Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Guest Blogging and Giveaway

I'm posting over at Stash Manicure again today ya'll - a really cute, fun and fast! table topper.  You'll love making this one for gifts because it works up in a flash.  Go over there and check it out!  Then come back here and post a comment to win these prizes:
There's a great book from Fig Tree Quilts - love her stuff - a pattern for a small wallet from Lazy Girl Designs and one from Jean Boyd called Redwork Cottage (applique and redwork), a cute little hand towel I couldn't resist, and a Schnibbles pincushion made!  You don't have to do anything fancy - just comment to let me know you were here and if you're a follower be sure you tell me that so you'll get an extra chance.  If you aren't a follower yet, don't you want to be? What? Oh, that's me that wants you to be!   :) I'll close the drawing Friday at 6:00 P.M.      blessings, marlene


1 MoeWest said...

That is the cutest little towel! Thanks for the great giveaway.

2 MoeWest said...

I'm a follower!

3 Ranae said...

great giveaway!
thanks for sharing :)

4 Ranae said...

and now I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower!

7 Kathy MacKie said...

I am a follower!

8 Kathy MacKie said...

Great giveaway and would love to win!

9 Shari said...

I saw you on Stash Manicure. Great tutorial.

10 Shari said...

I don't mind being your follower. I am now. Hope you have a good Christmas season!

11 Val Laird said...

Hi Marlene

Thanks for that great tutorial over at Stash Manicure ... and for this lovely giveaway.

12 Gill said...

I've come from SM too!
Great tutorial and thanks for the giveaway!

13 Mystica said...

I came over from Stash Manicure after following your tutorial. I have to go over it again as I am a bit slow on those tutorials! I love that color combination so seasonal!

14 Inger said...

I have had you in my favourite-list for some months by now. Every now and then I check it out. Nice for someone who are quite new in quilting, all to learn some more. I´ll think I make your tabletopper as a Christmasgift to a friend who once said that her sewingmachine gets shaky when she approach, that means she isn´t sewing anything at all!
Greetings from Finland

15 Ned's Place said...

Thank you for the table runner tut very quick and easy love it.

16 Irina said...

Thank you for the pattern! I'd love to win those goodies too, hope I'm lucky!

17 Irina said...

I'm your follower too

18 Sparky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
19 Sparky said...

Of course I am a follower Marlene, were absolutely terrific this morning ...and I would love to win this package..I could win, couldn't I??? lol...
Ahhh looks pretty festive here this is the spirit of you and your new followers...yeah...

20 QuiltSue said...

I've just read your tutorial on Stash Manicure. It's great, thanks, and so is this giveaway.

21 Peach Rainbow said...

Thanks for the tutorial & the lovely giveaway!

22 Peach Rainbow said...

I am a follower too :)

23 Annette said...

Thanks for the great tutorial on Stash Manicure. I am a Fig Tree fan too. Crossing my fingers.

24 Annette said...

Oh, and I'm following you too. Great blog!

25 Peggy Lee said...

After reading all these comments I must go check out this SM place!
Thanks for the chance in your giveaway.

26 Peggy Lee said...

Of course I'm a follower!
Love your blog.

27 Terry said...

I was just at Stash Manicure! Love teh table runner tutorial! I need to make a few of those! And thanks for the giveaway too! :0)

28 Terry said...

I'm a follower too of course! :0)

29 Lee said...

The table runner is the best tutorial i have seen! Well for me with limited time and lots of gifts to make. thanks!
I am a follower too!

30 Melissa Corry said...

I love the towel, so funny!! Your tutorial is wonderful, thank you!! Happy Holidays!

31 Roma said...

I would settle for the cushion!!
and yes I am now a follower..
so please add me for the give away.

32 Nancy said...

I'm your newest follower ...came over from Stash Manicure...Love the giveaway, but love the table runner even more...

33 Nancy said...

Can't wait to go back and start reading your past posts...

34 BarbCarol said...

Hooray! My baby turned 18 yesterday!! Does this mean I get to start doing all these great projects that I have been delaying until she is grown?
Love your tutorials. And of course, I am a follower of your blog. Do I get a third chance to win because I am your cousin?

35 Renea said...

Your giveaway is wonderful. I have looked at this book many times and then put it back onto the shelf. I love the Lazy Girl Designs patterns and am right now working on a redwork project. I do not have a blog but I read yours daily.

36 Sarcastic Quilter said...

I'm already a follower and frankly, I think that little table runner is a very clever and cute runner!

thanks for sharing it.

37 Dorian said...

Hi Marlene! I'm a follower...I'm a follower of Stash manicure too. Cute pattern tut. Fun how that folded triangle works, I'm going to have to try that. Thanks for a chance at winning! Merry Christmas.

38 DebrafromMD said...

I love the table runner you posted on Stash Manicure. Now I'm off to my stash to look for appropriate fabrics (when I should be baking Christmas desserts).

39 Judy said...

Thanks for the great tutorial on Stash Manicure. That towel is so cute!

40 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you know I follow you - that fig tree book looks interesting!

41 Diane H said...

Ya got me! I'm a new follower - I'll be back to look around - I promise.

42 Diane H said...

NO WAY! My word verification is 'quilt' - no lie!!! Thanks for the tutorial, I have 'miles' of a fabric I can use to whip up some of these. Happy Holidays!

43 Marie said...

I like your blog - count me as a follower.

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet giveaway - thank you for the chance!

45 Marj said...

Loved the quick table runner! Thank you for the pattern and the giveaway.

46 Marj said...

I am a follower.

47 Karen said...

Thanks for the tutorial and the giveaway. I'll be adding your blog to my reader. Merry Christmas!

48 My Needle Crafts said...

Stopped by after checking out your tutorial over on Stash Manicure!! I'm definitely going to make one of those!! Thanks for sharing! I'm now a follower :)

49 Michele T said...

Cute tute! Thanks for sharing!

50 JayTee said...

love the table runner

51 JayTee said...

I became a follower

52 Millie said...

Marlene, I love your tutorial and I like the idea it will only take me 10 minutes. I am a happy follower of your blog and thanks for a chance to enter your generous giveawy.

53 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Love your tutorial on Stash Manicure! I just made one up in Christmas fabrics and couldn't believe how easy it was. Now to just applique something cute on the ends. Thanks so much!

54 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I also just signed up as a follower, thanks again.

55 Quilt n Queen said...

You are SEW the table runner and enjoyed your post. Yes it will take me longer to pick my fabrics than it will take to sew this SWEET table runner. Thanks for the chance to win..... love your redwork ....and bluework. Love anything with embroidery. It would put a smile on my face if it found it's way into my sewing room... Happy quilting!!!

56 Anna said...

I'm going to try your table runner on my day off tomorrow. Thanks for a chance to win!

57 Quilt n Queen said...

Thanks to Madame Samm we are following each other. Looking forward to seeing the reindeer head peeking through the 'M' in your block exchange. Again thanks for the chance to win....would love to win your giveaway1!!!!

58 Linda said...

I LOVE that cute! And yes I'm a follower!
I saw your table runner on stash manicure...may have to try that one of these (not so busy!) days!

59 Pots and Pins said...

Great Tut on Stash - great give, too! Count me in - and I'm now a follower! xo, Nan

60 Anna said...

I'm a new follower. Glad to find your blog!

61 Kathy H said...

Read your project directions on stash manicure. Very nice. I have made two of these runners also (second was better than the first) and I think it really did take 10 minutes. Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway. Merry Christmas.

62 Kathy H said...

I am a follower.

63 Marcia W. said...

I am now a follower of your stitchinByTheLake blog.

64 Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the wonderful tutorial this morning on Stash Manicure. Had company for lunch so took time before could arrive and congratulate you on a job well done. Of course, the giveaway is great too. Happy Holidays.

Myrtle Yopp said...

I have actually been making a few of these tablerunners myself and just love how fast and cute they are! I am a follower, so please enter me for the drawing---would love to win! Thanks!

66 Teresa said...

Just discovered your blog and had such fun reading it I've become a follower.

67 Teresa said...

Loved the quick make,going to try one tomorrow.

68 krisgray said...

Loved the cute fast tute! Thanks!

69 krisgray said...

I am now a follower - cute giveaways - love making the small projects.

70 Annie said...

I came by for a visit and noticed your giveaway. Loved the tut over at stash manicure.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love give aways!

And I'm a follower already.
Mama Bear

72 LindaB said...

Hi Marlene....You have been on my favorites list for a while..I I am a followerer...great tutorial over at "Stash Manicure" I needed something quick to do for a few friends for christmas pressies...thankyou...please add me to your give-a-way...lots of goodies there...LindaB

73 Julie Fukuda said...

I see ... a bribe ...
You're a hard act to follow!

74 Mary L. Briggs said...

I love the table runner~I'm going to have to dig through my Christmas fabric stash! It looks easy--my favorite crafts to do!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Marlene...loved the tutorial on the table runner. You did a great job explaining it. I'd love to win your give-away. Please put my name in the pot. Jo S.

76 Adrienne said...

Love the things in your give-away. Yes, I'm a follower - wouldn't have it any other way - but you already know that. I enjoyed the tutorial and can't wait to make a runner or two using your directions. Wish I could stop right now and make one but that won't happen today. Maybe soon.

77 sunny said...

What a wonderful giveaway! And your table runner tutorial is awesome.

78 sunny said...

I'm a new follower!

79 Lori said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks Marlene!

80 Lori said...

Guess what? I am now a follower. I just checked and I guess I never was. I've had you in my reader forever but must have never clicked that powerful follower button. I sure did now though!

81 Lina said...

Cute little towel... and I love the redwork cottage pattern. Thank you for the giveaway.

82 Pam said...

I love the tablerunner and will be making it tomorrow. It's the perfect last minute gift!! Thanks for the tutorial.

83 Pam said...

I'm a new follower!

84 lindagerig said...

I am a new followerer. Linda gerig

85 Ghislaine said...

Awesome table runner! Thank you!

86 Darlene B said...

I'm a new follower! Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity and also for the table runner tut.

87 Nancy said...

I just read your table runner tutorial on Stash Manicure, and now I'm here. I'll be subscribing to your feed, but first I have to find that everything bag tut. I need to make one for a gift I'm sending my friend.

88 Sharon said...

How fun! Thanks for your blog!

89 Kim Q said...

I love the table runner you posted! So then of course I came running over here. Thanks for doing a really nice giveaway! I'm off to nose around some more. ;-)

90 Laila L S said...

Thanks for this great giveaway s. I liked your tutorial, and will be making some of these tablerunners very soon.
Hope I'm not wrong when I think it's not needed two comments to tell I'm now a follower of your blog.

91 Laura said...

I love your tutorial. Thanks for the great giveaway.

92 Laura said...

I am happy to say that I am already a follower of yours and of Stash Manicure.

93 c said...

cute towel, great giveaway, great offer, love to have the book too. But just thanks to you for offering

94 Carrie P. said...

I just went to see your post on the table runner. Very neat. Thanks for sharing.
I will pass on the giveaway since I have that book already.
Come see my giveaway.

95 Poppyprint said...

Your tute was great! Thanks for that, and for the giveaway Marlene!

Nan S. said...

Thanks for your tutorial. You make it look so easy.

97 Laura T said...

I love the table runner and have not seen this one. I will definitely make this one - love how quick it is! Thanks for the tutorial and the fun give-a-way:)
Laura T

98 Laura T said...

I'm also a new follower!
Laura T

99 arlette said...

I'm the comment number 100 yay for you!!!!!, I'm your new follower!!!

100 arlette said...

Forgot to say... I'll give a try to the table topper!!!!, looks easy to make and love the colors you used for it, congrats!!! it's lovely!!!

101 Quiltgal said...

Thanks for the great pattern for an Easy table runner. I am now a new follower.

102 Gwynette in NW Arkansas said...

How nice to find another quilter in Arkansas.... and one that has a very cute idea for a quick gift!!!

103 Gwynette in NW Arkansas said...

I've signed up to follow you.

104 Mamarazzi said...

cute little towel! i wish i could sew, unfortunately i am not very crafty beyond a glue gun!

thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. i do my best to follow people who comment on my blog back to theirs to leave a little love.

105 em's scrapbag said...

Love that cute hand towel.

106 Gwen said...

Cute things in the giveaway! Love the table runner! Thanks for posting the tutorial.

107 Linda (Petey) said...

Yeah! I am a follower and do so enjoy your blog. Christmas blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the tutorial about the table topper with us, love the way you make it, please enter me in the drawing, the stuff you're giving away's great!

109 Janet said...

A lovely tutorial and a lovely give away. What more could we want for Christmas?ing

110 Janet said...

And a follower. :)

111 Val said...

Love the tutorial! I would love to be in the give away and I have been a follower for a long time.

Anonymous said...

I'm obviously try to play catch up and nearly missed out...oh goodness pick me!!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention I've been a follower but obviously didn't follow very good with entering this late! LOL

114 Heartsdesire said...

Thanks for the great tutorial and thanks also for a chance to win your giveaway.

115 Heartsdesire said...

Since reading your post at Stash Manicure, I've now become a follower.

116 Nancy in IN said...

I love. Placemats done the same way would look neat. I'm going to try to figure it out. I love the rick-rack around the focus fabric.