Monday, July 25, 2011

This Is So Exciting!

Stash Manicure

Hello friends and followers!  I would love to welcome you
to a Wantobe Quilters Campaign over at Stash Manicure (
 They will be giving away quilting supplies 5 times a week for 12 weeks!  That's right, 12 weeks! 
These supplies will have you quilting
before you know it...everything from sewing machines to irons, to die cutters,
to mats, to rotary cutters, sewing baskets, scissors, batting, needles,
rolled sewing machine bags, patterns, books, magazines...everything
you could imagine to assist you in being a NEW Quilter. 
Even if you are already part of this community you can win
quilting stuff too...Tuesday and Thursday are days for us..
All you have to do is give me your name and phone number 
and email sew I can submit this to the organizer, because if you win
anything I can win something to!  (And I love winning!!) 
All you have to do is be my follower and a follower
That is all! There are over 49 Sponsors involved.
I am pretty excited to be part of this, sew should you.
I love being a QUILTER! 

( p.s you will not be eligible to win anything if you do not register
with a blogger where you see this message)

Ya'll please, please tell your friends, tell your sister, tell your neighbors....send them here to my blog, show them how to become a follower, and then have them send me their info (name, e-mail, telephone).  I'll e-mail them with a few more instructions and reminders along the way.  We all love winning and I did the math, if they are giving things away 5 days a week for 12 weeks that's like a million chances.  Well, that might be an exaggeration.  :)  It's more like 60 chances but that's a lot!  Join the WantToBe A Quilter campaign - you know you want to.  :)


  1. You already know I am your loyal follower. (I learned from my dog how to follow) If it is any help to you, I have also joined the followers on that site but it looks like it is pretty well geared to machine piecers. Maybe overseas quilters are not qualified and my phone number wouldn't be much use in the states.

  2. How fun! I can't wait to see what kind of fun stuff will be shown!!!

  3. This will be fun! my daughter wants to learn quilting. I follow your blog and SM. Will send you my info! thanks!

  4. OH, Marlene,
    I signed up with someone else this morning. Can I sign up with you too? Sorry!

  5. I do I do. I read your blogs whenever you post. I am crotcheting a rug out of worn out T shirts. Its turning out very pretty.
