Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm not a shopper. I don't like it. I think that's probably unAmerican or unwomanly or unsomething but I just don't like it. Because I don't like it I tend to buy in bulk...if I find a blouse I like I buy it in every color and don't have to buy another blouse for a long time. :) Twice a year I shop for shoes. Or maybe once...depends on how decrepit my favorite shoes get. Today was shoe day.

I desperately needed tennis shoes for walking. The last two times I bought walking shoes I got New Balance at the wonderful shoe store where they measure your feet and watch you walk and recommend this insert or that whatever. Both times the shoes felt wonderful in the store, but once I got home and actually walked on them for a while they hurt my feet. In their defense I have had some weird thing that I can't spell that causes the bottoms of my feet to hurt, especially the heels. For a year I only wore Birkenstocks which "cured" the problem. But I'm very careful about what shoes I wear now. One criteria is that they must have a great arch support. I have extremely high arches which seem to be falling..thus the unspellable problem. Today I decided to try the new Sketchers that I keep seeing advertised on television. They sort of "rock" when you walk. The motion is similar to walking in sand and is supposed to tone your legs while you walk. I was at the mall (hate that place) at 10:00 this morning and I wore the Sketchers out. I wore them until 8:00 tonight - I ran errands, watched my grandchildren perform in a school program, visited a friend. They were wonderful. All day long. I can hardly wait to put them back on!

Now lest you think I bought these in bulk...I only bought the one pair. Of those shoes. I also needed some comfortable every day shoes to wear with capris and slacks. At the mission where we will be working this summer open toed shoes are not allowed. That means no sandals!!! What's a girl to do? Three pair. Not counting the Sketchers. That should do for the summer don't you think?


  1. I do not like shopping either (with the exception of fabric/craft shopping). Shoes are bad, clothing is worse.

    Glad you found some comfortable ones.

  2. I love shopping and sometimes I think Emelda Marcos would envy my shoes ,but they must be comfy ,gone are the days of tottering about on high heels Jan xx

  3. Well..I hate shopping as bad as you do if not worse! I have one pair of sandals I can wear that don't hurt my feet. I have 2 other pair of shoes that throw my whole body off and hurt my feet. Right now I am sitting at 6:30am. with my foot up and hurting like gout! I can't even imagine a shoe on that foot. Well, congrats on finding a good pair! I might try that brand sometime. Maybe in a year or so...I hate to shop! :)

  4. I had one pair of New Balance and my feet did not like them. I have never tried Sketchers but sounds interesting.

  5. Marlene, I fall into the same category about disliking shopping...I also buy in bulk...just makes it easier all the way saves us money.

    So glad to hear your new shoes worked out so well on your feet. I have two pair of pair I really like and the other pair not so, they are not like the new ones you got.

    Have a great week!

  6. So in bulk...I buy several colors of blouses/shirts...if I find one that 1. fits and 2. comfortable...can't be tight or touch me/ha
    New balance shoes aren't comfortable to me either. I have found saucony to be the best. you might want to try them on and see.
    Have a great Monday.

  7. I am so glad you shared this! I dont like shopping in reg stores. I love thrift stores, yard sales, and craft shopping. clothes or shoes I dread!! My sister told me is good for shoes. I am just scared of ordering online for clthes or shoes.
    I am all about comfort too!!

  8. Glad to see your entry about Sketchers. I've wondered about them and now I'll give them a try. I hate shopping too. I often say if I can't get it at a Walmart super store I don't need it.

  9. It's nice to know someone else doesn't like shopping. I can't afford to buy in bulk, so I end up wearing the same few things all the time. I'm glad to hear that the sketchers are comfortable. I'd wondered about those. Maybe I'll give them a try, too! You may not like shopping, but you just did your first fashion review! :) Now you can feel real womanly!

  10. Marlene, I had the same problem with New Balance. I've worn them for years, but my last pair isn't working for me. I had toyed with the idea of getting the new Sketchers so I'm happy you gave us a review of them. I just may try them. If I can handle the mall long enough to get in and out of the shoe store! I'm with you all the way!

  11. I have seen those shoes at Penny's and wondered about them. I have heard pros and cons and I am glad they are working for you.. I have one pair of sketchers, black slipper with velcro closing, kind of a mary jane that I can wear all day shopping.I have had them for 2 years and they are so comfy. Glad your shoes worked out....

  12. Count me in as another non-shopper who will buy several colors when she finds an item of clothing she likes!

  13. I have so much trouble getting comfortable shoes. I have a long skinny foot.
    However I did find Sketchers sandels at Kohl's last week, in brown or black, they strap on and they are like walking on clouds!
    Now if I could just find some skinny comfortable tennis shoes for walking. Oh well just another excuse not to walk.

    (And yes us quilters met at Schultes last week!)

    There is a big quilt show in Jeff City June 5 and 6th. Mark your calendar.

  14. Oh sister I feel your shopping pain, shoes and unmentionables are my shopping nemesis. My sister tells me to try zappo's online the ship and return for free but I get an extreme case of sticker shock when I've visited their web site. I'm glad you made good progress!

  15. I've seen those weird, rocking shoes! I also have to be careful what kind of shoes I buy as arthritis makes itself most evident in my feet. But I don't think I could balance in those things! But, since you say they are so comfortable, and have such good arch support, I think I may have to try them!

  16. I'm not a shopper either. I usually order my clothes and shoes from a catalog.

  17. I could not believe it when I read that you hate shopping. I do too! My girls love it though! So most of the time if I need something I send one of them. I am glad to know that I am not the only one!!!

  18. Oh, I love to shop not necessarily buy, but shop. Our daughter just got a pair of those shoes. They looked bulky to me. I will have to try them as I have feet that hurt most of the time. That is why I go barefoot when I can. That does not hurt. Unless of course I drop big heavy lids on my toes.

  19. Getting caught up on my blog reading... way behind!!

    My sister bought some of those Skechers. I'll have to check and see whether or not she likes them!

    As for your post below... I would keep my blinds open and let the fisherman get an eye-full if they so desire! (Maybe they'll quit fishing at your dock. Ha!)

  20. I hope you post again in a bit to let us know if you still like the Sketchers. I have wondered about them.
