Friday, December 18, 2009

Puppy Dog Tails

My youngest grandson will be celebrating his first Christmas this year and his first birthday on New Year's Eve. He is a typical little boy made of "frogs and snails and puppy dog tails." He crawls faster than a locomotive and has taken a couple of steps though he's still a little reluctant about that. Why in the world would he need to walk, after all, when he has two parents, two sisters, and lots of grandparents, aunts and uncles who are more than willing to give him a ride on their hip! I found this wonderful flannel fabric some time ago, just perfect for him. There's a red with puppies all over it, a black with white paw prints, and another red with white dog bones. Appropriate to him I used a Trip Around The World pattern (because he crawls around and around and around!). I added puppy dog tails (tabs) all around the outer edge for him to play with. Some of the tails I put in a little crooked because not all puppy dog tails are straight. :) (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!) I didn't put a batting in it because I decided it was heavy enough with a flannel backing and I wanted it to be light enough for him to carry around. It's just the cutest quilt, if I do say so myself!


  1. It's cute, and your baby will love it!

  2. It is absolutely adorable! He is going to get alot of use out of that quilt and will just love it to pieces literally! :D

  3. Perfect - just this one word describes it to a "T".

  4. I say "it's just the cutest quilt" also. How clever of you. Know your little locomotive will love it to keep him warm and snuggy.

  5. That is GORGEOUS! Oh, how cute. Those tags are genius--you could make some money selling those! I had to make a fleece pillowcase with satin tags for Bethany when she was little. That was her texture of choice, and she refused to wear shirts that didn't have a satin tag until I made the pillowcase. ;-)

  6. It is adorable!

    btw - stop by and see the pillows I made from the "Believe" panels you gave me :)

  7. That is a darling quilt, and I know your grandson will love it. I can already see him dragging it around and insisting on having it with him at all times. His mom will have to clean it (when necessary) while he is asleep! Since I'm not a quilter, I didn't recognize "Trip Around the World," but now I know. Clever!

    Blessings to you and yours.

  8. Now that is just adorable! I like the red and black. It's not your typical blue for boys.
    Good work.
    I'm having a giveaway . . check it out.

  9. What a wonderful quilt for a special little boy! I like your way of thinking - so perfect for him. ~Adrienne~

  10. Very sweet, I'm sure when the little feller runs out of steam it will be just as fun to snuggle him in as it was to make for him!

  11. Oh I love this quilt. I need to make Davis one of these. Now that the wedding is over maybe I can get some sewing done. We actually are out of town right now getting some rest so maybe I can catch up on some blogs. I am very behind. The wedding went great. So sweet.

  12. Yes, it is a cute quilt. I agree with you. Glad your daughter is doing well after her surgery.
