Sunday, February 5, 2012


I had every intention of posting much sooner after I arrived here at Sager Brown in south Louisiana.  After all I would have plenty of time - I don't have to cook since I eat in the cafeteria and I just have a small apartment so there's not much to clean which means I have lots of time, right?  Wrong!  The job I'm doing here is a new one to me and there's lots to learn.  My boss said I looked like a deer caught in the headlights.  :)  I don't think it was quite that bad but I surely was tired at the end of the day - so tired that at the end of the first day by 8:00 I was ready for bed!

I must admit I'm terribly confused, or discombobulated as my grandmother would have said.  It's this crazy weather!  I know some of you are having winter, like Denver who had like a million inches of snow this week, but down here it's full blown spring.  Everything's blooming!  Like these beautiful flowers I saw on my walk yesterday:

It was so warm last week that I had to run the air conditioner several days.  I wasn't prepared for that - I brought sweatshirts and sweaters, not tee shirts!  Thank goodness a cold front went through yesterday and the high today is supposed to be 60.  Oops, it was 61 when I got up so I guess the weather guy missed it.  :)

But never fear I didn't let the week pass without doing some sewing.  I keep my embroidery on the couch beside me so I get a few stitches in when I sit down to watch television in the evenings.
And yesterday I got my Featherweight out and started added the sashing to Mother's Nine Patches.
That's not much space to sew on but it certainly works and makes me appreciate my sewing room all the more.

And for those of you who like chocolate covered cherries - you really must try the new Cherry M&Ms.  That just happens to be a bowl of them hiding back there on the back of the table.  Yumm!


  1. Glad you are catching a little stitch time. I checked yesterday - my tulips are just starting to poke their shoots out, but I will leave them covered - hey, it's the NorthEast and you never know.

  2. Welcome to South Louisiana! Don't worry-if you don't like the weather b/c in a few hours it is bound to change. The pecan trees haven't put out buds yet so it is not spring yet. There is more cold weather coming.

  3. Finding time for sewing will bring your mind to rest after the busy days. Hey I still use that word "discombobulated", feeling just a bit jumbled and out of sinc/sorts with the goings on of the day. Hopefully, you'll get the hang of things in no time!

  4. Glad you are fitting SOME sewing in, and sounds like a beautful place to be.

  5. it is a weird "winter" this year - back here in Arkansas the daffodils are blooming - the earliest variety that is - started the 3rd week of January! Love the open rose you show, hope cold weather doesn't dip that far one of these days spoiling all those pretty flowers.

  6. Hi Marlene. I was just thinking of ou yesterday, then I remembered why you had been so quiet. Hope you are having a wonderful time doing the Lord's work.

  7. That is how I felt when we went to Mexico last year! But it is not going to stop me from going back! LOL!! Hope all is getting more 'normal' for you and you are settling in!

  8. It sure looks like spring there ,everything is white here right now. You have been busy stitching ,how nice to have a machine with you and some handwork to sit with in the evenings.

  9. I love Chocolate Covered Cherries...oh my gosh, I will have to get some....

    It is good that you brought you some projects, I am impressed.

  10. Your flowers are wonderful. And, is that a very old sewing machine I see there? I learned to sew on my Mom's old Singer. I only wish I had it today!

  11. Glad you are finding a bit of time to sew. Enjoy the spring like weather - even tho we've had a mild winter, I am ready for spring. Best of luck with your work. - Jeanne

  12. We're having the same crzy weather with all the jonquils and daffodils blooming. We have a huge peach orchard close by that sells commercially and they are very afraid they may lose the entire crop. I must find those cherry M&M's, my friend. Just my kind of snack. And discombobulated is a very common term in my lexicon.
    Hope you are becoming more familiar with the paperwork so you can relax a little and stitch in the evenings.
    Gmama Jane

  13. wow, to be away from home for a month! glad you've got some beautiful blooms and great weather for it.

    thank you for stopping by and commenting on my spot! really appreciate it! God bless you!

  14. Cherry M&Ms? It's almost all I can do to not rush out and find a bag. LOL! The early spring is rather disconcerting! Our daffodils are all a'bloom! :)

  15. I think everyone is having crazy weather, hope you settle in and aren't so tired and....discombobulated :)

  16. Wow! Bless you for doing that!

    I can't believe the beautiful flowers! I would love it here. I'm way too impatient for Spring.

    Love that you just have to be working on a project. You are a sweetie.

  17. So, that's where out spring went!
    Some of those flowers are summer here. Good thing those chocolates are far out of my reach.

  18. Amazing flowers! I can't believe the weather either! Hope you are able to enjoy your new mission and also take good care of yourself!

  19. Good luck with all the work you are doing. I wish you the very best. You are so good to go and help out your friend.
    It has been warm here most of the time too. I want to put a fire in our fireplace but we have been in the 70s and 80s most of the time since Halloween. It was in the 80s for Christmas.... that is too warm for Christmas. However, even though I would like some winter weather, I do enjoy the pretty little blooms like the ones you have there.... but I would gladly wait until spring to enjoy them.

    Good luck.... and have fun sewing. Hugs, Lura

  20. Hi Marlene stopping by to wish you a beautiful day I love your feather weight machine and happy that you are able to find a little sewing time.
    Peace and Blessings
    Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

  21. I thought I'd pop in and say hello! Love your blog. We have virtually no snow, and the weather's been fairly pleasant. Sure is different than last winter! Enjoying your spring flower photos. Nice blog!

  22. Hi Marlene...your flower pictures give me hope that spring will come soon here in the north east! Don't work too hard. Glad you can sew some.


  23. the flowers are soooo pretty. I love, love spring, even it happens in February/ha
    I am afraid we will have snow in March.....

  24. It sounds like an exciting and growing time. I'm just sorry that you mentioned those new M&M's. :O)

  25. It's good to hear from you - but don't worry. Spring is not here yet. How do I know? The kudzu has not waked up yet. LOL It always knows when it's safe to get started.... :)

  26. Did I just read cherry m m 's. and you are busier than you thought lol would not know anything bout that lo
