Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Little Ramdomness

I made strawberry preserves today.

Gorgeous, aren't they!  And they smelled so good cooking - sweet and tangy at the same time.  I followed the Ball Preserving Book recipe exactly but I'm not sure the preserves are going to "jell" enough.  They haven't yet so I'm a little worried.  I haven't made jelly in a couple of years and it seems to me that the last time I made blackberry jelly it didn't jell very good either.  I bought a whole flat of these berries - they were some of the best I've had in a long time.  I didn't keep them all but took some to friends.  These jars are from 2 quarts and I also put 2 quarts in the freezer.

About six weeks ago I read that if you cut the bottom of Romaine lettuce when you were making your salad, then planted it, you would grow more lettuce.  So I tried it.

It grew, and grew, and grew.  Today I "harvested"!  Alas, it was bitter and not tasty at all.  What causes that?  I bought some plants that are growing nicely in my little garden so I sure hope they're better than these.

Several years ago my mother's best friend gave me some of her peonies.  She would be about 90 now if she were still living.  These peonies were her mother's and maybe her grandmother's before her so I have no idea just how long they've been passed around.  Aren't they beautiful?

I love flowers that have been shared by our mothers and grandmothers and neighbors and friends.  The connection between women that this sharing highlights is awe inspiring to me.


  1. Good Morning Marlene...ok, you have me at anything strawberry..mmmmmmm and the lettuce...yes it would be bitter, as it is the second bloom per say....yes it grows but it would be like an old crop....tried that in the past same result...the peonies bush ..love it..

  2. I'll bet the romaine grew too much/ha
    That's probably why it was bitter.
    I have to try that. I have celery growing from the same method but with these cool nights it isn't growing very fast.

    Your jelly looks delicious.

    Wish I had some peonies....so pretty.

  3. Oh, strawberry jam. There is just nothing like home made, too. Our peonies are just about to bloom here. I am hoping they bloom between rain storms so I can get pictures before rain pulls them to the ground.

  4. Jelled or not, your preserves are making me hungry! I love peonies, too. We are planning to dig up the ones at my grandma's house - they've been there about 45 years.

  5. Love that photo of the jam! The sharing of plants is a beautiful thing. I have some purple irises that a dear friend shared. They originated with her mother, who died near the time that mine did. My mom's favorite flowers were also purple irises. There is much more story to gardening than I realized at first!

  6. I love Peonies and was very sad when my dogs trampled the one I stole from my Mother's yard :( she had taken (many) from her Mother and transplanted them when they moved into their last house! I think need to 'steal' another! LOL

  7. Those strawberry jars make me hungry! You could always use it for ice cream sauce if it doesn't jell...done that a few times myself and it's tasty that way!! Your peonies are making me anxious for mine to bloom but it's still a bit cold here for that...all the flowers are coming early this year with the weather what it's been. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful pictures.

  8. Mmmmm...love the jam. I make lots of jams and grape jelly, too. If it doesn't jell enough, I put a decorative tag on it (if I'm giving it away) that says to gently microwave and use as pancake syrup! My friends and relatives love it!

  9. I DO love fresh strawberry jam!

    Peonies are always so beautiful. I wish they grew here. :(

  10. I hadn't heard that about romaine lettuce.
    If your preserves don't set up you will have yummy syrup. I have had that happen and I think it won't set up, but then after a few days of complete cooling it has.

    I love to see canning projects and garden efforts. LOVE it.

  11. I have some flowers from my mother's gardens and they are my favorite. =)

  12. I wonder if you should have been snipping the lettuce all along. I know I have grown lettuce before and it was bitter just to find out that I let it grow too much. Love the peonies too. And your jam looks wonderful!!! Makes my mouth water.

  13. The peonies are beautiful!
    Your strawberry preserves look delicious!

  14. The jam jars sure caught my eye! Yum

  15. p/s gentle reminder you are on tomorrow please post at midnight your time ...see you x

  16. Yummy! I can smell them from here! It is strawberry time here as well. I live 5 min. away from a huge commercial strawberry farm. You can pick your own and pay $11 gallon instead of $13 gallon already picked (that is MY choice unless I'm taking grandpeeps). We had strawberry shortcake for Sunday Night Dinner and it was so good. However, the 1st 2 weeks of harvest aren't the sweetest berries but wait about one more week and they will be bigger and sweeter. BTW, it's all about the ratio of fruit to sugar as to the jell thingy. Usually if you mash up the berries and measure you end up using more fruit which causes it to not jell.
    I'm anxious to see your table topper. My stuff is more sentimental than artsy!
    Gmama Jane

  17. I don't have any plantings from relatives, but did stop at a yard sale a couple of years ago just as the lady was "closing up shop". She had a few cuttings that were passed over by others, so she gave them to me. Only two of them took, and though I don't know the name of one, it has spread beautifully. It has flame colored flowers and I think of that generous lady every time I see them.

  18. I don't have any plantings from relatives, but did stop at a yard sale a couple of years ago just as the lady was "closing up shop". She had a few cuttings that were passed over by others, so she gave them to me. Only two of them took, and though I don't know the name of one, it has spread beautifully. It has flame colored flowers and I think of that generous lady every time I see them.

  19. ...on the lettuce - you have to snip it before it "bolts" meaning the stalk suddenly grows upward... after that, it's always bitter. Pinch a leaf from lots of little plants.... can't get a salad from just one!

    now I have to go have some strawberry jam on toast - your pics made me hungry!
