Saturday, February 25, 2012

Learning New Things

I don't learn new things easily these days.  I think my brain is completely full...can that happen?  I really do want to take better pictures so I've read lots of tutorials, but it just doesn't seem to "take."  Tracy at The Journey posted some great tips today on this post.  I went for a walk this afternoon and tried out a couple and this is what I came up with:

Well I didn't exactly have to take a walk to take that last picture.  :)


  1. Great photos. Especially enjoyed the M&Ms

  2. Beautiful! I like the framing you did with the lattice. I'll be taking a walk over to your place to check out that last photo.

  3. Coolpics! And I know exactly what you mean.

  4. Great pics....the lattice and the window made perfect frames

  5. Great job of zooming, angles, framing, details...! Can you tell I'm married to a photographer? Seriously, these photos are great! The flowers give me spring fever - we had a heavy, wet snowstorm 2 days ago so it is still winter here. ~Jeanne

  6. Very nice, I like the red flower through the lattice work and looking up into the tree.

  7. Beautiful pictures! The flower through the lattice is very clever and I do like that last one. ;o)

  8. It's apparent you're learning! I adore the palm tree photos.

  9. Oh Marlene, this just makes me smile!! I love all the frames! The lattice is beautiful, and it is such a fun teaser--makes me want to run right up and see what else is on the other side. What a bonus to get to see flowers, too. They are gorgeous!

  10. Well, now I know who is hogging the spring. At least you share the photos.

  11. Wonderful photos! The last one especially made me should be printed up as quilting fabric!

  12. Lovely photos Marlene. I especially like the rose in the fence :)

  13. Yes, I agree with the above - great images especially the red and pink M&Ms. ;)

  14. Very, very nice. I'm heading over to read that post myself.

  15. These are all good photos, but the one that got the most immediate reaction from me was the M&M's :O)

  16. Beautiful photography! I think you are doing a great job....especially on that yummy last picture!

  17. These photos are marvelous!Some of them have an element of surprise. Nice job and very interesting, Marlene!

  18. What beautiful pictures! What beautiful weather you must be having!
    The M&Ms make me hungry!

  19. I love them!!! I think the first two are so fun to look at. Repeating patterns fascinate me.

    Uh....M&M's! 'nuff said!

    You should be the one doing the tutorials.

  20. Beautiful pictures.... and I love those cherry M & Ms. Have a great week. God Bless you sweet friend.

  21. You are learning quickly! Thanks for sharing the lovely flowers. Spring is teasing us here...I saw some little purple flowers when I was out by my mom's last week. :-)

    Thank you for sharing the Ash Wednesday prayer. (I haven't been reading blogs all last week, so I'm catching up)

    I have a similar shot of dd and our dog from years ago. Cute!

    Carol (NJ)

  22. Love all of your photos and the red m and m's very are getting to be friends with your lens

  23. Oh, my brain is full too, that is why I can't remember things and forget what I am doing. I understand completely.

  24. Great pictures. I especially liked the first, and the last, ones~ LOL!

  25. I think you took some great photos! Some of those tips must have "taken".

    And is that cherry M&Ms I see? *swoon* I LOVE those and they're so hard to find here! I have one little package that I'm hoarding.
