Friday, February 18, 2011

The First....

Daffodil this spring!
Or Jonquil if you're from the south and that's what your Grandmother called them.  :)

My violets are blooming again too...

And I saw my first Robin of the spring yesterday and today I saw Forsythia blooming!  We're supposed to have a short cold snap next week but I think Spring is really here.  :)  I'm doing a happy dance!  Spring makes me want to pull out my bright green fabrics, and pretty pinks and sunny yellows - and tomorrow I'm going to do just that!


  1. your daffodils beat mine! I think mine will start to open next week - when does the big garden down by Hot Springs start getting all the tulips open do you know? (Garvin Gardens?) We missed it last year. I will have to start to check on it so we won't miss them this year.

  2. While I was prowling in the yard this afternoon, I noticed that I have a few buds (only) on my King Alfred daffodils. Surely Spring won't be too much longer in coming.

  3. That's wonderful! Post often. I will be living vicariously for a couple of months.

  4. That sounds like a good plan to me. I have the greens shooting up but no daffodil flowers yet.

  5. We are sooooo close but not yet. Maybe tomorrow??

  6. Ahhh darn it...there is no possible way we would see any buds...less flowers...we are still covered with snow...I want a
    I will just have to admire

  7. You sure you didn't buy that at the florist???
    We still have very few snow piles lucking. Just the ones in the shade. Of and of course lots of mud!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Even though we have been teased here in the Northeast with a couple of warm days - nights have been frigid and the next couple of weeks go back to the single digits again. I love your african violets - I should get a few for my kitchen window.

  9. Yay for Spring!! I love Forsythia. (And I grew up saying daffodil - that's probably because I came from California. :)

  10. I thought jonquils were the nice smelling ones with short trumpets. The first flowers on the plum have opened and a little bush warbler was on the feeder. Harbingers of spring. I'm waiting....

  11. We saw some trees in a town about 60 miles away that had yellow blooms that looked like daffodils. I have no idea what kind of tree.

  12. Yesterday was in the low 50's here. The smell of it made me feel like gardening. But we had wicked winds all night, and now it is back in the 30's. Just a taste of the Spring to come.

  13. My daffodils are just poking through the least now I can see them since the snow has melted. We are having a crazy weekend of weather here...rain and thunderstorms today, 70 degrees on Sunday, and snow on is the Midwest, right?

  14. Oh Joy! No blooming around here yet.

  15. Our Okie ones aren't quite there yet, but yours is beautiful! Happy Almost Spring!!!!!

  16. Seriously? YOu have a Daffodil? From actual outdoors and not a flower shop? I am sooooooooooooo jealous! We are supposed to get 12+ inches of snow today!

  17. Your daffodilly and violets are so pretty. A nice change from all the snow, yes?

  18. Daffodils and violets... there isn't anything lovelier; well, I do love lily-of-the-valley too, and lilacs... Enjoy! Wish we could grow daffodils down here in Florida.

  19. Up in the Ozarks, our daffodils are sooooo close to blooming, but just not quite there yet.

    Thank you for visiting Hodgepodgery, my totally miscellaneous photography blog. I also write Nature in the Ozark, where I try to limit my posts to Ozarks nature themes, including landscapes, birds, flowers and (sometimes) even bugs. A recent post featured our daffodil buds.

  20. HOW exciting!!
    I just saw the green tips of ours popping up yesterday. It will be quite a while before they bloom here, but any sign of spring is a welcome sight. Enjoy your beautiful blooms and the warm sunshine that accompanies them. =)
