651. Quiet Christmas mornings
652. Christmas Eve celebrations at church
653. O Holy Night sung on Christmas Eve
654. Christmas greetings from friends as we enter church
655. Christmas cards with messages about the birth
656. Christmas sacks with bright ribbons
657. Children who know why we have this holiday and say it loudly during children's time
658. Little girls in Christmas dresses
659. Ornaments on the tree that remind me of other days
660. Pancakes for breakfast on Christmas morning
661. Being reminded by my son of the syrup Nanny used to make for the pancakes
662. A roaring fire on Christmas morning
663. Feeding the birds and thinking of Mother
664. Knowing that on some day in the distant past Jesus was born and that He changed the world
665. Candles lifted high in praise
666. An offering plate piled with money destined for the homeless shelters and the food banks
667. Christmas stockings, homemade
668. Christmas candy, made only at this time of the year
669. Love for my family that overflows my heart and brings tears to my eyes
670. The grace that forgives me when I'm not successful at acting like Jesus taught
671. Church bells ringing on Christmas morning
672. Church choirs singing Christmas carols
673. The Chrismon tree in the sanctuary
674. Cinnamon and cloves simmering on the stove
675. M&Ms - a Christmas tradition at our house