Sunday, December 6, 2009


There's a wonderfully wise woman in my Bible Study class - I'll call her Mrs. M. She's older, probably in her mid 80s and in her professional life was a counselor. She doesn't talk a lot but when she does we listen carefully because what she says is usually something we want to hold in our hearts and think about for a long time. This week we were studying in the Songs of Solomon and she told us that when she was counseling couples she always made this recommendation to them for a lasting marriage: Every man should treat his wife as if she were the most important thing in the world to him because women want to know they are loved and valued and Every woman should treat her husband with great respect because men want to be respected.

What are your thoughts?


  1. A very wise woman indeed. What she describes as marriage, sounds to me like true friendship between two people who love each other. I think two peole should first become friends, then love will follow. I also believe two people should never marry, until they are the best of friends, then they should treasure that friendship and never let it go. In my head, I don't understand the concept of marriage without friendship. I'm saddened to think that not everyone has that.

  2. That is definitely something to think about, I like what she said very much. My Husband and I have been married 8 years and hey, so far so good! LOL*

  3. I really like her advice too. My DH and I have been married 38 1/2 years. He is my very best friend and I his. Now, that doesn't mean we don't disagree, but we do try to work things out.

  4. I really like her advice too. My DH and I have been married 38 1/2 years. He is my very best friend and I his. Now, that doesn't mean we don't disagree, but we do try to work things out.

  5. Reminds me of a book I've heard about called "Love and Respect" (by Emerson Eggerichs) about the principle from Ephesians 5. The website about this material is here. Maybe she's read it. Or she knows the author and he got his ideas from her. ;-) I heard a radio interview with the author, and it all rang very true!

  6. I so agree! Her advice covers a multitude of issues.
    BTW, it is 50 for us next week.

  7. Totally agree. "The Preacher" and I discussed this topic just last week... and he used the word "admiration" when referring to women toward their husbands.

  8. Mrs. M is so right! I totally agree.

  9. My dear mother and father were married just short of sixty years before God took him home. They had a wonderful marriage and they told couples one of the reasons was because they had determined to 'spoil each other rotten'! Not giving everything they wanted no matter what - but showing their love and doing things in a way to let the other one know that they were the most treasured person in the world! It worked for them!

  10. My husband and I have worked in our church marriage ministry and we studied a book called "Love and Respect" and it definitely speaks to the same thing your friend says.
