Saturday, March 26, 2011

Witches Don't Scare Me!

I did the hand embroidery on this piece a couple of years ago so you know what that means - it hit the UFO pile and lived there a while.  Last night it became UFO #9 to be finished off my list of 30.
The colors didn't come out just right in this picture...that plaid is a little more orange and the bright piece is more orange too though it's pretty neon.  :)  I love the way it adds some pop to the piece.   I stippled around the embroidery, outlined the stars, drew witch's brooms in the "neon" blocks and drew loops in the borders.  It's a long time until Halloween, but I'm ready!


  1. What good embroidery designs for Halloween. You sure are making progress towards that 30. Keep on truckin'!

  2. I envy your determination in completing your goal of 30 completed UFO's! What an inspiration you are to all of us!

  3. Such cute embroideries! Wow, you are really tackling those UFOs, way to go.

  4. I love it, and your stippling is wonderful!!!

  5. Oooo, I love your work!!! You should be sainted for getting so much done, and we aren't even through March yet. You'll be done with your 30 before you know it!

    I'm beginning to get a little ashamed. Guess I'll need to get to my UFO's, too!

  6. Very sweet!! It sure feels good to get things checked off, doesn't it?

  7. Oh, I'm so happy for you, and somewhat jealous, that you're getting so much done. I WILL get to my sewing machine for some personal stuff... soon!

  8. Really cute!! I love it :o)

  9. Now that is good looking and I really like your neon orange. Really sets it off.

  10. UFO #9...? are SOO FAR ahead of me...I'm on #3! I gosta give you a big round of applause for tackling so many so fast!!


  11. Marlene, send some of that UFO finishing my way. Love #9

  12. and they don't scare me either...but what scares me is how many more UFO's you still does that happen lol

  13. ohhhh forgot to mention I really like this...and you know why

  14. This is fabulous! Marlene, I have a UFO that has been in the works for a few years now. I MUST FINISH it before school gets out. It's a rag quilt for Bethany. I made Ben's before he was born. You have my permission to hold me accountable! I think I'm just afraid to start sewing.

  15. Good job. You are moving right along.
