily living in a town 2+ hours from my home babysitting with my newest grandbaby until school is out. We have a very, very, very nice camper (no tent camping for me) and I love staying in it. It has a king sized bed and a full shower and recliners. :) What can I say...I'm spoiled. We even found this nice little mobile home park out in the country and there's a pasture behind my camper. Quiet, nice, perfect for this little grandmother. Well, not so little but that's another story.

Spring came and spring went. Winter revisited us. Last night it got down to 28°! About 8:00, after my shower was done and my pajamas were on and I was settling down to watch Twilight (the movie) I realized the heat had gone off. And stayed off. So I turned up the thermostat. Nothing. Up another notch. Nothing. That's when I realized that I had run out of butane. Which makes heat. Not to worry...we have two bottles. Except one was empty and one was almost empty. So empty it was breathing it's last. My husband wanted to wait till they ran completely out until he refilled them. Of course, I had the "heat strip" which is electric and designed to take the chill off. It did. I could have gone to my son's house at 10:00 in my pajamas in the cold but who wants to do that? This morning when I got up it was 52° inside the camper. There was just enough butane to get it up to 61° before I left. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I bet he feels really bad. He should!

**Edited to note that it's not butane in my camper, it's propane. What do I know? Just that my tank is empty and it needs to be filled. But according to the man at the camper place, it's propane that it needs to be filled with. :)


  1. That's funny! I'm sorry you had to freeze last night, but it did make a good story. I'll have to remember this when we buy our first camper. Note to self, *Don't trust your husband, pack extra butane!

  2. It's cold here too. We had snow on Monday! As you can imagine my son is "thrilled" to have started his spring break this way.

    Did you know that April is National Card and Letter Writing Month? I posted about letter writing and finding pen friends at my blog if you or any of your followers are interested...

  3. Reminds me of our "tent" days. COLD!!

  4. Your camper is the kind that I would want at my age. We did the tent and fold-down kind, no more.
    Wow, 52 is cold...I sure hope he fills that soon for you. BTW, my hubby is the same way...grrr!

  5. LOL, but it was good 'til the last drop! Poor man, I suppose he'll never hear the end of this one.

  6. Our husbands could totally be brothers! UGH! Mine spent two days working on our thermostat, exhausting every conceivable source of the problem, before finally calling the fixit guy. And it was right at 52ยบ when it came back on.

  7. Is your hubby with you? If he was, couldn't he have kept you warm? You are a good grandma! I bet running out of propane won't happen again, huh?
    Be blessed,

  8. Awwww...that is just the cutest story. I am sorry that you had to get cold to be able to tell us this funny post.

    I hope I am a wonderful grandma like you.

  9. That is so funny to me but I am sure it wasn't to you. I hate to be cold. I hope you got them filled today and have a warmer night tonight.

  10. I am getting cold just reading about your night. I don't like being cold at all. I keep my grandsons too. Our new one was born Feb. 2, his older brother is 2. I really enjoy the interaction with these guys. I know you are enjoying your new grandson.

  11. LOL...butane, propane! BRRR...I would have went inside, Marlene! I hate to be cold. Husbands...sometimes you have guide their every move. I doubt he lets it happen again.

  12. LOL...butane, propane! BRRR...I would have went inside, Marlene! I hate to be cold. Husbands...sometimes you have guide their every move. I doubt he lets it happen again.

  13. brrrr - I always TALK about being hardy, Swedish, love the cold, but I tell you, when the thermostate is set 2 degrees lower than 70 degrees, it starts feeling dangerous!!! We keep firewood, just in case. You should ALWAYS have an extra propane - you know ... we could get hit by one of those asteroids or a coment or ???? who knows?

    Camper sounds heavenly, though, in warmer weather. 8-)

  14. Marlene, my son just borrowed our camper for the weekend to go to the Nascar event. Well he call ed the next morning saying they froze last night. He didn't know how to light the heater and he didn't know I had a little ceramic one under the table.
    I hope you stay warm...through your stay.

  15. Oh brrr . . . husband's always know best don't they, lol. Hope you are much warmer tonight!

  16. As I was reading I kept thinking, "She heats her camper with butane??? Hmmm, that's curious!" HA HA. I would love to see a picture of the camper as the Farmer and I are thinking of possibly getting one when we retire - for little road trips.

    - Suzanne

  17. Well, it wasn't supposed to get cold again.

    I am using some of the purple fabric from your give away to make hot pads with the Road to California pattern. The way I'm doing it the center looks like a cross.
    I'll show you when I get finished.
    Mama Bear


    Poor Marlene, what you can put up with when it's for your kids! So not even a hot drink then? You get that place all cosy tonight and I'll think of you all cosy and glowing.

    love, Angie, xx

  19. I am laughing - I apologize - but what a picture you paint!

    Yep - it got cold again here with frost last night :(

    butane - propane - they both burn to us gals, right?

  20. Does your "very, very, very nice camper" have room for a guest? I have Ap 21-24 free. Pick a date convenient for you. Big K is finally home for a few weeks, so I am keeping ALL of those days open for ME.

  21. My dear Marlene, Been there, done that. Your hubby and mine are twins! I know they are! When we were in Florida two winters ago, it got down in the twenties for a whole week, only warming to the fifties during the day. When Ernie got up in the mornings he would plug in the little heater, put water in the crockpot and put it on high, uncovered. Punch down the toaster, turn on all the lights, light the candles, and cook breakfast in about 3 pots so all the burners were going. The reason? It was cold but we had electricity included in our spot rent, so in a way it was free. The propane tanks were full, but that would be spending our money so he never turned on the heat.....we had to use the free electricity. Ernie is known as the cheapest guy around.....now I think he has a legitimate rival!

  22. PS: I also wasn't thrilled with The Memory Keeper's Daughter. Have you ever read any Jon Hassler? Simon's Night, North of Hope, The Dean's List......He is a Minnesota author, and I love his books. I've read them all....and loved every one of them.

  23. If it's any consolation your man and mine are cut from the same cloth!
    Mine actually brings home other peoples junk we "might" be able to use.

    Oh on your triangle quilt have you thought about adding a moon with a face or maybe a small boat at the bottom under the stars?

    I'll bet you are enjoying that grand baby! Take care, Debbie
