Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Seriously? Because We're Out Of Suet?

I'm a novice at uploading videos but if the picture doesn't show up click on the arrow on the left.  Wish I could get sound on there - it sounds like a hammer hitting the glass!


  1. Wow - talk about up close and personal. Ya think he's a little upset with you? LOL!

  2. Great capture. We have a few that just hammer on things for the fun of it, I think.

  3. OH MY goodness!! That is loud!!! What a peristent fellow!!


    PS loved hearing your accent! :-)

  4. Get that poor thing some suet. lol

  5. Yikes! Is that a Piliated Woodpecker? They're HUGE! The other day a Sandhill CRANE was pounding on our window! They're HUGE, too! Crazy birds! and Naughty, too! Thanks for sharing!

  6. OMG...that pecker is huge and crazzzy. Happy Tuesday Marlene...:o)

  7. LOL, time to get some Suet, huh? Too Funny!!

  8. That's a wake up call Did he have suction cups on?

  9. Well, get that bird some suet. lol
    that is so funny.

  10. Good Morning Sweetie...
    OMG, is that guy ever mad at you. He is knocking, knocking, knocking. I have never seen one do that before. I guess in the future you had better have some back up just in case.

    This is so darn cute. LOUD, I imagine it scared you at first, it sure would have me. He is one BIG woodpecker.

    Hopefully you have a quiet afternoon sweet friend. Thank you for the absolutely delightful share this morning. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  11. Guess I know what's on YOUR to-do list today!

  12. LOL! I can hear him hitting the glass.

    I know two other very demanding birds. They live inside my house. If I am late with dinner, my parrot asks, "Got somethin' to eat?"

  13. Is it a woody wood pecker ???Sorry cant see my screen too well today ! He wants in or e is really confused and thinks your a tree LOL

  14. I have also gotten attacked but it was the cardinals.I had forgotten to refill the feeder.One spring a cardinal pecked at the window so I went out to check feeder, he had bought his babies, as if to say"Now I have 3 mouths to feed". Too Cute

  15. OMG I better check my suet quick!
    He certainly won't be ignored!

  16. This looks like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." It is funny in a way, but I would have been afraid to walk outside! Do woodpeckers flog like chickens?

  17. That is slightly creepy.
    Maybe you need a cat.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. What a bossy little fella!! Roger could hear that bird knocking on your screen from my computer across the room to his recliner!! he was quite impressed and it reminded us both of a turkey that used to come to my mama's door and knock for her to come feed him!! It was hilarious to see her feeding that turkey a handful of cat food every day about lunch time. I had no problem with your video...good job. I loved hearing your voice!
    Gmama Jane

  20. That is amazing! We have those big "peckerwoods" here, too! LOL

  21. Whoa! I think he's hungry!!! ♥♥♥

  22. I don't normally look at videos but I couldn't resist this one! I even had Builder Bob come over and listen to that very angry bird!!

  23. I hope your screen survived! That is so cute - obviously he wants dinner :)
