Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

If I Were...

If I were able to leap tall buildings I wouldn't do it.  Why did Superman?  Remember that introduction they used to do for him on the television show?  Can't get it out of my head today.  :)  But here's a question or three for you:
1.  If you could fly, physically fly, where would you fly to first?
2.  If you were strong enough to bend an iron bar what would you do that you don't do now?
3.  And if you had ordered an Accuquilt Go! Cutter what quilt would you be planning to make first?
I ordered one and this is what I'm thinking might be first.  :) 

What does Superman have to do with this post?  Absolutely nothing.  Except I really would be interested in your answers to those 3 questions!  There could even be a little gift attached to the most interesting answer. Hmmm, wonder what it might be?


1 Charlene S said...

I would fly to Japan to visit with my grandson in the Navy and I would carry my second grandson who is now a marine...they haven't seen each other for about a year.

2 Charlene S said...

If I were strong enough to bend an iron bar, I don't think I would do anything I don't do now except back pack on the Appl. Trail. That was something I really enjoyed when my legs and back could make the ups&downs of trail life.

3 Charlene S said...

If I had ordered an Accuquilt Go! Cutter, a rag quilt out of the blue jeans that I was given after my youngest brother's death.

4 Charlene S said...

If I could leap the tallest building, I wouldn't waste my time doing it. But leaping across the United States Quilt Shop to Quilt Shop would be a shop hop to remember.

5 Anne said...

1. Who needs a destination? If I could fly, I would do so just for the sheer joy of it!
2. Who needs strength to bend an iron bar, when you can go to the store to buy perfectly bent ones already?
3. Who needs an accuquilt? Well, okay, maybe I do...

Anonymous said...

1. Where would I go? Although there are many places around the world I would eventually want to see. I would fly to the Appalachian Trail. Why? Whne I was 8 or 9 years old I was looking through a National Geographic and there were all these pages about a trail you could hike. I fell in love. I would day dream about it, write poems about walking it for many years of my childhood. Still as a adult I have always wished I could someday go and walk even a small amount of it. That is where I would fly first.

2. If I could bend iron what would I do , that I can not do now? I would actually enjoy exercising!!!!!

3. If I had a Accuqilt go what would I make? I would use it first to make a Grandma's flower garden quilt. I have 5 nieces who would love Auntie forever for making them that quilt!

Thanks for asking the questions. The Superman post was very timely as my 14 year old son is in the middle of the Smallville t.v. series, he just cant get enough. LOL

I sure hope you post pictures of the quilt you make with your accuquilt go:)

Have a great Sunday!

Ann Flowers

7 Pauline said...

I often dream that I am flying, so if I really could, I would fly around the Adelaide Hills, flying over the meadows and enjoying the countryside just like I do in my dreams.

If I was that strong, I'd like to move the fridge out by myself and clean behind it!

And the AccuQuilt question- I'd make a 'Rob Peter to Pay Paul' quilt cos all the pieces wpuld be the right size and shape!

Interesting questions~

8 Phyllis said...

ha ha ha! I'm laughing at Anne's response - so funny!!

The first place I'd fly is to visit my sister and mom; then I'd head straight over to the Eastern Shore of VA and visit my oldest and dearest friends. Then I'd head to the mountains and stay there!

Not sure what I'd do with all that physical strength though.

And at this point, I have no desire for the Acququilt. I'd still mess up on putting the quilt together!

9 Angie said...

Hi Marlene - if I really could fly I think I would just pop off very briefly to Luxor just to see what the hottest place on earth feels like - and then straight back because I don't really like the heat!

If I could bend an iron bar.....well believe it or not I used to be able to tear phone books in half (!truly) so maybe I would do a reprise of that because there are STILL some who do not believe me!

As for the quilty cutter thingy....well knowing nothing about quilting I don't know what this thing is for so I would have to give it to you to pass to someone who doesn't have one.

10 nanny said...

I'd fly straight to Dallas for a hug and kiss from my sweet granddaughter.....then I might head on to Hawaii/ha
Guess if I could bend an iron bar I'd do anything I pleased....
Don't know what the cutter is but I would love a log cabin quilt!!!

11 Arkansas Patti said...

If I could fly and not need oxygen, I'd head for outer space. Some think I am all ready there.

Can't really think of a need to bend a steel bar though it would be an intimidating party trick. Probably wouldn't need help with those darn pickle jar caps which would be good.

Don't quilt yet, maybe someday.

12 Sherrill said...

If I could fly, I think I'd fly over New England in the fall for a better view of the colors. If I could bend an iron bar, MAYBE I'd pick up the fridge and clean under it (but I doubt it--besides it DOES have wheels! LOL) and I HAVE a GO! but have done absolutely NOTHING with it yet (guess too many other projects in progress at the other 'good' reason).

13 Julie Fukuda said...

Our wireless has been down so I've had some time to ponder these questions.
Certainly being able to fly might put me closer to my kids and grandkids. But the other stuff? I'm already strong enough for an old lady and I wouldn't know an accuquilt thing if it dropped out of the sky on my toe let alone what to do with it. If it is bigger than a breadbox there would also be a problem as to where to put it.

14 FabricFascination said...
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15 FabricFascination said...

Congrats on getting an accuquilt!

I have always wanted to fly. I think Hawaii first.

The first strongwoman thing I might do is travel the monkey bars all the way across, some cartwheels, and of course rescue people from under cars or in mines and such.

16 Glenda said...

If I could fly I would take to the skies and visit all my blogger friends in person. If I could bend an iron bar I would clean out my garage. It's full of lots of heavy things and my husband just hasn't had the time. I don't know what the accuquilter is but, hopefully, you'll post a picture of it. Maybe it's something I really need and I'm just unaware of it . :)

17 Marge said...

I'd fly to Alaska.

I'd single handedly build myself a cabin in the woods of Alaska.

I'd sit in my cabin in the woods of Alaska and make quilts! Probably all the Schnibbles quilts first.

18 Lea and her Mustangs said...

First I would fly to TN to visit my sister, then I would fly to Hawaii and lay on the beach and then I would fly around to meet all my blogger friends. If I could bend the bar that would mean I was strong enough to do anything I wanted to. The quilting thingy, well I don't know what it is so would have to give it to someone who wanted one and knew what to do with it.

19 Sarah or Semmy said...

Exciting questions for you fans! I would fly to Australia just to be able to choose from the so many delightful embroidery patterns they have in their stores and magazines. If I could bend an iron bar, I would donate my strength to the city to be used to tear down ugly framework left from fires and other disasters that they have a hard time getting rid of in a proper way. If I had a Go Cutter. I would make lots of two and a half inch strips for a stack of stitched squares I have set aside for quilts. Sarah

20 Karen said...

I really like the quilt you want to make.

Anonymous said...

If I could fly, it would be to Alaska to look at the beautiful scenery. If I could bend iron... hmmm... that strong? Wow! I guess I would try to help people in emergencies and get them out of their car accidents or earthquakes, etc....And If I had a Go! cutter... the first thing I would do would be to head to my scrap bin and make them into squares!

22 Janet said...

I just came over to your blog from Stash Manicure and I love it - you are funny!! So I'm porbably too late for your little gift but I'm going to answer the questions anyway.

1. I would fly the 50 miles I currently drive to work every day - especially on beautiful mornings where the sky is amazing shades of pink and blue. Yesterday I so wanted to stop and take pictures of the gorgeous colours that I'm sure I'll never see again, but I was already late so I didn' will always be there but those colours....a once in a lifetime chance!

2. I'd show off. I'd impress all the 20 to 40 year old men that I supervise with my prowess. And I'd impress all my girlfriends. And I'd be able to help my hubby lift walls and big packs of roofing shingles and other fun things.
3.I haven't ordered a GO...but if I had I'd make a double wedding ring. Always wanted to make one of those and I have close friends who are getting married next summer.

23 Mary said...

If I could fly, I would first go to Hawaii. I've always wanted to go there. If I could bend iron bars, then I would probably be strong enough to haul my husband along to Hawaii with me as I flew! We'd save enough on flights that I could buy all kinds of wonderful Hawaiian fabric. If I had a GO cutter, the first quilt I would make would be a double wedding ring. My son is getting married in April and wouldn't that be a great quilt for him and his sweetie?