Friday, January 13, 2012


I'm SUPPOSED to be working on UFOs.  But I so wanted something bright and cheerful to put my coupons in.

I had no idea what I was doing, which is quite obvious, and it's a good thing perfect isn't part of my vocabulary or expectations, but this works for me.  :)


  1. I like it! And the fabrics are great. Love the colors.

  2. LOL...don't you just love making something that you need and use all the time?!

    I like your coupon holder.

    Stay warm.

  3. A coupon clutch! I like it -- great idea and very fun colors! (And you'll find no judgement here...I'm supposed to be working on a baby quilt, and you see what I'm doing!) :)

  4. Very good organizing tool, cute little holder!

  5. Your projects make me smile. I want to sew more this year. I had done a lot of sewing before the accident but the only thing I've made since March was the patriotic pillow cases I sent to your friend.
    I can sit ok now... so I have no excuse not to be at my machines... oh...yes I favorite machine is in the machine hospital. Her computer is sick and she will only let me zigzag. Unfortunately she is an old computer gal and they are having a hard time fixing her. I may be out of luck but I am hoping for the best. I have my big embroidery machine but it is set up to embroidery... I need my little gal for regular sewing.
    Have fun with your projects. I'm sending you hugs, Lura

  6. I love that fabric! My coupon organizer is a pink envelope that is being held together with packing tape! I really need to do something about that.

    Yours is very cheerful!

  7. Looks pretty good from here too, Marlene :-))

  8. It's lovely! Who wouldn't want to walk into the supermarket carrying that??? You did a wonderful job.

  9. terrific idea. I was looking for a solution for my coupons. This may be it!

  10. I think you accomplished the birght and cheery! I love the flowery outside!! So ... WIN!!!!

  11. It looks great! A cheery way to save money! Perfect! :)

  12. That is so adorable!!!!! You are incredibly talented. The UFO's will always be there.
    Careful Or you might start getting requests.

  13. Looks great. There is a nice tutorial on MBS for these, and I have made many gifts out of them. :) Enjoy.

  14. How pretty inventive is this..or intuitive or just plain the fabric recognize RB anywhere ..
