Friday, January 28, 2011


Don't you think it's odd how sometimes we can write a post every single day for weeks and then we have to go "AWOL" for a while.  Sometimes we're just not able to write.  Other times life interferes with work, children, grandchildren, trips, etc.  For me it was grandchildren this week.

I've had two sick grandchildren this week but one in particular, Blake, has been in Children's Hospital for several days now.  Blake is 12 and has a combination of symptoms that have completely perplexed his doctors.  Today is the 12th day he's run fever.  He has a very swollen lymph node in his neck as well as several smaller ones.  He's having some joint swelling and a rash.  He's thrown up a time or two but only when the fever gets high or he tries to take oral meds.  They've tested him for everything from cat scratch fever to non-tuberculin micro bacteria!  They've ruled out several things but ruled in nothing.  And even now they say his strep test has been negative twice but it could still be that.  If the non-tuberculin micro bacteria test is negative, it could still be that.  It could be both bacterial and viral.  It could be....bless their hearts they're trying but it's just not standing out as any one thing!  Obviously he's pale and tired and weak and wants to go home.

What do grandparents do when grandchildren are sick?  We worry.  Because we have no control of the situation.  Don't you hate that?  When we were the parents we were the ones asking the questions, talking to the doctors, calling the nurses, holding the child's hands.  Now we have to step aside and let their parents do all that even as we're chomping at the bit to do it ourselves.  After all how can we trust those adults who once were our toddlers with sagging diapers, who picked up a Snickers off the parking lot and stuck it in their mouths, who started talking back about age 12....   It isn't that we haven't accepted them as adults a long time ago, it's just that we want to take it all back and say move aside, let Mama handle this.  :)

But we can't handle it so we stitch.  We sit quietly, try to keep our mouths shut, and stitch.  This is what this grandmother is stitching on right now.
Twas The Night Before Christmas by CrabApple Hill.  Embroidery is so soothing.....


  1. Here's hoping they find out soon so the poor kid can get better and go home! The embroidery is beautiful.

  2. I'll be praying for wisdom for the doctors and that your grandson will get well. It's hard to not be able to control the situation or physically do something to help make it better.

  3. How hard it is when things slip out of one's sphere of control. I'll be praying for Blake and a speedy recovery.

  4. I was wondering where you were Marlene. Prayers going out for your grandson. It's so very hard when the kids are sick! Ticks, did they test for Lyme disease?

  5. I am sending prayers for Blake. So scary isn't it rather you are the parent or grandparent.
    I pray for a good solution.
    I love your stitching!

  6. There is nothing worse when a loved one is sick, especially your child or a grandpeep. Hope the Dr.'s get an explanation soon and that Blake will be feeling better real soon too. You are sEw right...embroidery is so soothing.

  7. Sure looks like over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go..... also looks like a large project.

    Do pray that this day will be turn for the good for Blake....

  8. Oh, so sorry to hear about Blake! Praying for him, and for all of you as you wait.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandson :( I'll be keeping him in my prayers!!!!

  10. My, my, but haven't you done a wonderful job of expressing a grandparent's thoughts! I'm so sorry to hear about your grandson. How frustrating that must be for his parents as well as the doctors. We already know how you feel about it. I'm glad to see you're handling it with something positive like your beautiful stitching. I am sure it has heard many of your prayers. Keep strong. We're certain you have God ear.

  11. Gosh I hope they find Blake's problem and have him totally well very soon.
    I am praying for him but also his parents and grands. I know this is so hard on you all.

  12. Yes, it's frustrating sometimes but it can also be a little freeing (is that a word?). I've learned to tell myself - it's not my problem; I don't have to take on the responsibility.

    Love the stitchery!

  13. Keep the faith; Blake's health challenge will be figured out and he'll be better very soon. Here's a big (HUG) for you and yours.

  14. We worry, we pray, we stitch and we worry some more. I do hope they get to the bottom of this soon and Blake is home and on the road to recovery.

  15. It seems like there's so many new bugs out there these days which makes things much more difficult to diagnose. Blake is definitely on our prayer list. Keep your chin up, Grandma, they will find the problem and the solution.

  16. It's so hard to watch our loved ones struggle with their health - especially our grandchildren. I'm praying for Blake and for wisdom for the doctors. And sending hugs to you, dear friend.

  17. I will continue to hold Blake, his parents, his caregivers, and his grandmother in my prayers. I hope we will read good news here, soon.

  18. You have my prayers as well. As a fairly new gramma, I'm just starting to appreciate how hard it is to not to try to take over. My little man was sick last week when he was at my house and it was hard to hand him back to his parents without giving too much advice!

    Love and patience to all of you and especially Blake and hope he heals fast.

  19. Just wanted you to know that I have started with this stitchery project as well! Love 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' by CrabApple Hill. I see, you are a little further along than me :)Hope to catch up!
    PS - wishing your grandkids a speedy recovery.

  20. We were in a situation this week where we had no control either. It's hard. I will pray for your grandson and the doctors treating him. Hope they find a solution really soon so he can go home and continue on being an active kid.


  21. Oh goodness...I'm not a grandparent yet but had more than my fair share of kids in and out of the hospitals when they were younger and still then...felt helpless.

  22. With all the prayers flying your direction I hope Blake will be soon on the mend. Thanks for sharing your cares so we can add our prayers to the situation.

  23. Oh, so true! It is almost unbearable at times! I'm so sorry one of your little ones is sick...sending up prayers that he will be on the mend soon!

  24. Poor little Blake~hospitals are tough on the whole family~
    You have my prayers for your little guy~hang in there Nana~keep stitching!
    ♥ Eileen

  25. Understand that Children's Hospital where you live is a really good one. They will figure it out. In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours..thank goodness for sewing!

  26. I hope they figure out what's happening with your grandson. I'll be keeping him and his doctors in prayer.

  27. I will be praying for your grandson. As a grandparent myself I know how hard it is to sit back and not be able to take control. May your family be blessed and your lil man will be healed!!

  28. Praying a special prayer for your grandson this morning. And praying that God would soothe your "grandma" heart. I KNOW I would feel exactly like you do...but thank the Lord He is there (the One truly in control) alongside your grandson and his parents... and the doctors.

    Keep us posted...

  29. Marlene, I could not have said it better myself...Keep on Stitch-in sweetheart! Prayers being lifted up for your Grandson AND those Parents of said grandchild.
    Blessings Friend
    Gmama Jane

  30. I will say a prayer for your Grandson. I am so sorry he is ill. There is nothing so helpless feeling than when a child is ill.

    Your hand work beautiful. Keep those fingers stitching.

  31. I am sorry I issued this Marlene! I am glad Blake is doing somewhat better and that you can now visit. You hit the nail on the head with that 'no control' thing. It is very hard at times!!

    I hope very soon Blake is home and back to normal and the worry can ease up!!

  32. Ohhh goodness Marlene..very sad...listen if "HE" is listening surely he would have heard all of our prayers...

    oh and your red work...finesse....

  33. I love the embroidery you show in this post... and you are soo right, embroidery is so soothing. I am just not getting back into the habit!

    I read your posts from most recent (1/31) to this one, so I know Blake is all better.. Praise God for that!

    I am guessing you were at Children's in Little Rock? Our daughter's first pediatrician left his practice here to work there 21 or so years ago. He was a super doctor and we so missed him!

