Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm Pretty Sure...

I'm pretty sure that I just made the best Potato Soup I've ever made.  Have I told ya'll lately that I'm a terrible cook?  Truth.  But this stuff is good.  Really.

First I put some butter (the real stuff) and some bacon grease in a pot.  No bacon - I don't like bacon in my potato soup.  I just like grease.  I can't believe I said that - don't anybody e-mail about that because I know those two things are terrible and awful and probably were the true cause of WW II or will lead to an invasion of aliens or something.  I don't care.  Well, maybe I care because I don't want to be eaten by an alien but I'm still gonna' use butter and bacon grease because I'm from the south and it's genetic.  Then I sauteed some onions and celery and carrots for a few minutes in that brease.  That's my new word for butter and grease.

I added some potatoes that were beginning to get crinkled I'd had them so long and two cans of chicken broth.  One of them was fat free if that makes you feel any better.  I have  no idea how that got in my pantry. Then I added a little leftover Almond Milk that I had.  A friend told me it was good to drink and good for you but I bought the wrong brand I guess because it wasn't.  I've been sneaking it in things I cook so my husband won't know it.  And I mixed up some dry milk because I'm trying to save a little money and added some of that.  When the vegetables were done I added about 4 oz of cream cheese because I had it leftover and it needed to be used and about 8 oz of Velveeta.

Potato soup is comfort food.  Potato soup is good.  My potato soup today is the best ever.  I win.  :)

Edit:  Oops.  Forgot to tell you I added some potato flakes to thicken it before I put in the cheeses.  That's all.  Unless I forgot something else.


  1. Any homemade soup is comfort food. And if you truly enjoyed it, yes, you are a winner.

  2. Girl, I won't say a word about that grease and butter. What about all that CHEESE??
    Sounds yummy, I love potato soup, in recent years I've learned to make it with chicken broth, because the picky blacksmith doesn't like milk. Or so he thinks!

  3. Sounds a lot like mine! I bake my potatoes first and after they are cool I peel them and mash them into the brease (love your new word!!!), onion, and celery. Anyway, mash the baked potatoes in and add chicken broth and heavy cream, salt and pepper to taste. I do add some chives for a little extra flavor and color. We add the cheese and bacon individually because not all of us like cheese at my house. I am from the south, and I use butter and bacon grease also. I have one of those little tin grease catchers sitting on my counter by the stove and I quit apologizing for it a long time ago. You will not find that nasty old margarine in my house. Yuck.

  4. Oh, potatoe soup is my favorite food ever BUT I use bacon and NO cheese. I don't do cheese of any kind nana, none and I would never put carrots in mine. Isn't it funny how different people make the same thing different. Love it.I use butter in mine too. I thicken it the same too. Maybe thats for lunch today.
    Oh and I do wear high heels, higher the better any chance I get. I know there will come a day when I won't be able to to but love my high heeled shoes and boots.

  5. It sounds wonderful! No apologies needed...sounds like the way I cook. Learned it from my Mom and Dad. Since Mom is nearly 80, Dad and Grandpa each lived to age 84, I don't think they were harmed much by cooking in butter and/or bacon grease!

  6. Ahhh, nothing like a delish potato soup, my favorite!! Bring it on!

  7. Yum! I like your recipes. They remind me of mine. Measuring is so overrated!

  8. I love Potato Soup! Brease is always good, I use it almost daily!
    I do use the potato flakes to thicken sometimes also but rather make a rue. Yummy Yummy for our Tummy! Sometimes I add a little smoked paprika or cayenne for some zip! Happy souping! Hugs~

  9. Love the "throw in" recipe...I use grated carrots, peas, potatoes, cheese, potato flakes, and a variety of other veggies every once in awhile....I also use the flakes when reheating it..usually most of the potatoes are eaten by that time..

  10. I loved this post and yes, it has to be genetic. The one thing I know for sure is that my realatives did not die from eating bacon and butter. We know how to use our ingredients for the best possible taste. Thanks for this recipe. Judy C in NC

  11. I must lead a very sheltered life because I have never had Potato Soup...but I do like potatoes and I bet I would love it!

  12. Mmm, Marlene, you are making my mouth water and I just finished supper! Lol You add things to your tater soup that I don’t, but I bet it tastes wonderful! What other great recipes do you have in your collection that you might share???

    Carol (NJ)

  13. Oh mercy!
    That sounds divine!
    I'm a bacon grease lover too. I think that makes everything taste better.

    Isn't bacon one of the food groups?

  14. This sounds like a perfect dish for a cold December day. I will have to try it.

  15. Mmmm, yes, it is genetic here in the southland, and it is also healthy - all of our relatives lived long and healthy lives with just those wonderful ingredients (and more that would have the doctors gasping in dismay)! LOL Love your post today!

  16. I LOVE potato soup and that recipe sounds delicious!

  17. Yes ma'am, brease is definitely a staple in our Suthun kitchens. :0) Your potato soup sounds yummy and your post cracked me up! LOL I can feel my arteries clogging, but then that's a daily thing in our household.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! I look forward to many more posts in the new year. Hugs to you!

  18. LOL!! Well of course that was good - brease and creamy cheese make anything taste good!!! I betetr make some quick before I start my "I need a mother of the bride dress diet".

    Have a blessed Christmas Marlene!! hugs!!

  19. Your recipe for potato soup sounds delicious. Have you ever used fatback instead of bacon? A southern gal got me to using it.
    Have a blessed Christmas, Pam

  20. My mother kept a Crisco can just for her bacon grease drippings. She cooked with that grease almost every day and I must say her food was the best I've ever eaten. I inherited her genetic penchant for bacon grease so I won't be throwing any stones anytime soon.
    I must say your potato soup sounds like everything but the kitchen sink potato soup...but hey, whatever works. I love potato soup but THAT is NOT my recipe. LOL!!! Could you repeat that concoction if you had to???
    Gmama jane
    P.s I love your new word..BREASE!! The Heart Association Police will be stopping by any day now.

  21. My mother kept a Crisco can just for her bacon grease drippings. She cooked with that grease almost every day and I must say her food was the best I've ever eaten. I inherited her genetic penchant for bacon grease so I won't be throwing any stones anytime soon.
    I must say your potato soup sounds like everything but the kitchen sink potato soup...but hey, whatever works. I love potato soup but THAT is NOT my recipe. LOL!!! Could you repeat that concoction if you had to???
    Gmama jane
    P.s I love your new word..BREASE!! The Heart Association Police will be stopping by any day now.
