Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One Thousand Blessings - Day Six

151. Diet Dr. Pepper
152. A sliced homegrown tomato with lots of salt
153. Soft baby blankets
154. Ice, all I want, any time I want, for whatever I'm drinking
155. The primitive decorating style mixed with early American and farm house!
156. All three of my children having a college education and jobs that support them
157. Foster parents (Hi Kim!)
158. Pictures of babies
159. Finding someone else who loves chai lattes as much as I do
160. E-mails from friends I've made here at the mission - after they return home
161. Thank you notes
162. Having my check book balance on the first try
163. Pregnant women
164. Memories of Daddy smoking his beloved cigar
165. Hearing my grandparents voices on a tape made in the early sixties
166. Looking in a mirror and seeing my Mother looking back at me
167. Goals met by grandchildren
168. The first day of school
169. Train whistles off in the distance
170. Laminating machines
171. http://www.swagbucks.com/
172. The Kindle
173. IPod Touch
174. Blackberries (can you tell I love gadgets?)
175. Tom's Shoes
176. Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
177. Library services for the blind
178. Vacations
179. Sewing machines
180. Pedicures
181. Children who say thank you
182. The smell of coffee (even though I don't drink it)


  1. We are so much alike, it's scary...#151, 155 & 182 really strike a chord with me.

  2. Great list of gratitudes, we are all so richly blessed if only we would stop and make our own lists. Thank you.

  3. You are making me feel almost like an ingrate. I really need to do this. Actually I could copy some of yours for we have a lot of the same blessings. Some really make me smile. Thanks for reminding us how much we need to be thankful for and to quit griping.

  4. #155 - That's MY style!
    #182 - The coffee aisle is my favorite in the store.

  5. I had to laugh (and agree) with the ice one!!!

  6. #174 - isn't that what you make PIES out of ?

  7. I love so many of those, too!

    Hope you are doing well and staying COOL! It's still hot up here after that supposed 'cool down'. It will be a heat index of 105 today~and going up for the rest of the week:(

  8. I am so inspired by your lists! They encourage me to look for thankfulness in my own life.

  9. Still enjoing your list. Right there with you on homemade vanilla ice cream YUM!

  10. You list makes me smile and happy. Thank you for helping me think of the everyday blessings that we should be thankful.

    I am having a blessed time here with my new granddaughter. I hope that you have a great week. Hugs, Lura
