Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Storm warning in ARKANSAS, near us...

Hello, via Madame Samm..

I asked her to write this for me as we are without power,...we have a generator for our freezer, so
we can keep things frozen for now...The weather here has been terrible, trees down, building ripped
by tornadoes and hail storms. I have a gas stove, so I can cook, so we are doing ok under the conditions..
We likely won't have power till Friday...

Please pray we do not have any more damage.

I will miss you all till I return..
Love Marlene.

here is a link to a video not far from us...

more videos


  1. My uncle and cousin live in Hot Springs, and my dad is in Malvern. I need to check on them. Thanks for the update, glad you are doing well.

  2. I am praying for you~and all those affected by these storms! How aweful to lose electricity~ I also watched the video.

  3. I had wondered how close you were to the storms last night by Hot Springs - so glad to hear you are ok - we can do without power can't we.

  4. Praying for your safety and that of everyone else around you!!

  5. I wondered about you and a few others down that way and praying you fared alright. That's a lot of days without power. Praying for your safety.

  6. Oh!! Marlene...I'm thinking of you! I will be praying for you...your safety and that you will be back to having comforts again sooon!


  7. Oh Marlene, prayers and thoughts coming your way and for the other families.

  8. thank you ever so much for the update ... I've been worried and prayin' .... take care! God bless :)

  9. Oh my dear sweet friend, stay safe!! I fear the very same weather is heading in our direction tonight and into tomorrow. Schools are already preparing to release students early tomorrow. I'm just very grateful God has kept you both safe. A little like camping..eh???
    Prayers and thoughts of you

  10. Oh Marlene!! I'm so glad you are safe. Take care - there's more coming tonight!

  11. Marlene, I'm so glad you sent a message that you're safe. Continued prayers for all who are in storms' paths!

  12. Why do they call it "Mother Nature"? No mother would ever do anything that scary. I thought of you when news reached Japan. It looks like a whole series of storms working their way east and even to some areas that don't usually get that kind of weather so are probably not as well prepared. Take care. You are in our prayers.

  13. You've got my prayers! Take care and be safe, Terri in BC

  14. Hang in there!! I will be thinking of you!!

  15. Stay safe and rest in His assurance of a brighter day. Wild weather can be so scary.

  16. Dear Marlene,
    I am so sorry to hear of the devastation all around you. Thank goodness your home was spared. I am so sorry for those who were not so fortunate. My prayers are with you.
    I will miss you very much while you are without Internet service. You mean a lot to me. I will be wishing you well.
    Take care sweet friend. Hugs, Lura

  17. Arkansas has been in the news. Praying for you each time I hear it!

  18. I hope you are all OK!! Keepin you in prayer!!

  19. Praying for your safety. It's been a volitile spring. We drove through some of the devastation here in NC this weekend. Frightening. Be careful!

  20. It's been a rough week! Glad you are OK, even if without electricity. Hang in there.
