Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Simple Quilt

I had big plans to sew every night while I was here at the mission but that hasn't happened.  Most days I've just been too tired to do much of anything but scan a few blogs, read a page or two in my current book, and talk to my husband of course.  But last weekend I sat down and put together this simple nine patch quilt top. These are the nine patches Mother and I hand pieced the last few months she was with us so they're very special to me.  I added the sashing and cornerstones.

I've also worked some on a wool piece I've shown you before.  I'm pretty close to finishing the embroidery on this; I've already finished the blanket stitching on the individual pieces.  This table topper is from Primitive Gatherings.

These trees need branches and leaves and there are a couple of fences still to be done.  Then I'll add a bit of grass and flowers and I'll be ready to put the back on it.

I love working with wool...the needle just glides through it like it isn't even there.  The blanket stitch is super simple and the repetitiveness is soothing.  But mostly it's the colors that suck me in - the richness of hand dyed wool is amazing; even wool that comes from recycled clothing has wonderful texture and subtle color changes that make every piece of it different.  Can you tell I'm hooked on wool?


  1. I love your wool work. I really want to do a few things like that. Mainly with felt and made into penny rugs. Is yours felt?

  2. I like your nine patch quilt, and it's especially good to hear it's a special remembrance for you. Sorry to say that I'm not fond of wool, but I absolutely love it that you do, for all the reasons you said. Enjoy it.

  3. A simple quilt with lots of meaning - just wonderful. The wool topper is stunning.

  4. Hi Marlene...Everything you do is remarkable! I love the nine patch using some of your Mother's squares. That will be very special when you are finished. Where will you put it? Also, the wool peice is gorgeous. I really enjoy doing the buttonhole stitch. Very nice.


  5. The quilt is beautiful, Marlene, and so is your wool table topper!

  6. I used to do wool penny rugs years ago and loved the look. great job so far!

  7. There are worse things to be hooked on; yes, wool is yummy! I love simple blocks, your quilt proves to me why I do... it's terrific!

  8. I love treasures from Mom! I treasure the few things I have that my Mom worked on including some red work she finished for a quitl that never got finished! When I get better I want to finish it! When I found it there were hand writted directions how she wanted it done and all the fabric in a bag to do it!! SOme day (when I don't break into tears every time I see it) I WILL get it done!!

  9. Oh Marlene, I love working with wool, too! Your table topper is darling. And if you name your nine-patch quilt, Simple & Sweet seems appropriate ... simple pattern holding sweet, sweet memories! :)

  10. Great projects. I love the specialness of the 9 patch and the way you layed it out with the sashing. I keep wanting to get into the whole wool deal and have never taken the jump. One of these days tho and btw kindred sister, that's one of the kits I was looking at from Primitive Gatherings as well. :)

  11. That nine patch is so colorful and beautiful. So much joy all wrapped up in it! :-)

  12. Your nine patch is lovely and will always bring you such fond memories.

    I LOVE the wool piece!!! What beautiful work too.

  13. I've not worked with wool and am surprised to hear you say the needle glides thru so smoothly. I would have thought otherwise. I may need to give wool a try. I do love the repetiveness of handwork. Pain specialists are finding that knitting and other needlework is good for diminished chronic pain.

  14. Wool is good! It really is nice to work with it.

  15. Oh how lucky you are to have the nine patches you and your Mom made. It will be special forever. I love the wool project you are working on, you do beautiful work.

  16. The nine patch is lovely. I like simple quilts. Your wool work is really breathtaking.

  17. I love your nine patch.I see lovely pieces made with felted wool and think they would be fun to make but then I remind myself that I live in moth heaven.

  18. Your wool work is wonderful, but I really LOVE the nine patch quilt. Having blocks you and your mother made are very special. I have seven hand pieced blocks my mother made. It is always in my mind how can sew them together.
