Sunday, March 11, 2012

There's Something Very Wrong

with the fact that I have 10 1/2 tops waiting to be quilted.  Is this a sickness?



  1. You just enjoy the creation, not the completion. It will come and they will be beautiful.

  2. you made me feel a little better with your post - I have 2 large tops waiting in line to be quilted and 2 small ones - I have 1 big one on the frame in the process and one smaller one in the hoop being quilting - so much better than 11!

  3. I totally understand you. I've got three waiting. One is even basted. I only have a domestic sewing machine and it's so hard to get those quilts under the narrow throat that I keep postponing the quilting.

  4. Good Morning Sweetie...
    I would say you are going to be a very busy, busy gal. For sometime in fact. I love seeing all the quilt tops, the colors and textures are just beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing sweetie. Have a glorious Sunday. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  5. Thank you! I feel much better knowing there is another person out there just like me! :)

  6. Oh please finish the 1/2! That would bug me. I know I can't quilt a large quilt, so I just keep making lap quilts and wall hangings. Nothing beats finishing the bindings, but ya gotta quilt 'em first!

  7. See, you are not alone. I am not inventory listing this year - done that whole UFO listing thing for a few years. Now enjoying the NewFo. The tops are packed nicely in their own tote - with backings and batt and bindings. Once in a while I will pull one to finish, but mostly they are too large and need a longarmer.

  8. You are so funny!! I guess you need to join Quilters Anonymous!!! I love it!

  9. If it is...I share the same affliction!!!

  10. Oh, yes, there must be something terribly wrong! Stitchin' all the Time Disorder? Gotta Have More Fabric Disorder? Hmmmm?

    Well, hey, you certainly aren't boring! Mom always said only boring people get bored and you have been very busy!

    Sunday hugs from a woman who has a room full of yarn and more knitting needles and crochet hooks than her hands can ever hold.... No, there is nothing wrong with me, either!


  11. Maybe that is why I don't count mine!

    Blessings to you from a rain Sunday in Missouri!

  12. That's not a sickness, that is productivity!!! I'm not sure how many tops I have waiting - ignorance is bliss - LOL!

  13. LOL! Just consider what great savings for a rainy day you've got set aside! LOL! Just like I regard my stash as my fabric 'retirement fund'! :)

  14. Yes it is. Let me know if you discover a cure!

  15. It means you need 3 more to add to the pile before you can put them in your hope chest, as it use to be done..You had to have 13 unquilted tops in your hope chest..Its ok if you been married a while..:0)

  16. Its the journey, not the destination ... and I don't think you can count the half one.

  17. LOL Marlene, if it's a sickness...I have it BAD. I have twice as many as you do :D

  18. Goodness, how old is the oldest quilt top? You are quite the quilter!! I have several myself but you take the prize! I'd love to see us!!
    Gmama Jane

  19. Not at all! It's a sign of a very creative and busy person!

  20. I inherited some quilts from my grandmother and hubby's grandmother, including a couple of unfinished quilt tops. I'm not sure they will ever be finished.

  21. If it is, I have it too! I don't want to count...but I probably have close to that many!

  22. Thank you for your visit Marlene....I am answering you here because I'm on the laptop. It's not set up with my mail;

    I appreciate your comment on my Summer Sampler.

  23. I visited with a sweet quilter at Pinwheel recently who told me that she enjoyed making quilt tops more than the chore of getting her projects quilted. She said that all of her tops were neatly folded and stored in pizza boxes that she stacked up one atop the other under her bed. She chuckled when she thought about her two daughters discovering her hoard after she passes away. :-)

  24. are you saying these are quilt tops...that need to be quilted?? oh my Marlene...I have not been quilting long enough to have even made that many, albeit, I am a one project at a time don't think it's catching do you lol

  25. No! you are not sick. You are what some quilters would call a "Topper"

  26. Oh honey, you can do that with one hand tied behind your back!
    They look like they are beautiful and colorful. I'm anxious to see them!

  27. Funny! I actually had 24 the first of this year in the closet that needed to be quilted!!! A good friend took pity sake on me and offered to let me learn how to use her long-arm, and I've now moved 5 out of the closet and gotten them quilted! So enjoying putting the binding on those lovely finished quilts! =^..^=
