Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baby Eli

I showed you baby Eli in my last post - isn't he just perfect? He is so beautiful, so sweet, so beloved! Baby Eli has a small problem - his thyroid gland isn't working. So on the sixth day of his life he started medication that he will take the rest of his life. There's not a liquid medication so his parents are crushing the pill and mixing it in a teaspoon of applesauce. Can you even imagine having to get a teaspoon of anything down a 6 day old baby? I can't!

I'm telling you this for two reasons. First of all, Eli is a first baby for his parents. It's a difficult enough transition to parenthood without complications entering the picture. The doctor said this is a lifelong medication. I'm sure they are feeling all the emotions that we expect...shock, apprehension, fear, everything Satan can put forth. So if you would say a prayer for them....and for Eli. I'm praying for God's grace and His peace to surround them. I'm asking for healing and hope and for the sure knowledge that God is in control here.

And the second reason? Well, it's this. We have tests that are automatically done on babies that detect this problem. We have lab technicians who know how to read those tests. We have doctors who know how to take care of medical issues and pharmacies who have the medicines and parents who are able to understand the responsibilities they are undertaking. We have a God who has given us every one of those things. Every one. Every single one! He gave us the intelligence that enables us to learn how to diagnose medical problems, treat them, and make the medications necessary. He is so loving that he has given us the means to take care of Eli. He is holding this baby in His hands, loving him and caring for him. Eli is tiny but our God is huge. How great is our God! Will you join me in praising Him?


  1. Yes, I will join you in Praise and Prayer. I bet if a bunch of us get together in prayer through our blogs that this little Eli will be fine. I pray that. My daughter has to take meds for that the rest of her life but of course she is not 6 years old. My prayer is that this will be healed in Eli and my daughter. I agree with you in prayer.

  2. Definitely prayers going your way for sweet Eli! I am sure the parents feel overwhelmed at this point..prayers for them also.
    Thank goodness for medical technology...

  3. Our Lord is great - and he sees the overall picture...all we see is just the part around us and that makes us un-easy at times...we know that thru God all things are possible - we must ask for his guidance thru the rough times. I just prayed a prayer for this baby and the family.

  4. Oh what a blessing this baby is to the parents...This baby will be in my prayers daily as will mom and dad....thank you for sharing this with us...God Bless

  5. How great is our God. . .What is man (Baby Eli) that You are mindful of him? Yes, we have a great God Who love little Eli more than even his mama and daddy. Praying with you for a miracle for this precious little boy.

  6. Wow, that really is amazing. I hope his mom and dad can breathe deeply enough to praise the Lord with you! I'll pray for them.

  7. What a beautiful baby. I too, have asked our Heavenly father for healing for Eli, guidance for his parents, and also praised His name for his love, and for loving us like he does. Thanks for sharing this with us.
    Be blessed,

  8. What an cutie pie! I will keep him and his entire family, including those 2nd, 3rd and even 4th in line, in my prayers!!

  9. Yes, God indeed has little Eli in the palm of his hand.

  10. Yes I will! Our God is an awesome God, Amen!

    I have hypothyroidism and take medicine daily. It's an easy fix and very inexspensive to treat. A yearly blood test to monitor his TSH and he'll be good to go. Praise God this is very treatable and that they found it right off the bat so he won't suffer.
    I'll be praying for his parents for understanding of his medical condition and peace in knowing he will be okay.

  11. Through God all things are possible.

    He will not gtive you more than you can handle.

    Those two truths are kept in the forefront of my mind. Always. Our God is an awesome God and He does everything for our good. We may not know why, but it's all in His plan.

    I am sending prayers for baby Eli, his parents, and his great auntie. God bless you all.
