Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall Stititchin'

This was a birthday gift for my friend Connie.  The vine is hand applique, the pumpkin strings are hand embroidery, the leaves and pumpkins are machine applique, and the quilting is free motion.  I didn't have a pattern but I did use templates I found in a book for the pumpkins.  When I finished it I liked it so much I didn't want to give it away.  :)  And if I didn't love my friend so much I might not have!

Looking for Wicked?  Here's today's schedule:

Wednesday, October 24th


  1. I'm sure your friend will treasure both your gift and your friendship.

  2. That is gorgeous! Love the photos, especially the one with the mum. Perfect celebration of the beauty of fall--and friendship!

  3. this is gorgeous Marlene.....lovely photos..

  4. what a nice friend you are. very pretty!
