Friday, October 23, 2009


I've thought and thought this week of what I might say to you about my class reunion but the words don't come. Oh I could, laughter, hugs, tears, joy, you know all the ones that are appropriate for that kind of event. But my heart won't leave it at that.

*The weekend started when I walked into the hotel lobby several times as classmates were checking in. Except, of course, I couldn't comprehend that they were actually my age since they all looked way older than me. :)

*I loved the way that the mini-groups that hung together in high school let go of those confidence life-lines and embraced other people that they didn't know as well. They (yes, me too) had mellowed and had become confident in their own right. We have all accepted that life is what it is and that some had become more financially successful than others, some had attained their career goals and others hadn't, that some had serious health issues and others didn't, but that no matter what had happened along this journey these were people who were a part of our childhood and that we loved them. We looked at them with our hearts instead of our eyes. Don't you love that?

*We have a classmate who is virtually homeless. Her parents live in town and I believe that she spends some time with them but she also rides a bicycle around town with her belongings in bags on the back. One of our class members ran into her early on Saturday and asked her to please come by the hotel where most of us were staying - and she did! Ya'll, the minute she walked in everyone rushed to embrace her, to lay hands on her and love on her and welcome her. There was not one minute of hesitation. She cried when she saw several of her elementary school classmates and neighbors from her early years. She was invited to join us at the country club for dinner and she did. What courage that must have taken for her as you can imagine her clothing wasn't the best. I cannot tell you how proud I was to be a member of this class, this compassionate group of people who have grown into adults I love.

*Reunions, whether they are class reunions, family reunions, or just a group of old friends gathering together, have the ability to renew our faith as well as our ties to people we love. They take us back to our childhood, or our high school/college days, or just to times when we were a different person and allow us to revisit those memories and emotions and validate who we are today and how we got to be that person. I highly recommend them!


  1. I had tears when I read this. I have been concerned over the homeless right here in Hot Springs for sometime. Not the one's who made a conscious choice but those that are there because of circumstance.

  2. I loved reading about your reunion - especially the way you all reached out to your dear classmate who is not as fortunate as you. Thanks for sharing. ~Adrienne~

  3. I got goose bumps reading this post. So happy the homeless gal showed no fear!

  4. Marlene, you and your classmates are to be commended on the way you welcomed her. Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering the drawing for the Kaffe Fassett fabrics.

  5. Another wonderful - life affirming, thought provoking, heart warming post!

  6. What a testament of the character of your class! What a neat story to share!

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at your reunion. You wrote another great story that made me misty eyed. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.

  8. This just shows that there are still good people in this world. Thanks for sharing this precious story with us. Granny loved her card.

  9. This is an amazing post! How wonderful for you all and your total kindness.

  10. There is something about reuniting with classmates from elementary school. You all obviously came from an era when children were brought up right to respect one another.
