Thursday, June 30, 2011

All Creatures

This is the mission where I work in the summer.  UMCOR Sager Brown is a little town in south Louisiana - a typical southern small town that looks like this in the historic district:
Like most places in the south there can be great beauty.
This is my office at the mission where I greet our volunteers, type their name tags, answer the phone and generally see to their needs in the dorm.
The residence hall is right on the beautiful Bayou Teche - such a wonderful place to spend the summers!
Our volunteers do lots of wonderful work putting together health kits, school kits, baby layettes, cleaning buckets, birthing kits and sewing kits that are shipped all over the world to places in crisis.  They also go out into the local community and build wheelchair ramps and paint houses.  This is our goal and our mission and our motto - painted on the wall of the depot.
We not only try to nurture people but also all of God's creatures.
Well maybe not all.  I'd just as soon this one went on his merry way and didn't hang around out there by our gazebo!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow - great tour. Thanks for showing us around. You can keep that large creature!

  3. what a wonderful blessing you and your husband have been to many!! I agree about the alligator!!

  4. It is so great that you have a heart for missions.
    Yes, don't help the alligator to

  5. What a generous gift you make of yourself! It's wonderful what you and others are doing. I have to nod my head as I read what you're doing... as a Methodist. I'm taking a summer study on Martin Luther that's not only about the man, but the Reformation, and the influence of Calvinism. Methodists have been mentioned frequently, in very good ways. I'm glad to know how you express your faithfulness, Marlene. You're a beautiful example to us all.

  6. What wonderful things you are doing for other.....

  7. How wonderful that you can be blessed by your surroundings while blessing others!

  8. I like the polka dot purse and candle mat. Now the hersey's kisses - who can resist them. Get the kid that have the cordial cherry, and I am a gonner.

  9. Very nice surroundings, except for the 'gater. You all are doing good work at UMCOR. Blessings!

  10. Thank you for everything you're doing this summer and did last summer showing God's love to others. Way to be Jesus with skin on! Blessings to you!

  11. What a wonderful cause. I know that you and all of those who serve will be blessed from blessing others. And your light surely is shining!

    Thank you for your call today. Right while I was posting about tender mercies.... you were another example of one. Thank you for caring about me and praying for me. I need it and appreciate it. May God continue to bless and keep you. Hugs, Lura

  12. You are such a blessing to so many...but I think I have told you that before. You are an inspiration. God bless you!

  13. Loved that tour. Blessings, friend.

  14. I was curious so thanks for the tour. You really spend your summers wisely.
    As for the gator, one reason I chose northern Arkansas was so that I didn't have to kayak with them.

  15. Okay, dear heart ... thank you for the tour ... but where's the true center of town? You know? your quilt shop???? :) :) LOL Love you and so glad you shared where you're spending your summer so I can put pictures in my head!

  16. Looks like a lovely place. All but that last creature.

  17. Oh what a beautiful place! Thank you for sharing you and the pictures.

  18. Oh, good grief...I'd want him to go along his way too!!

  19. UMCOR is #1 in my book! I never hesitate to donate! To know that 100% of our donation goes to help others - is wonderful!
