Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is It A Bird? A Plane? Superman?

It's a Jack-In-The-Box!


  1. What a cutie!

    Just stopping by while Lili naps to wish you and yours a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!

    warm hugs, Linda

  2. This must be that little fellow you took care of all those months? They're so cute at this age! I'm looking forward to someone about that size and cuteness being here for Christmas!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. He's lovely! Where's the other shoe?

    love, Angie, xx

  4. How adorabale. I bet Grandma won't even mind those teeth marks on the table. And the one shoe . . . is that like you always just see one shoe or one boot on the highway?

    Happy thanksgiving.

  5. So precious? Now is this the one you kept? I think my youngest grandson and your baby that you kept are about the same age if I remember right. Is he walking yet? Ours is not but just learning to stand alone. Aren't they so precious? Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Much to be thankful for. That is a darling little face. Bless you and your family Thanksgiving and each day.

  7. Oh, I so wish we had a baby in our family! The youngest grandkid is six! Guess I have to wit for great grands!

    Is this the little guy you took care of in your RV? He sure is a doll!

    A blessed Thanksgiving to you, my friend.

  8. What a cutie patooty!

    Please follow me at my NEW blog, the old one has issues ... I appreciate your following me.

    We are having a huge giveaway also, pop over.

    TTFN ~Marydon

  9. I haven't been to your blog in quite a while so it was fun to catch up. Adorable photos!
