Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Into Fall Giveaway

It's finally time for the great Fall Into Fall Giveaway!  Everywhere you see this little guy:

you'll find a blogger giving away a prize, or two or three! 

I've joined the group and here's what I plan to give to some lucky winner.  :)

This is what I call an "Everything Bag."  It is about 18" x 21" and I made it from some beautiful pink and brown cotton fabrics.  I've made several and given away most of them - they've become a favorite among my family and friends.  One daughter uses hers for her knitting, another for her "everything I need to take to school today" bag (she's a librarian).  My aunt uses hers to carry her tape recorder and audio books (she's blind and reads all her books by listening) and my cousin takes her "stuff" to dialysis in her bag.  I used one recently as an overnight bag but truth be told, they are supposed to be grocery bags!  Since recycle is high on everyone's list it makes a much prettier one than the WalMart bags I currently use for that.  :)

I'm writing this post from a mission in south Louisiana where we've been volunteering for the last four months.  We will be returning home on October 1st - the day of the giveaway - but when I get there I'll be filling the bag up with goodies to make you smile.  I don't know exactly what but I'm sure it will include a little fabric, a quilting/stitching notion or two, a couple of patterns, the kitchen sink.  Oops, not the sink! 

I really, really would love it if you would follow my blog but that in no way will play a part in who wins.  I'm a little old fashioned so I'll just be putting all the names in a hat and drawing one out.  All you have to do is comment on this blog and be sure I have a way to contact you.  International bloggers are invited to participate too - the more the merrier!


  1. I hope you have had a safe trip home and I know you will be glad to be back, but oh what a wonderful summer you have had! Please count me in on your give away, I would treasure something made by you.

  2. I know you will be glad to be back home..but think of how many lives you have touched with your mission work.

    Enter my name - the bag is adorable.

  3. I have loved reading your blog over the last 5 or 6 months! I also would love to win this gorgeous bag :) Please enter my name!

  4. Don't worry about postage to Japan, I've never won anything in my life!

    Hope you have a safe return home. My dear friend comes to Japan for several month's mission now and then and though I know she is glad to return home, it is so sad to say good-bye.

  5. Love the bag. It makes me want to make some up for x-mas gifts. Thanks for the give-away.

  6. I love your pink giveaway bag!! And a new kitchen sink wouldn't be bad, it would go with my new garbage disposal the blacksmith put in yesterday!

  7. Marlene, I'd love to win something you've made - and being pink, this bag would be perfect! It's been a real inspiration to read your blog posts from the Mission, and thank you so much for sharing tour experiences with us. I hope your homecoming is a joyful one.

  8. Marlene we have missed you and will be glad to have you home.

    Would love to have your beautiful bag.

    See you soon.

    Ida P

  9. I've been following your blog for a while now. You are an inspiration. I hope you have a safe trip home. Please enter my name. Blessings!

  10. It is a beautiful everything bag. The colors are so pretty too.

    Have a safe trip back. I know you will be glad to be home, but I know it was a rewarding experience.

    As you know, I am a follower already!

  11. Your bag is so pretty! Count me in on the give away. Hope you have a safe trip home.

  12. I would like to commend you for your mission work. Have a safe trip. Love the bag

  13. I love the bag.....count me in! I hope you have safe travels home and find all is well "back at the ranch". God bless you for your service!!
    Hugs, Becky

  14. Praying y'all have a safe journey home. Are you looking forward to your bed? I would be. LOL

  15. I hope you had a safe trip home! I bet if feels great to be back home and in your own bed! Happy October 1st!

  16. Happy, happy day! Congratulations on your succesful mission, Marlene. I know you are coming home with a warm, full heart. Your needlework is always so inspiring!


  17. Welcome home, my friend. You had quite an adventure and I'm sure home will 'feel' good again! Love your pretty pink bag. What fun to have a fall give-away!

  18. Love pink and brown....I can think of all kinds of stuff to fill it with....hope you had a good trip home!!

  19. Love pink and brown....I can think of all kinds of stuff to fill it with....hope you had a good trip home!!

  20. What an adorable "everything" bag. Love it! Thanks for including me in your giveaway :-)

  21. What a gorgeous bag! I'd love to be the lucky winner. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  22. A girl can never have too many bags. This is a cute one.

  23. What an exciting give-away! I can hardly wait to hear what lovely things you'll choose to add to the bag. I am new to blogging but have quilted before. I'm just getting back into quilting and am especially interested in applique. I hope to learn a lot from visiting the various blogs listed.

  24. I would love a chance to win something made by YOU!!
    It's so pretty...and I've been told pink is my color. It should be, that was my nickname growing up.

  25. What a lovely bag! I have been a follower for quite a while. :) Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

  26. What a great bag, love those colors. I also like all your fall decorations in your last post. Particularly the pumpkin quilt. It is wonderful.

  27. Wonderful giveaway. Please enter me in the drawing!

  28. You've chosen lovely fabrics for the "everything bag". I use totes all the time and recently thought that I needed a new one to carry quilts or to carry my current ongoing hand applique project. Thanks very much.

  29. What a pretty "everything" bag! I love the colors that you picked out! Please enter my name in your wonderful give-away.


  30. The bag is just to pretty to put groceries into. I would use it to carry my Bible and class study materials. I have really enjoyed your summer in LA. at Sager Brown.

  31. i would love to win the sink lol the bag looks awesome, thanks for the giveaway.
    songyueyu at gmail

  32. Welcome back home. :-) This tote is perfect even if I can't win the sink! Hee!!

  33. The bag is perfect for my hand work that I take to my Tuesday quilting group. I'd like to know how you hung the Autumn quilt, I don't see any hanger.

    marie in oregon,

  34. ooh so very pretty. enjoy your trip!!!

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  35. Far to pretty for a grocery bag. I'm thinking that if I were to win, it would show up under the Christmas tree for my daughter.

  36. Lovely bag!
    thanks for the chance!
    fsarah09 at gmail dot com

  37. I hope you had a wonderful trip and I'm sure you've touched the lives of many.

    The bag you made is beautiful and I hope it's my name you pull out of the hat!

  38. Congrats on your mission work! Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. What a lovely prize and fun giveaway.
    Welcome home!

  40. The bag is so pretty. I love the color combination. And, this bag is far too fine for grocery shopping. Perhaps I could use it for fabric shopping! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Happy quilting!

  41. Love your blog, that is the fun part of the giveaways, you go to blogs and meet their creators that you would have never had a chance to meet if it wasn't for the giveaway.

    Come home safe and sound and think of all the lives you have touched and helped in some way that are better for meeting you. Sort of like the blog thing I mentioned above.

    Thanks for sharing your talents and your time to make someone else's life better. :)

  42. I just love a surprise, thanks for a exciting giveaway..

  43. What a great everything bag! I have become a follower so I can come back later and visit. Thanks for fitting a giveaway into what sounds like a very busy life.

  44. It would be an honor to win your lovely bag! I really enjoyed visiting your blog and signed on to be a follower. Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway, and have a safe journey home!

  45. I know I missed the give away but thats OK. I am tired of not feeling well. It was quite a 4 months for you. Am glad you will be home. Love your blog. Feel like I know you.

  46. Wow I love all your fabulous fall decorations! Nice bag too. Thanks for a chance to win.

  47. Great bag...would love to win...welcome home!

  48. What a pretty bag!
    A girl can never have too many bags!


  49. Hi, Marlene...glad you are home safe and sound and ready to sleep in your own bed and use your own shower.!!! Love the pink bag..such pretty colors. Please count me in the drawing. Jo S

  50. Hope you had a great time on your trip and arrived home safely. It's always good to be back home! Love the pink paisley bag, too cute. Can never have enough of those. mary6850 at Thanks!

  51. I definitely need an "everything" bag! Love the pink and brown. Pick me!!!

  52. It's a beautiful bag! Thanks for the chance to participate! :)

  53. You were right. I love your giveaway, especially the pink fabric. Count me in!

  54. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  55. Oh I love pink and brown. It is my favorite color combo right now. I would love that bag!!

  56. Thank you so much for the work you do. And the bag is so nice, love it.

  57. Love the pink and brown bag! Count me in! Have a safe trip back!

  58. What a beautiful bag. Thanks for your generosity.

  59. Love your bag...thanks for the opportunity!!! Have a great weekend, it is so nice to meet you!

  60. Not only is the bag great, so is the fabric! Love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

  61. The bag you made is beautiful and it's so generous of you to give away. But from reading your post I can see you are generous by nature!

    Blessings, Jessica

  62. Bag is Beautiful as well as useful, glad there is another granny WHO'S a little oldfashioned

  63. A bag after my own heart- Paisley - It is beautiful. Thanks your for the chance to win this gorgeous bag.

  64. I hope you had time to enjoy the good food and music here in South Louisiana.

  65. I definitely need an "everything" bag in my life!

    I hope you had a safe journey home.

  66. Hello!
    Thanks for the chance to win this bag! I love bags and love making them too!

  67. Can't wait to see what goodies you include in that cute bag. THanks for participating in the hop even from far away! Safe travels on your return!
    freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  68. What a lovely bag!
    Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway!
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  69. That is a really pretty bag, I would love to have it.

  70. Pink is my favorite color and I love it combined with brown- the bag is terrific...
    Thanks for giving me the chance to win such a nice prize.
    I hope you meet many new quilters during the blog hop.
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  71. I have several bags that I have made and are being used for a trip to the library, to carry my crochet, to carry my daughter’s books when we want to do our school work in town, or even to carry our lunch in if we go to the park. I have never used my bags for groceries, I’m just too busy using them for other things.

    Sewsecret (at) gmail (dot) com

  72. I just love, love, love, love, love bags. I put my hand-stitched items in it, my books, my bags of snacks. Just love them, and would love to win yours. Thanks for the giveaway. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  73. great giveaway!! I love pink and brown, especially when they go together :).

  74. Oh my ...I love that bag!!!! The fabric is soo pretty and the lining is perfect. I would love to win ...I'm a new follower to your blog.

  75. Beautiful bag! I love how each member of your family carries something different in their bag

  76. I love bags. You can never have too many. (grin) Pink and brown together are favorites of mine. Have a safe trip home and a wonderful day. Winona

  77. It's a beautiful bag, and I can see why your family likes them so much!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  78. The bag is darling. It would be my everything that I need to drag to work bag.

  79. Ohhh, please enter me in your giveaway! It's been so much fun to follow your mission work all summer. Have a safe trip home!

  80. Pretty tote bag - I'd love to enter your giveaway, thank you!! The bag would be great for fabric shopping, and I'll just make do with our old kitchen sink for now ;)

  81. What a pretty bag, and some surprises as well? Just Great! :-)
    thanks for the chance to win.

  82. WOW!!! That is a spectacular bag! I am so loving the pink and brown combination! Here to hoping!

  83. The bag is beautiful and would be so loved should my name be pulled to win it!

    I see the first movie on your "Favorite" list is Fried Green Tomatoes!! Mine too!!

    I have actually been watching for it to come on Dish Network so I can invite my MIL down for popcorn and a movie. She has never seen it and I know she would love it.

  84. What a pretty bag. One can never have too many bags!

  85. How much would I love to walk around Tesco with that shopping bag! Hope you got home OK.

  86. Such a sweet bag, I love the fabric combination.

    I am new to following your but, and excited to meet a fellow sister in Christ.

  87. a beautiful bag indeed! thanks for sharing!

    loko6 at peak dot org

  88. What a wonderful giveaway! What a cute bag, I LOVE the pinks and browns! :) I've actually been wanting to figure out a way to make my ugly old recycled grocery bags cuter...not there yet. But replacing one with this, would sure do the trick! :)

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  89. love the bag. thanks for the chance to win

  90. Great bag! i love it! i spent some time in louisiana a few months after hurricane katrina hit helping with clean up. It was so awesome being able to help all those families in need! Thank you for your hard work!

    tracy dawson

  91. Would love to win! I love reading your blog!


  92. I love the bag and it would be wonderful for my quilting projects while we travel. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  93. I love the bag and it would be great to put in my quilt porject while traveling.

  94. Great Bag.........recycling is good...would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

  95. Love the fabric in that bag. Great giveaway I became a follower and added you to my Google reader list.

  96. What part of LA? I am from denham springs - and I've lived in lake Charles and new Orleans. Sure do miss the weather right now and of course the food!!!!!

  97. Lori M - St Louis MIOctober 4, 2010 at 6:38 PM

    I've always loved your patterns - have made countless sweatshirts most to give as gifts, thank you's for teachers, etc.

  98. That's a beautiful bag and
    I can see why it's such a favorite! Count me in, please.

    I'm a follower, too. :) Just because.

  99. How lovely of you to give to others.

    Please enter me in your contest.

  100. Hi Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. I love pink, it is my signature color and I would so love to win this bag of love. Please enter me into your drawing. One of us is going to be one lucky lady.

    I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. I love meeting new friends and sharing new ideas together. I would love to have you pop over and say hi. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well.

    Hope you had a beautiful Monday. Can't wait for you to post all about your trip.

    Country hugs, Sherry

  101. I love pink and brown. Hope I m not to late for this wonderful give away.

  102. Love this bag. the colors are really pretty.

  103. Its a lovely bag, so much nicer then the "green" bags I seem to be using, I keep telling myself that I should make some but just havnt got to it.

  104. Thank you for the chance to win! Love the pattern of the pink fabric!

  105. What a gorgeous bag, thanks so much for the giveaway chance. I really love all your fall decorations too, you have so many adorable ones!

  106. South LA? I'm in SWLA! I love the bag!

  107. I love the bag. I just became a follower and will be back to check your blog out. I invite you to do the same with mine. Thanks for a
    chance to win such a lovely bag.

  108. Forgot my e-mail.

    I am from SE Louisiana near Baton Rouge

  109. God speed on your journey and the tote is lovely. Looks nice and large so a lot of things can be put inside. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  110. Love hearing how your family use your bag! I grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana. Where were you doing your mission work? Thanks for participating in this blog hop!

  111. Love the bag!! Thanks for having the giveaway.


  112. I enjoy making bags but would love this one!

  113. I would love to win your pretty bag. Thanks for the chance to win.

  114. I just love your blog - so glad that I found it and it's already bookmarked for me to return. Sounds like you are such a blessing to others. What a testimony!!!
    Just love the bag too - a girl can never have enough bags now can we?
    Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in the Fall Giveaway!

  115. Pink and brown...I love that combination! I made a baby quilt using that combo and loved it enough to want to make something for myself but haven't gotten around to it. Would love to have it if I win. Thanks so much for your giveaway!

  116. i love the fabric you have used on the inside of the bag. I want the everything bag to well, store everything.

  117. What a cute bag! Too lovely for groceries! Thanks for a chance at your giveaway!

  118. Pretty bag--great for lots of things other than groceries. Thanks for the chance to win.

  119. neece A quilter never has enough bags especially one filled with treasures! I am waiting with baited breath. I don't exactly know what baited breath is but I always wanted to use that saying. Thanks for the surprises.

  120. what a cute little bag!

  121. Adorable bag in beautiful colors! And filled with goodies!!! Over the top wonderful. Thank you for participating in the blog hop and giveaway! Blessings to you for the gifts you give to others!

    wild_blue_farm at yahoo dot com

  122. LOVE the colours you used on this one..Great bag, great gift.

  123. I know you are happy to be back home. The bags are the cutest. I would be honored to carry one around with some of my belongings in it.

    If I win, you can go to my blog, and leave me a message. I don't blog much anymore, but I get an email notification if I get a comment.

  124. I love bags in general. But I'm extra excited that it will come filled with things!

  125. I am a follower and I really love the carry all. Pink and Brown are my favorite colors. Well along with a lot of othr colors but there is something so great about pink and brown. Thanks for the giveaway.

  126. Lovely colours! I especially love the paisley print. I'll admit it is one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to patterns. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  127. Very cute bag! It would work great for my knitting projects!

  128. Your bag is absolutely beautifull and what fun to see what you put in it. Thanks Linda

  129. One can never have too many bags right-they are like shoes-lol!

  130. Wonderful bag! Thanks for the chance to win!

  131. I love the bag! Here in South Australia, plastic bags are banned, so fabric bags are the way to go. I usually have some sitting by the front door so I can throw whatever project I'm working on into it, while I watch my son play sport.

  132. What a fun giveaway! Love the bag and am curious what it will containg! :-)
    Thanks for the giveaway. And if you want to come by my blog and enter my
    giveaways ... you could win
    some custom-made buttons ... or a teacozy ...
    Off to check out your blog ...
    Have a lovely week!

  133. Oh My ! I have become a follower! I just have to read your blog , I see where you have read most of Louis L'Amour books ,My husband loved those and I read a few myself ,if you like those you might like Laurine Snellings books also, especially the ones on a series of the" Red River Of The North" , excellent reading material .I would love to read your book about the quilts. I will be reading up on your blog soon ,Thanks Cheryl

  134. Thank you for the chance to win. The bag is just wonderful.

  135. It's a beautiful bag. I love the fabric you used. Hope you arrived home safely. Thank you.

  136. My, that is a pretty bag... and filled with goodies too! Thanks for joining this fun blog hop!

  137. Wonderful bag - I love the colors.

  138. A girl can never have too many catch-all bags!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  139. I am now a follower of you interesting blog and would be proud to use that great bag ,a girl can never have too many ;-)

  140. I am proud to be a follower. What a cute bag. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  141. I love pink and a pink everything bag would be just great....

  142. I love your beautiful everything bag! Thanks for such a generous giveaway. I hope I win!!!!

  143. Great bag and just my color! I do need something special to carry my knitting around in. :) Thanks!!

  144. God bless you on your mission. thanks for the great giveaway.

  145. That us a great bag. Thanks for offering it!

  146. Well foot! I was counting on winning that sink, too! LOL! Thank you so much for your generosity and participating in the giveaway! As a new quilter this is the coolest thing EVER!

  147. I grew up in Louisiana (now live in Alabama). Bless your hearts...4 months in South Louisiana in the must be exhausted, but blessed! Thanks so much for the giveaway...Debbie

  148. What a lovely bag. I love pink and brown and the paisley is beautiful. I hope to win, even the kitchen sink. Kathy

  149. Hope you have a safe trip home from your mission. I enjoy surprises especially of the everything but the kitchen sink variety. Thank you for this lovely "sur-prize" for the Fall Into Fall giveaway. alternate email mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  150. would love that bag for my knitting. Am making my grandson a scarf and hat i Virginia Tech colors. The bag is beautiful!

  151. Such a pretty bag :) I join some friends on Tuesdays to do our crafts and gab and this would be perfect to carry my stuff!


  152. What lake do you stitch by :).

  153. What a great bag! My last bag is on it's last legs...I've worn the fabric through in several places on the handle...and I'm in the market for a replacement.

  154. What a great blog! Inspiration, beautiful fall decorations, and more, nice job. I love the link to the Letters from the Midwife, that does ring true as our responsibility to each other. thank you for the giveaway!

  155. You chose a lovely giveaway. Agree with you totally about retirement. How did we get things done and work all week?

  156. I really need a new kitchen sink. Could you maybe stretch the bag a little and include an old farmhouse sink? LOL You know the big single sinks!!

  157. That's a beautiful bag - what a neat idea for a giveaway! Thanks for joining in the Fall Into Fall giveaways!

  158. What a beautiful & serene lake you have there! I bet it's inspirational like crazy! Your pink giveaway bag is beautiful too - much too pretty to hold dirty canned stuff!! I'd have to use it as my everyday purse! Please put me in the hat to win!! I've become a follower so I can see more of your work!! Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

  159. Your pink bag is adorable. Thanks for having this giveaway. I enjoy your blog. I loved your fall decorations and I am curious about what flooring you are going to pick out. (I have had every kind of floor.)

  160. I love the combination of pink and brown. A bag like this would get a lot of use in my house!

  161. Thanks for a great giveaway! Beautiful bag.

  162. What a lovely bag. I really like pink and brown together, it makes me smile. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  163. I am a follower! Its great that you volunteer your time!

  164. Such a great purse! I LOVE pink!! I'm sure I can think of anything and everything to fill it with!!

  165. Lovely bag! I am a Follower now and plan to subscribe in Reader. I hope you'll be blogging about your mission experience. 4 months? Do you spend that long on missions often? I really admire your dedication.

  166. Please come back to New Orleans and the Mississippi coast in a few more years. We are still doing alot of recovery, but it truly is a wonderful part of the country.

  167. I love totes and this pink and brown one is really nice. By itself it would be a great giveaway prize, but extra goodies inside? That's awesome. Thank you for your generosity.

    It's also even more awesome that you spent so long on your mission trip. What a great thing to do.

  168. You have given such a great gift the gift of yourself and still you find time to share a gift with us. I am having so much fun hopping around reading a lot of new to me blogs. Thanks for the opportunity to meet you!

  169. What a nice gift. I almost missed this! I love it. Glad that you are back!

  170. That bag is perfect! My daughter loves anything pink and would love that bag. Thanks for counting me in.

  171. I love Pink and Brown! thanks for the chance to win.

  172. What a pretty bag!

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  173. Love the bag! Thanks for the chance to win it and all the goodies you're going to fill it with! :0)

  174. Your bag is sooo much nicer than the Walmart bags. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
    Susan in NC

  175. What a pretty bag! Glad that you are back home safely!

  176. Such a pretty bag - I wonder if it would like to travel downunder for an adventure - I hope so....

  177. I love bags and yours is lovely. Can't wait to see if I win! Thanks for the chance. Sewgrateful

  178. What a nice giveaway - hope you are enjoying being home again - 4 months is a long time. Thanks for the chance of winning!

  179. lovely bag! Would appreciate giving it a new home : )

    leliaevelyn (at) gmail (dot) com

  180. What a beautiful bag. I never made a bag before, it looks so diffecult. Thanks for the give away.

  181. How fun! I could use a new kitchen sink...LOL!
    I try to use cloth bags all the time instead of plastic and have a routine down pat now. I would love to take your gorgeous bag to the store and really look in style!

  182. Great giveaway! I'm excited to see what you decide to put in the bag!

  183. an "everything but the kitchen sink" bag (in more ways than one!... but I wanted the kitchen sink! *grin*)
    thanks for the opportunity to win ~

    sarita0818 at comcast dot net

  184. I really do love that bag,I could do with a bag like that for my purse and bits and pieces to carry for my 2yr old son,they need such alot of stuff!Thanks.

  185. I love to use recylcing bags instead of getting those plactic bags. I always tell the checkout person to load up my bags. Your bag is just beautiful. I would love a chance to win it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  186. I am entering for my daughter, her computer is down and she called and asked if once again I would enter her in contests, I couldn’t say no as she helps my wife and her mother with their charity quilting projects. I try to support them any way that I can, so here I am and I hope I am doing this right.
    thank you for putting our name in your drawing. Florida area

  187. What a lovely bag. Pink and brown...and paisley print! I'd love a chance to win. Happy fall!

  188. Yup!That has got to be the prettiest grocery bag I have ever gift and thank you!

  189. Just to let you know I am following you to the lake..giggles out loud! That's right you got yourself another follower.

  190. Hello from Washington Dc.Wow! Congrats on the volunteering for 4 months in South Louisiana. Hope your time was wonderful (hard I know, but how wonderful too).
    Thank you for the wonderful bag! From Walmart, grocery store, Library, 3 yr old's letter collection, the bag would come in handy. It's almost too pretty to use.
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  191. What a selfless project you finished! Love the market bag...

  192. Safe trip and worthy efforts! Lovely bag!

  193. LoVinG the bag! and in pink for breast cancer awareness month! excellent :) thank you !!
    your generous spirit is obvious in the giveaway and in your action on mission...
    you may like a cup of tea at FHC & some chat on that topic...
    WelCOmE !!

  194. You can never have too many bags! Thanks for the chance to win.
