Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Christmas Already?

I remember when I was a child and hearing my parents and grandparents talk about how quickly time passed.  I didn't understand that at all because it seemed to me that summer lasted forever and then it took forever and a day for Christmas to arrive.  But these days it has become quite clear to me that they knew what they were talking about.  Christmas was just last month, wasn't it?

I'm slower than I used to be, and not as strong as I once was, but I love Christmas as much as ever I did.  I've narrowed down my decorating choices to things I love, with the emphasis on the memories they involve. Many, if not most, are things I've made, or the children gave me.  I've asked everyone I know for some fresh pine and by the weekend I should have some to put here and there but for now I've brought out a one or two favorites for my own pleasure.

I've made a "few" Christmas quilts, or table runners, or pillows, or candle mats, or...fill in the blank.  This "Santa is a Star" has a fussy cut picture of Santa in the middle and looks wonderful on my burlap table cloth.

Winter Wonderland lives on my bed each year from Thanksgiving until February - after all January means snow, right?
 And there are a couple of wall hangings that are perfect above the two patio doors in my sunroom.  One is Santa flying across the sky and the other...
 is a terrible picture but is an embroidery piece of all the reindeer and their names.

I'm very sad because right now we can't find the Christmas tree skirt my mother made me about 30 years ago.  I'm sure it's there somewhere - in the decorations I didn't use this year - but it's hiding from me at the moment.  :(  And one box of my Christmas tree decorations got wet somehow so I've lost a few.  Memories.... even though the ornaments are gone they're still in my heart.  There was a time when I was broken hearted when something got broken or lost but not so much any more because I've kept them all right here inside where they mean the most.  It was a hard lesson learned but a good one.  It's not the things that matter - it's the love you feel and the memory that thing invokes that you want to hold on to.

This poor "Santa's Wild Goose Chase" has a wrinkle down the middle.  :(  Hmmm, guess he's getting the same wrinkles I am!

 This table runner is one of my favorites - can't remember the pattern at all, but it works like it is now without the leaf in the table, and even when the table is at it's longest.
 A little blurry I suppose (to my wonderful photographer friends I promise I'm going to try to take a class next semester!) but this wool Santa candle mat was a joy to make.
 And because Santa looked a bit lonely I made a few snowmen too.  Oh, and yes my coffee table is made of wooden shipping pallets.  We added wheels underneath and glass on the top and I'm totally in love with the whole thing.  It's 40" x 48" and my grandchildren can clear off the top to play games here - such fun!
 This little pillow is a reminder to me of the reason we celebrate.
Of course there are more I haven't shown you and I admit that these on the chair I've not yet found a place for.  Do you think it's time to share with my children?  The not so funny thing about our quilted creations is that sometimes giving them away it like giving away one of our children!  Or is that just me?
 Old friends are brought to mind when I put out other bits of my Merry Christmas letters
 and this small church/candle holder, as well as my dishes (a gift from my children).
 This, however, is a gift to my husband - a little reminder of the season as he builds me a fire!
 At heart I'm still a child, so this little sign peeking down from the top of the china cabinet says it all for me.  How about you?  Do you still believe?


  1. Your stitcheries are gorgeous! I'm especially partial to that redowrk quilt. I too have pared down my decorations. I used to have something in every nook and cranny but I prefer less and special with evergreens as well.

  2. I still believe too that you can never have too many christmas all looks sew festive Marlene.... Keep searching for your mum's skirt surely it is there blessings

  3. I will believe until the day I die. I grieve for those who do not. Thank you for the wonderful journey through your own Christmas land!

  4. Most of our house is packed and stored in the garage until we put it back on the market in the Spring so I dare not go digging very much. I was able to get the "red and white stuff" out for the kitchen, and a few wall hangings I have made - and maybe the mister will put the wreaths in the windows since he knows where they are stored. It will be quiet and reflective for us this year, but we have each other and our world is wonderful. Love all of your decorations - creating memories and remembering is what we are about. I will always be a believer. Judy C

  5. Everything is lovely...I love all of your decorations...the pieces are delightful. I really love the candle mats.....super cute.

  6. Lots of beautiful decorations , your home looks very festive.

  7. Your pieces must be such a thrill to bring out each year. They are each wonderful - especially that gorgeous quilt!

  8. A most wonderful post Marlene! Litely decorated with memories, such a precious blessing. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Oh Marlene. All of your decorations are wonderful, but Winter Wonderland is gorgeous. I know what you mean about the time. I feel like it's just flying by now, and I don't like it.

  10. Yes I still believe! And, yes, sometimes giving quilts away is like giving away a child. lol

    Love looking at Christmas quilts and decor.

  11. Wow, it is like a tour of "House Beautiful"!I like the stand-bys ... well, I have spillers at my house. All my holiday stuff is stored in the hardest-to-get-to-place.One of these days I'll have to fortify myself for the challenge of taking it out. I hope you locate the tree skirt.

  12. They are all gorgeous! I want to come spend December at your house... :D

  13. Your quilting is beautiful. They make your house look so cozy and warm.
    I love them.
    You are incredibly talented.

    I love the bedspread. I would have a hard time putting it away.

  14. Oh thank you so much for sharing your home with us. I am working on Winter Wonderland and can only hope mine turns out half as good as yours. And we also have the same Christmas China!!
    The tree skirt will turn up, as soon as you stop looking for it!!

  15. These are all so beautiful Marlene! We'll leave the blankets of snow outside on the ground though. :-) There is only a dusting of it at the moment. I can't believe how quickly the years go by either!

  16. Wow, Marlene, your house is so inviting! I just love all the handmade things here and there! Thank you for a lovely tour and I surely hope you find your mom’s tree skirt.

    I believe too!

    Carol (NJ)

  17. Marlene, I love all of your Christmas creations! Especially the redwork quilt. It's nice to have decorations that you have made all by yourself. Just lovely! xxoo

  18. What a fun, Christmas-sy, post! Just what I needed to help spark the decorating mode! I am a firm believer that the older I get, the faster time passes. *sigh*! :)

  19. all your decorations are just beautiful.
    Love the quilt and pillow on your bed. I would leave that out all winter long too.
    Love the wool candle mats.

  20. you are so right about the cherished memories being a part of you - not the thing that you attach those memories too. although, i have to admit that there are some things that i bring out this holiday season that make me feel all warm and sentimental.
    enjoy the season! and thank you so much for sharing

  21. every looks great! thanks for sharing

  22. Your decorations look wonderful. I wanted to thank you for that treasure of a comment that you left on Madame's blog. Love the idea of the three gifts. It is so very meaningful. Thank you for sharing it. Christmas is not what it used to be, here, but change is not always bad. Just hope that someday soon the circle will really be whole again.

  23. What lovely projects! I especially like the cuties over the doors - a place for everything.

  24. Lovely decorations you have. Inspiration to decorate my house earlier than normal. Interesting family happenings in the past 3 years has definately changed Christmas. It's different, my decorations spark memories of Christmas when my kids were small. Makes me smile :)

    And YES I still believe!!

  25. Your home is like you,,,warm and inviting. I love all your stitchery and I'm especially partial to that redwork bedspread. Of course your writing is most eloquent and so inspirational. You have some new followers thanks to me. I told a couple of my followers about your blog and they agreed with me that it will quickly become one of their favorites!
    I am having trouble getting my decorations out of storage due to the bum shoulder of the mister. #1 son is working 12 -14 hr days and I can't find a good set of Muscle for hire to help. My 10 yr. old grandson and I are going to give it the old college try on Sunday afternoon. I want my decorations up and you have made me want them up even more after looking at all your wonderful decorations.


  26. I always love to see your handiwork. I wish I had the time to sit down and get some of mine done. That day will come, I'm sure, but in the meantime I'll just enjoy yours!

  27. What wonderful memories tied up so prettily in your decorations. I love the Christmas Tree skirt and the sentiment behind it. Merry Christmas!

  28. Marlene, you have so many wonderful Christmas creations, stitchery and quilts. All with a festive cozy feel to the atmosphere. But I have to say your red and white quilt on your bed is fantabulous to say the least!

  29. WOW!!!!WOW!!! WOW!!! Loved them all!! And yes you do have quite the collection going on there!! You can never have too many Christmas quilts~
