Friday, April 2, 2010

Life On The Lake

It's been almost 7 years since we bought this house on the lake. We hadn't really thought we would ever be able to afford a "lake house" because typically property on the lake is really expensive. So when we happened on this one that was a moderate price we were thrilled. It's not a new was built in 1975 and added on to in 1992 and while it was "move in ready" it needed a lot of care. Some of it we've done and some of it we haven't. Time and money are definitely factors with money being the key. It is smaller than I really wanted and has little storage space. Over time it's done what all houses do in this part of the country - it has settled. That means that there are small gaps in windows and doors; they're too small to see but in the winter you can feel them. The carpet needs to be replaced and minor flaws need to be "beautified." Now after saying all that I want to add that we love this house. :) It has a large open living space, it's on the back side of a square so there's not a lot of traffic, there are lots and lots of big old trees that shade the whole yard, and it's on the lake.

One of my favorite features of the house is the fact that the kitchen has a very large window that looks out on the lake, and two of the bedrooms have three very tall windows that also face the lake. There's a sense of peace here that makes you take a deep breath and relax. The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is to open the blinds so I can see the water, watch the sun come up and hear the birds. It's an incredible way to start the day. I get my drink, settle back in bed and do my morning devotions as I drink in the peace.

However, there is a downside to living on a lake too. It's a small one but definitely annoying. Thankfully we have a deep back yard so it's a good way down to the water and to our dock. I say thankfully because fishermen/women believe that any part of a lake is free for them to fish...and my husband tells me this is true. That includes all down our sea wall as well as under and around our dock. Frequently I look out to see these folks looking back in! It's pretty far out and I'm fairly certain that they can't really see me, or at least not the details. Which is a good thing because if I'm getting dressed or exiting the bathroom after a shower I can tell you they don't really want to see the details. When it happens I stomp around and fuss out loud because I think it's rude to go right up to someone's dock and fish under it. I suppose it's human nature to be curious so I'm not surprised that sometimes they aren't watching their fishing pole but are perusing the house. But it makes me uncomfortable.

I'm very careful to have the blinds closed when night approaches because I know you can see into a home that's lit. But in the daytime, how would you feel if you looked up to see someone on the sidewalk outside looking in? Short of keeping my blinds closed all the time I don't see a solution and I sure don't plan to leave the lake any time soon. What do you think?


  1. I can actually understand how you feel. Being a fisherwoman my husband has often said that he doesn't understand others who fish around peoples docks. He has said that is their property and has often mentioned about hooks and children swimming. So I do understand what you are saying. I have to tell you that we envy you living on the lake. That is a dream of ours. Enjoy. Happy Easter!

  2. I'm with Valerie, we also love fishing but not around peoples homes or camps. Actually I prefer fishing on lakes that are uninhabited :)
    and I envy you living on a lake thats a dream of mine too

  3. I would not like that at all! I have sheers on all my windows. At night, they can kind of see in, but in the daylight, it's very difficult. How about a 'no fishing' on this dock sign?

  4. I can see where that is a problem, but with all the wonderful things you have mentioned, I think I could learn to live with it too. I have often thought the same sort of thing about beach houses. So often I find myself walking along the beach, and admiring the houses as much as the beach - but I know there are people on the other side of those windows that wish I wouldn't.

  5. That would drive me nuts! I would love living on the lake and enjoy the view but I wouldn't want people watching me, either. Can you post a sign on your dock that lets them know that YOU and watching THEM? Or, to politely ask them to respect your home and privacy? Probably not, but I'd be tempted!

    Happy Easter, my friend,

  6. It is the same at the beach. These folks have gorgeous homes, but they give up their privacy to live there. I do not envy them.

  7. I certainly don't envy your situation. I enjoy my privacy way too much. Our closest neighbor is a half mile away and I can't remember the last time I closed any of my drapes. We have lake front property also - but only at certain times of the year (chuckle) and then it only DEvalues our property. So keep on enjoying what you've got.

    Happy Easter and God Bless.

    Love Lena

  8. I have to agree with your dh. It is part of living on a lake. We live on a small lake in nw Arkansas & have lots of fishermen 24 hrs a day. Our house is far enough back from the water though that you can't see in. We're also on a hill so if someone from the bank looks up to the house at night, all they can see is the ceiling.

    Our lake is public & the bank is not private property so we aren't allowed to build docks. Still, there is only one public access so no one can go through private land to get to it. I can't tell people not to get on the bank but I've never seen anyone on our banks from the water in the 20 yrs we've lived here. They just troll their boats along the edge.

    My solution has been to grow things for privacy without blocking my views. The position of the house helps me more than yours though.

    Another note, we have had quite a few people drive up & ask if they could fish off our bank or put a boat in. We don't have a boat ramp. Technically, they don't have to ask to fish but they have to ask to cross our property. If they ask, in general we let them. Maybe two times in 20 yrs we've come home to cars parked in our drive where teens have walked through the yard to fish or swim. We let them know they're trespassing without permission.

    I think it's a negative that you have to live with if you want to live around the public. HTH :)

  9. I just wouldn't fish around someone's dock....just not the thing to do....can't really understand why someone would do that....maybe it's just an unwritten code that we honor.....

  10. I would not like it much. We are closer to the road that we would like but the other is set back from other people. I would not want people looking at the house but I have done it at the beach. I had never thought of it.

  11. We have a trailer on the lake and the dock comes with our lot lease. But the Sabine River Authority controls the lake and the dock is really their property even though it was built by occupants of the lot. So anyone can fish near the docks and bank. I just always wave and ask if they've caught anything. Most are just looking at your property and thinking how lucky you are to be there!
    Your lake home sounds wonderful and peaceful!

  12. Just keep your clothes on and your doors locked.LOL
