Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sittin' In The Bathroom Waiting For a Tree To Fall On My Head

Tell the truth....that title grabbed you, right?

Last night I was sitting in the sun room in my stitchin' chair working on an embroidery project when a storm hit.  There are patio doors right in front of my chair about 8 feet away from me so I turned on the outside light so I could watch.  On television they talked about golf ball sized hail in an area southwest of me and I wanted to see if we got any...we planted 16 new Encore Azaleas this week so I was worried about them!  As I was sitting and stitching and watching the weather man track the storm (because they did that instead of NCIS, go figure!) I heard the wind come up and watched as my deck furniture slowly and even gracefully slid from one side of the deck to the other.  It was as if a giant invisible hand was slowly pushing each piece across from one side to the other...rearranging the furniture!  Two small rosemary plants that were waiting to be potted rolled around and the hail started.  Not golf ball sized but hail just the same.

The lightening was a wonder to behold and the thunder boomed.  But what....why didn't the thunder stop?  Who ever heard of continuous thunder with no end?  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  Thunder, roar, sounds like a train?  Now sometimes I'm just dense because  I'm a very thoughtful person so I stood there in deep thought and then decided "oh I'll open the door to see what I can hear."  :)  Yep, constant roar that sounded some distance away but not a great distance away.  A funnel cloud going over my house! Time to head to the bathroom.  I quickly gathered up my stitching (no telling how long I'd be in there and I didn't want to be bored), my cell phone, and the television remote control.  Don't ask.  

Wouldn't you know this was one of the rare nights my husband wasn't at home!  I'm pretty sure the Gideons didn't need him nearly as much as I did.  I've learned that it's not that I'm scared of getting hit on the head by a tree, it's just that I want him to get hit on the head by that tree too.  He's so appreciative of  my desire to share.

A mile from me there are trees down and lots of folks are without power but as far as I know no one is hurt.  Thank you Jesus for calming my fears even in a storm.  :)


Jackie said...

You gave me my first giggle of the day...loved that you wanted to share the experience of trees falling with your husband :)
And yes...Jesus is the great storm calmer...even if it is raging around us ;)

paulette said...

So glad that there was a happy ending!! I too giggled over sharing the tree with your hubby...guess we all think a like!!:o)
Take care!

Sandy said...

Glad you are safe and no major problems. We have been having storms this week and last evening there was a thunder like that...not a tornado, but definitely a LONG one...I never thought it could be the other either!

Julie in the Barn said...

Good grief! Scary story, but oh so funny when you write it. We had trees come down during a fierce winter storm last month. Fortunately, I was not at home and so didn't know I should have been worried. No damage but lots of yard clean-up in store this spring.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Glad it's scalmed down at your place. The electric coop I work for has sent 5 truck to southeast Missouri this morning.
We survived without a scratch here.

Paula said...

Wow....glad you kept calm, and took the stitching with you. And, glad you are safe!!

Gmama Jane said...

I completely understand about your wish to share the love with your husband during a storm! If I go, I want us to go together!! very funny, Marlene! I love it that you took your stitching with you AND the remote!!! Were you planning on watching the weatherman from the comfort of your bathroom??? You have to know when he says it's safe to come out of your "storm shelter". I understand...been there...done that!! One time we ate watermelon outside as a tornado roared thru 500 ft. from our house!! Go figure??

ColoradoBelle said...

So glad you are safe Marlene! And how scary! Ever since we were out there last year with the crazy storms, I see storms here in a different light. Baby storms here.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

LOL - you put it so well - I too had wanted my husband to share the experience with me last night! The wind was horrible and as I was sitting in the hallway with my phone and my kindle and a flashlight - didn't bother with the remote the power was already out -- I was wishing he shared the hallway with me :)

Lea and her Mustangs said...

I would have wigged out - #l being alone during it and #2 a tornadoe is the worst weather I can imagine. Scared is not a bigt enough word. Glad you are safe.

Linda said...

I'm so glad you're safe!
We were once in the path of an oncoming tornado. It was heading right for us! We (me, my husband, and 3 teenage/almost teen sons)got in our pantry. Now this was a 100 year old Victorian house and there wasn't another place in it that didn't have windows. The pantry was fairly large and under the stairs. There we were, elbow to elbow between two sets of shelves where the food was kept and them guys are asking me to "pass me the chocolate chips", "pass me the Doritoes", "pass......" Here I was, scared out my mind, and all they could think about was food. Luckily, the tornado didn't touch down and we are all still around.

Linda said...

Not, "them" guys. I meant to say "those" guys. (The teacher in me couldn't let that ride.

Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

Oh my gosh - that is hysterical! I didn't think anybody but me would go outside during a tornedo to see what all the ruckus was about! I am soooooooooo very glad you, your stitching, cell phone, television remote (and yes, hubby) are safe and unscathed!
Thank you for the laughter!

Sparky said...

Ohhhh Poop well Mother Nature is not very happy these days around here either..winds and torrential downpours has us thinking summer is never going to come...we are just going to fall right into winter all over safe in your powder room...x

Wendy said...

Dear God, Bless you! Yes, you have a title grabber ... I'm so glad you are okay. I wonder each time I hear the HLN Weatherman say storms are going through your neighborhood. See, Montana's mountains are good for more than just pretty scenery :) Can't wait to see how your stitching project comes out!! ... Seriously though ... the remote? LOL LOL ... BTW ... NCIS happens to be the one show when Mom is absolutely off limits for an hour. Love it!!

The Mayo Family said...

Dear Mrs Marlene,
Oh my praising the Lord you are safe!
He ha cute you want to share with your hubby! :)
Yes, we all do funny things...I always say to the children are the hymnals in the basement & my knitting? Our children think it's not a "real warning" if Momma has no hand-work with her!
Now I know why God lead me here...Gideons! We have a sweet Granpa in our life who loves the Lord so much he is a Gideon! :) we are so blessed & we do support the Gideon's work! :)
Well, once again thankful you are well & safe...and have a good rest of the week!

rubyslipperz1052 said...

I'm glad to hear that you are OKAY...I would be WHEELY scared...home alone! I'm sure you were/are being watched over...TOO many people would miss you!


Needled Mom said...

How frightening! I am so glad the story had a happy ending, but it does look as though many did not come out as well.

Retrogirl said...

MARLENE! So glad you had the presence of mind to take care of your stitching. What on earth could calm your nerves better during a tornado and hail storm? lol Thank goodness you're alright. We had a bit of a scare up this way, too and I'm afraid some of the plants are a little unsightly but will come back fine. I do hope your azaleas pull through. =)
Best Wishes,

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I am glad you weathered the storm Marlene! The oddities we grab when in flight. I am glad my daughter/SIL just had some very big diseased trees removed from around their house - the last storm would have put them thru the house. Stay safe

Lindah said...

Amen! Glad you are safe. Is this tornadic weather left over from last season --or is it an early start on the coming season???

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are okay. It's always so much nicer when we share :-) Cross stitching always helps to calm me.

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh my goodness! I've been in hail like that, and even larger, but I've never been close to hearing "the train." I'm glad for you it stayed overhead and didn't drop down on you and your sewing room. Though perhaps you might like the undeniably perfect excuse for not finishing all those UFOs! Okay, that's really not so funny. I'm truly glad that you're safe.

Michelle said...

So glad all is well with you today!!!!

Salem Stitcher said...

I'm so glad the storm missed you and you still have a roof over your head. And, don't worry, NCIS was a rerun last night anyway (though I'd watch Mark Harmon peel potatoes.)

Julie Fukuda said...

When news came of those storms across the Eastern U.S. I thought our after-quakes were not all that scary after all.(except to the wimpy dog that freaks out in thunder too)

Carol said...

Marlene, I'm so glad you and your hubby are safe from the wild storm! Glad you grabbed everything and headed for safety! Hope your azaleas survived too.

Jacquie Wallace said...

I'm pretty sure it wasn't funny at the time, but I laughed out loud at your post (and read it to Tyler). I was home alone when it started looking scary outside and for a brief moment I thought about my emergency planned and hated that I was in it by myself... I agree that having someone go through the catastrophe with you makes you feel better! So glad you're safe!

Marie Rayner said...

How terribly frightening Marlene!! It would have only been slightly less so with your husband around! But I do agree if you are going to get hit on the head by a tree, it would be only fitting that he was there to share your pain!! Glad you are ok. xxoo

Cindy F said...

So glad that you're safe! Your experience makes me think of the time we spent living in Oklahoma and Alabama. We had to take shelter several times but fortunately for me I was never alone. I fully understand your not wanting to be alone!

Lori said...

I go in the basement to my little bunker area beneath the front porch and take my phone, a flashlight adn the laptop. I've come to find out I'm much calmer suring a storm if I just go down there and have something to do while there. Amazingly enough, my laptop can still get the wireless signal down there so I can watch the storm, email, Facebook whatever. I've never taken my stitching but maybe that should be in place to grab as well. I don't want to be bored either.

Arkansas Patti said...

So glad you are OK. That storm which was supposed to hit my area, stayed south and got you. So far we have dodged both recent bullets.
It is odd what we chose to take to our hidy holes. For some reason, my purse,kindle and camera are my choices.

Jody Blue said...

Storms can be awesome scary, you want to watch and run for cover at the same time. I'm glad you weathered the storm, you are brave to have done it alone. Most everyone has a basement around here, and we have only felt the need to head down once in the 20 years we have lived here.

Carrie P. said...

that is funny what you decided to take in the bathroom. I am so glad you are alright and praise God for his protection.

Val said...

You had me on the edge of my seat on this one....then as I was about to be so scared for gave me such a laugh!!! I am so glad that you were not hurt. Thank the Lord.

Cindy said...

Storms are what I dread this time of year. We get tornadoes too. A lot of people grab their bibles when they head for the basement but I grab my camera and makeup bag. If everything else blows away I want to be able to take pictures and look good in case a news crew shows up. lol

Quilt n Queen said...

OMG glad you are OK and hubby too. The title did get my attention ... I'm with you....I too would have grabbed my stitching and a flashlight... but not the remote. I've spent many a night in the basement....DO NOT like storms at all.... and I just can't sleep when it is windy...stay safe and have a wonderful Easter!!

Grammy Staffy said...

I am so thankful that you are all right and that no tree hit you or dear hubby on the head.

Thank you for your continued support. You are an answer to my prayers. Hugs, Lura

Teresa said...

Glad you are ok. We got that storm here in SC too and it was a mean one.

OK..I know why you grabbed the remote. If your husband is like my husband, that is the first thing he would look for - security in knowing you will be found!

Purple Pam said...

What an awesome phenomenon to experience. So glad you and hubby are okay. I agree with Teresa, at least hubby would have found you (with the remote).

FabricFascination said...

I've been so busy that I haven't had time to keep up with my usual favorite blogs. So glad to hear that you weathered the storm, and with humor too. I loved the part about taking your stitching into the bathroom with you so you wouldn't be bored. I had to your post out loud to my husband, because he asked what I was laughing at.