Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Raise Up A Child....

I had great parents - not perfect ones - but nearly. :) I remember a lot of things they taught me but one of the most important was the value of and the joy in helping others. That's one of the things I hope I've passed on to my children and to their children. Last week one of our daughters brought her two youngest children (ages 11 and 12) down here to Sager Brown to spend a few days with us. It was one-on-one Mommy time for the kids. They had lots of plans for fun times...The Aquarium in New Orleans, the beach, sleeping in the camper. But they also wanted to see what we're doing here and they wanted to help. And help they did! They worked one and a half days in the depot packing health kits, and getting them into boxes that they put together. They were lucky that the week they were here was a "Food For Families" week. Catholic Charities works with the United Methodist Committee on Relief to hand out some basic food supplies to folks who need them. The Kids were able to be a part of that by giving out the cheese. They met all the people coming in, heard those wonderful cajun dialects, and ran errands for the other volunteers.

Sydney is watching each person sign the register and checking to see how many boxes they get.

She and her mother worked a table together and had a wonderful time!

Can you tell she's having fun? Look at that beautiful smile!

Blake is watching who's coming - trying to see who needs help.

The gentleman here is using a walker and is picking up food for several others who couldn't come. So Blake found a box, put all the cheese in it, and then put it on the seat of the walker so the man could wheel it out! The rest of the food is loaded directly into their cars by other volunteers.

I was so proud of the kids and I think they were proud of themselves.
Proverbs 22:6 says "raise up a child in the way he should go and he when he is old he will not depart from it." Here at Sager Brown we have kids from about 9 or 10 coming to help. We have people in their eighties and even their nineties coming to help. When people ask me what the world is coming to I just point to Sager Brown and other places like it. The lesson my parents taught me is alive and well.


  1. It looks like the kids really enjoyed helping. That is good to teach them while they are young to help others.

  2. It is so good for the children to be raised with such honorable events in their lives. They get so much by giving to others.

  3. Good job Mom & Grandma raising children with a servants heart! One of the best ways to bond with family and people in general is to serve together.

  4. Does my heart good to see young people doing such positive things.

  5. What a special treat for you and your hubby to have the kids there - but even more, a special time they will never forget.

  6. The world will be in good hands when we're gone!

  7. Some things in life may bring them more happiness, but nothing will give them more satisfaction.
    Kudos to a couple of great kids.

  8. Oops--and super Kudos to those who family members set their feet on the right path.

  9. What wonderful grandkids you have! To be sure, they are being taught by the best!

  10. That is SO cool~wish we could come!

  11. What cute kids! Looks like a wonderful time for all of you. This is something that they will always remember.

  12. I couldn't help but think about what a memory this will be for your grandkids to look back on. I'm so encouraged by the families who are standing strong for the Lord in the midst of the craziness in this world. God bless your sweet grandchildren!

  13. Making life easier for those around us is what life is all about. You've done a beautiful job teaching it.

  14. How wonderful that the kids got to help out and work with Mom and Grandma while doing it. Life long memories and life lessons in te making.

  15. What a wonderful experience for your grandchildren. Your family teachings are moving on to the next generation it appears.

  16. You are such a good example no wonder your kids and grandkids feel the same. They say an apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    How special that you got to spend time with them and they could help too.
    I wish you the best. Hugs, Lura

  17. Now that is a treasure of the heart!!!
