Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

I don't usually make it until midnight and it's looking as if I won't tonight either.  It's not yet 8:00 here and already I'm yawning!  Oh well, it will still be 2012 at 6:00 a.m. when I normally wake up so I'll celebrate then with a glass of orange juice.  :)  

I've made no resolutions for the new year.  I haven't chosen a word to focus on either.  But I've lifted up a prayer to my Heavenly Father asking for His blessing in whatever way He thinks is best for me, for increased faith and a greater openness to His path.  When I count the blessings of 2011 they almost overwhelm me.  We are healthy, we have wonderful children and grandchildren and a warm home with plenty to eat and clean water to drink.  We have close family members and friends we love.  We live in a country that allows us to worship in any way we choose and a church home where other members have become our second family.  I can see and hear and walk. We live in a beautiful area where we see God's handiwork every day.  I have a sewing room and I could make quilts for all of 2012 without every buying fabric!  I've always told my husband I will be happy as long as I'm not hot, cold, broke or stranded.  I'm happy!  I can't think of one thing that I need that God has not provided.  I'm not rich, I don't live in a big house and I don't have a job with power or prestige.  Heavens, I don't even have a job...and I'm very happy about that!  :)  Those things aren't important...and I am thankful for that as well.   My prayer for you, my blog friends, is that you will have the most joy filled year ever and that you will be given the strength you need in hard times by the grace of our Lord, and that you will love others and will be loved in return.  Happy New Year! 

 Blessings, Marlene


  1. Hi Marlene,
    I have enjoyed reading your blog ...especialy your list of blessings, your potatoe soup and much more. I remember you lifting up a prayer for me this last year. Thank you. You are a blessing to many.
    Happy New Year.

  2. You have written a beautiful wish. All I can say is "amen." Happy 2012 to you, too, and I pray for the best for all.

  3. Happy New year girl friend, and I do hope we meet in person in 2012.
    I won't be staying up til the fireworks go off either. Took down the tree, washed windows, helped hubby clean his jeep and some how I still found energy to make dinner!
    Blessing for 2012!

  4. Ah! Beautiful post!
    I love that you are so grateful.

    Happy and Blessed New Year to you!
    I'm so lucky I popped over here and found you!

  5. The older I get the more I realize the less I need. Just my family, our health and a hope for peace. I enjoy your blog very much and your beautiful wish. So I will add my AMEN to the others and wish you and your family a blessing for the new year.

  6. Wishing you the most blessed of New Years filled with all you need, some of what you want and peace through it all. Thank you for being my friend.

  7. Great post..I agree with you..may the Lord bless you and keep you! happy New Year!

  8. Thank you, and more blessings are wished towards you. You are my friend, and you make me smile. Happy New Year!

  9. Oh, so well said, Marlene! Your words of thankfulness are a blessing to me. Wishing you a year filled with joy and grace,


  10. Marlene, You are an eloquent writer. I love your blog entries, just the way you word them! I totally agree with your wish for 2012. Peace go with you and your family!

    Happy New Year!!

    Carol (NJ)

  11. Blessings to you and your family for 2012. I second your post with a great big AMEN! Happy New Year!

  12. WOW, No one could have said it any better. A toast to you ( with orange juice of course )

    Happy New year to you !

  13. Happy New Year!

    May 2012 be the best year ever.

  14. Amen and amen, Marlene ... I like the way you're going about it! I didn't make it to midnight, either. I like it that way! Happy 2012!!! :)

  15. Here's to another Happy and Blessed year!!!

  16. Happy New Year to you and your family Marlene! Great post and so true.

  17. Marlene!!! Happy New Year Blessings and Joy to you and yours my friend!
    Peace and Blessings
    Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

  18. You definitely have what life should be about... a grateful heart. I can only hope to have such a great approach and attitude. Bless you for knowing what's important and Who to thank for it. You are a great inspiration to all of us who follow and read your blog. Have a wonderful 2012.

  19. A timely reminder to me to be thankful considering that yesterday I allowed myself to worry about some of my "don't haves". May God's favor, joy, and love rest upon your household this year, and may the work of your hands be a beautiful blessing to others! I sure enjoy seeing your handiwork.


  20. I love your post...

