So, I was reading in Matthew this morning and it jumped off the page at me, "an angel came to Joseph in a dream." Huh...? An angel, in a dream? I bet he wasn't expecting that! But ya'll, he listened and he believed that angel even though he wasn't watching for him/her.
I wonder if I would have believed? I wonder if I believe today when angels come to me unexpectedly. Do I even notice? And do I realize that he/she's an angel?
Is that an angel who slowed down in that loooooong stream of traffic and let me in? Was it an angel in church yesterday who told me I looked beautiful and made this aging woman feel good about the whole process of getting older? Is it an angel who, in the WalMart line, lets you go ahead because you have only one or two items? Could that be an angel who bends down and tells you that your child/grandchild is absolutely gorgeous?
Someone in the grocery store stuck a couple of coupons under the ketchup.....
Someone I know keeps a small cooler on the front seat beside her when she's running errands. She has cold water in it and when she sees someone on the street needing a helping hand she passes the water out the car window. Another person I know keeps $5 McDonald's cards in her car and passes those out.
Somewhere in Seattle someone bought coffee for the five people behind him in line. And the people behind him in line did the same for the five people behind them. And so it went.
At the airport a soldier got to the cash register to pay for his Burger King meal but someone had already paid....just to say a quiet thank you.
Yesterday out on the lake hear our house a boat stopped...out of gas. Before I could even tell my husband to go rescue them a boat stopped, handed them a gas can, waited while they poured to get the can back, and went on their way.
Where will I see an angel today...and will I even notice?
And better yet...who can I angel to today? What unexpected thing can I do for someone could be something small or something big. After all, the sky's the limit, now isn't it?